'Ello children. It's Krxys again...or rather...Skyr now...
Yes folks. I've finally gotten my heart back. It's because of all you little bastards that I did...
Just kidding~~~.
Anyways, a lot of s**t happened...[/size=]
Like I got raped....killed at least three times...and had a Heartless taken out of me. What fun.
Now I am Skyr, a lovely little girl with bright red hair, six black-and-red seraphic wings, no eyes, and several people chasing me for my affections. ((I used to have quite a few, but most of them got married. ;_ wink )
I've mainly got Light Yagami. ((We see...eye-to-eye...on many things...plus he's quite handsome.))
And a few others who I don't see very often. Well I shouldn't say "See"...'cause my eyes got ripped out during my...unfortunate period...
Anyhow, I think I'm doing a lot better than I used to. I've got a new job with an agency that goes after criminals that deserve to be on Death Row. ((Not like a cop, mind you.)) I've also gotten a lot closer with my old friends.
Hopefully, as time goes on, life will get even better for has.
'Til then... I love you guys...
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"Deeper I'm falling
Into the arms of sorrow
Blindly descending
Into the arms of sorrow..."