[R e i n h a r d t ◦ E r e t e t h ◦ B o r e a l i s] 
☀ 。 ' I Don't Think That They'd Understand' 。 ☀
|| You Know My Name, So Look Up My Number||
[ Reinhardt Ereteth Borealis ]
|| Till One Day They Call Your Name ||
[ They call me things like Rein, Hardt, and Erett.
Phantom Existance A piece of the remnants that were left behind. A long forgotten existence, even lower than that of the rejected. ]
|| One And One And One Is Three ||
[ Two... (Fifteen) ]
|| Ah, It’s Just Another Day ||
[ August 31 ]
|| Girls Will Be Boys And Boys Will Be Girls ||
[ ... I know... I have a girly face... demo... DDD< EVEN AN IDIOT CAN TELL REI IS A BOY! ]
|| Birds Of A Feather Got To Fly Together ||
[ Genetically Altered Replica ]
|| They Don’t Understand Us ||
[ Bisexual. Yes... Rei swings back and forth. ]
|| You’re On Top Of The World Again ||
[ 5'6, I'm a lot taller than my beansprout of an imotou. ]
☀ 。 ' I Just Want You To Know Who I Am ' 。 ☀
|| Boom Bam Boom, Look At Me ||
[ xxx ]
|| Don't The Innermost Secrets We Hide ||
[ Reinhardt is basically a lot like Aura. He has her naivete, but only up to a certain point, and has slight problems with speech. If you're thinking he's all innocent like Aura, then you're wrong. Although, much to his embarrassment, he does act a little bit like his little sister, in that ditsy way. He'll get distracted at the most convenient moments, by the smallest of things, for example, a cloud in the shape of a rabbit, or something.
Although, after being rejected and locked away, like Aura had been, he became quite bitter towards people. He normally ends up snapping at people and is quite rude and obnoxious at times.
Like Aura, though, he comes up a little blank when it comes to things like romance, and is almost-- just almost-- about as easily amused as she is.
The thing is, Reinhardt, or Erett, as he calls himself, has quite a short fuse. He could be calm one moment, and then just totally explode.
Another thing, Reinhardt has probably the second most hugest sister complex ever. The first one, being Xenath. If ever something happens to his "sister", Aura, he'll go mad. Boys, beware, enemies, say your prayers. If anyone hurts his precious treasure, he'll Erett will make sure the pain is sent back a thousand fold.
"... You what my sister? I'LL DESTROY YOU!" ]
|| A Trail For The Devil To Erase ||
[ "A son, yes... A son..."
The princess of Alaroth was dying. They weren't about to give up their precious daughter... So they were going to replicate her. She had been so frail as a child, already... So why not have a boy, instead? Wouldn't he be more stronger? So the boy was created. A replica boy, a replica of their daughter, Aurora. The young prince was named Reinhardt, which was the name they would've used, had the original, the princess, been a boy.
But in the end, even thought they had their new little boy, he was decided unneeded. The princess was female. It would throw the villagers into disarray, if their princess reappeared as a young man, instead of the beautiful young woman she already was. So, in the end, Reinhardt was cast and locked away. Nobody was there to love and take care of him, though he was still better off than the next replica. He was fed, and wasn't beaten, and his so-called parents still visited him and treated him kindly. But he didn't want their love.
They'd thrown him away. Instead, he sought comfort in Xenath, the eldest sibling of the Borealis family, and the next in line for the throne. Xenath was the only one who had protested against throwing Reinhardt away. He had been the only compassionate soul. Xenath visited everyday. Every single day, until, soon after, his visits and his presence didn't frequent Reinhardt's tower as much anymore. Reinhardt was crushed. But eventually, Xenath came and visited once more, smiling wearily, and half heartedly, reporting that Reinhardt had a new little sister.
At first he hated her. She was taking Xenath away, but when Xenath told him what they were doing to Aura, Reinhardt became very angry. How could they torment her? In the end, he forgave Aura for taking up all of Xenath's time and grew to love her more and more, every time Xenath dropped by and told him stories of her. Then one day, Xenath went out, on his usual hunting expedition. He said the usual. "I'm going out, be safe. If something should happen to me, look after out baby sister, okay?". But the unusual thing was, Xenath didn't come back anymore. Nobody came to visit him anymore, only the maid who brought in food and clothing.
Eventually he grew lonely. And eventually monsters swarmed and attacked the town. Being trapped in his room, Reinhardt didn't realize what was happening until the screams and alarm had risen. Animals broke into his room... and the moment he thought he was going to die, he was suddenly whisked away, by a strange light. The same light that must've taken his sister. He's now searching for her, and she doesn't know he even exists. ]
|| I Taste You Sweet And Warm ||
[ o -- Aura [Weird, huh? But she's my imotou. And Nii-sama told me to take care of her.] o -- Sweet things o -- Spiders ]
|| Makes Me Sad Whenever I See It ||
[ ø -- Anyone who messes with my imotou. ø -- Showing his really embarrassing side. [Being a ditz in front of everyone] ø -- Aura being taken away; she's all he has. ø -- People ø -- Things that are too sweet.]
|| Little Tyke Like To Tease For Fun ||
[ Haha. In a way, Aura. ]
|| Do You Want To Know A Secret ||
[ None. ]
☀ 。 ' You Bleed Just To Know You're Alive ' 。 ☀
|| Never Fail To Fight At Your Side ||
[ Neutral. I'll follow Aura. ]
|| Boy, You're Gonna Carry That Weight ||
[ Spellcasters are useful, but what about the lag in spells? I'm a swordsman. I'll back Aura up, and she'll back me up. ]
|| All The Weapons Of War We Despise ||
[ A pair of twin swords. ]
|| Why They Call Me Mister Fahrenheit ||
[ Techniques ]
|| Write A Song, I’ll Sing Along ||
[ I'll become evil, if it's for you Servant of Evil - Len Kagamine
Two existences, Aura and Erett Futari No Birthday - Satsuki Yukino]
|| I Sang Along While I Was Swinging ||
|| Pink, Brown, Yellow, Orange, And Blue I Love You ||
[ Tan and Darkred ]
|| Who Put All These Things In Your Head ||
[ I'll kick their asses! No rumours! [N/A] ]
|| I Was Just A Lost Soul ||
[ Kessaria Aurion ]
Write Your Letters In The Sand For The Day I Take Your Hand
[ "..."
Could this get any weirder?
It was like looking into a mirror.
A FEMININE. mirror. With fox ears or something.
Erett tilted his head and so did the girly fox eared image. Haha! Maybe it was a mirror! Some weird, twisted, show-your-alter-opposite-gender-ego mirror thing! Maybe those did exist, but at the back of his mind, he knew, he was quite certain, there was no such thing. He backed up, and so did the image. He furrowed his brow, and the image did as well. Then he felt a vein bulge in annoyance.
"DAMMIT!" He suddenly yelled, but this time, the image didn't copy him. No, the image, the image SCREAMED, and ran away behind some person with the crowd that was behind her. Befuddled, he looked behind him. No, the building were definitely not the same. Obviously, there were no same alter ego'd people in a group there too.
Okay, obviously not a mirror. He knew it wasn't, but he was no hoping it had been. With a trembling hand, he lifted it and proceeded to point at the girl who was peering at him cautiously. "Why..." They both announced in unison. "Do you look like me/Aura?" ]
Le Jeune Maitre · Sat Jun 06, 2009 @ 08:07am · 0 Comments |