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Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 @ 02:34am
Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 @ 09:19pm
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Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 @ 10:09pm
Note to Self : School is Gay. 12/13/06
School is just so boring!! Same s**t, different day. I swear, one of these days, I'm gonna fall asleep during class. Such a snoozer. The only good thing about this crackerbox school is how quick it goes by. I can't believe that Thursday is already on the way! It seems like I look away for a minute, and the day's over. I love it!! heart heart lol! I have a few friends there. One seems a little bossy, one's a little crazy (Not that there's anything wrong with crazy!! whee ), and the other is just... there.... I can't describe him too well. Heck, one of my friends is a teacher. I think she is so awesome. I don't know what I would do without my wonderful French teacher, Mrs. Kunz!! I think she's the bomb!! Super cool like a ninja ninja , even though I doubt she can do all that crazy ninja stuff ninja , after all, she is a little older (The older you get, the wiser, right?? 4laugh ) I don't know. I think she's the best out there. I try to be the best in her class. I want to make her happy. Even though I am not the morning person, and French is my first period, it doesn't work sometimes. sweatdrop Well, I'll let you go. I gotta eat. Later, fool!!
Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 @ 04:13pm
Day: 12/3/06 - Crazy party
I just went to a family reunion for my mom's boyfriend's family. It was pretty boring at first, but everybody still got around to the traditional game of tag. It was exciting, even though I can't run worth crap. I fell down who knows how many times! sweatdrop When we played hide and seek, I was usually 'it', because I could never get to base in time! stressed I would count to 50 in French. It gave me practice with my numbers. smile The guys played Texas Hold 'Em for who knows how long. Everyone saw my artwork and they kept saying the same old, "Wow! These are really good. Did you trace these??" I tell them no. "Are you going to be an artist when you grow up??" I tell them I don't know. "Well, you should. You're really good." Then, they'd leave. It was an annoying repetitve cycle to the point where the part of me that likes the attention was getting annoyed. I almost swore how many times, but I promised not to do it for the little kids. There was another girl there who's a year younger than I am named Haylie. She is turning into a prep and was treating me like crap. I let it go, but next time, when she does that, I'm gonna cuss her out. I didn't go there to go through crap like that. A family is supposed to stick together, not make fun of each other. I'm gonna whoop her skinny little butt. But, anyways, the party was fun, and I'm still pooped from it too. I feel like sleeping, but tomorrow's a school day, and I need to sleep tonight. I wanted to see that Avatar movie thing, but I didn't get to (Grr.... stressed ). My body's achy and I think my thumb's dislocated or sore or something. It hurts like crazy!! gonk I'll let you go. I'm gonna go watch some FMA. Later!
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