"Princess Aya." He said, with a smile of delight. She kneeled with him, wrapping her arms around him, and kissing him. He returned the kiss, and smiled, after it broke. "I've missed you." She said, with a smile that could make even the strongest demon's heart race. "I've missed you too." He replied, standing, and hauling her into his arms, as gently as he could.
"Listen, were going to my homeland until you've given birth." She looked to the side, being shaken with fear that those of his clan would tear her apart, from the hatred they bore for her. "But don't worry, we ain't goin' no where near where the demons are..its a safe spot where only a select group of wolf demons know. And they're there to help us."
She thought for a moment, but suddenly gained complete confidence in his words. He began running, and explaining to her why they were leaving now, and then returning in a few days. "If we stayed there, the demon's that can sense another life being bought into the world would attempt to corrupt, or worse, kill em'. Spiritually, or physically, it'll go down. And even I can't defend you from all the attacking that would occur. It hadn't came to mind until a few hours ago, so I decided to act on it, just in case the baby comes early."
Aya, one of the people from the society of gods, had no idea such things happened. But finally, she concluded that it was most likely the gods were an overwhelming force 98% of the time. After a few minutes, they reached a small 6 person shack. It was kind of spacey, since they had it mostly to themselves.
After about six days, Aya went into labor. At her bedside, he sat, awaiting their son. ".." He turned his head, hearing someone approach the shack. One of the wolf demons he spoke of before ran through the door in a rather rude manner. "Who do you-" "Spare me, sir!" he shouted, kneeling, and holding out a small piece of paper. He looked for a moment, then took the paper, hiding the words from Aya's eyes.
It read: "The time has come for me to avenge my brethren, needlessly slayed..I'm waiting for you near the Northern cliffs. Meet me there, with your blade, or suffer the lose all that you love." He tossed the paper at the feet of the wolf demon, and waved his hand in a nonchalant manner. "As if some idiot's words could affect me. Come back when he-" The wolf spoke again, this time, directly into his ear. "He killed everyone you recruited in one swing. He cut them in half.."
Satsuro's eyes widened and he sat still for a moment. "Fine." He was stunned, not because the soldiers he had were strong, but the contrary. They were weak, and defenseless. "Come on.." He said, standing, and putting the letter into his shirt. He walked from the room, saying nothing to Aya, as he was followed by his comrade. Satsuro looked over his shoulder, half way to his destination. "By the way, are you still alive because you fled?" The soldier got as far as, "I am ashamed to say-" And a large burst of blood sprayed from his waistline, and he fell in half. Satsuro stared for a second, and he growled. "He was already dead..just unconscious of it.."
He continued forward, glancing down the way, and spotting an armored man. He scowled, and approached, stopping only feet apart from him.

The armored thing stood silently, and he waited. Just before Satsuro could speak, a violent blast off wind began whiping his clothes, and hair around. He looked up, and a massive creature descended, slamming into the ground behind the armored man. It was a massive dragon. Upon landing, a large shockwave traveled through the ground, causing it to rupture, shake, and shatter. He roared, and glanced from the sky, lifting up a broadsword, fit for his size.

Satsuro stared blankly for a moment, then smirked, closing his eyes, and reaching into his top, pulling out the letter. "A written challenge. I didn't know people still did things like these." He said, chuckling. His blade held in his hand. I don't think you understand the severity of your crime..or so it would seem, since you can joke." The one in armor said. Satsuro chuckled, and sighed. "Whatever..lets just start this." He threw up the paper, and it fell in half. It hadn't looked as if his arms moved either.
The massive dragon stood on its feet, and held the massive blade in one hand, growling out something that could hardly be understood. "MoOoOoOoy StrrngTH Shl Crsh tUh PYooneh Dug!"
Satsuro placed the flat side of his katana on his shoulder, and flipped the dragon off with his other hand. "You shouldn't talk. You look stupid."
To be continued-- ;p Sorry, but this one is getting too long. ((Comment please!))