It's not completely edited and everything yet, but it's a start at least...lol...
S.O.S. Bleach (Chapter One)
Age: 17 Grade: 11 (Junior is Senior High) Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Dark Brown Hair Texture: Thin, Layered around the Bangs, and Straight Hair Length: To Lower Back Height: 5’6” Personality: Loud, Obnoxious, Violent, Punk, and Emotional Zanpaku-to: Mizuhime
Age: 16 Grade: 10 (Freshman in Senior High) Eye Color: Hazel Hair Color: Black/Brown Hair Texture: Thin, Level, and Straight Hair Length: To Waist Height: 5’ 4” Personality: Bubbly, Stylish, Bold, Suggestive, and Cheerful Zanpaku-to: Yukina no Mori
Age: 15 Grade: 9 (Senior in Junior High) Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Blonde Hair Texture: Thick, Layered, and Wavy Hair Length: To upper back (like Senna’s from first Bleach movie; Memories of Nobody) Height: 5’ 1” Personality: Shy, Oblivious, Giggly, Slow, and Innocent Zanpaku-to: Toramaru

Fated Day
Your mom, put that away (had to get it off my chest before we start). The school campus was consisted of grades 7-12, though the middle and high school have different uniforms. The buildings were merged, so students of different grades had shared classrooms. It was around lunch time when Saya and Okarina had their shared math course, Algebra II. Saya thought it sucked, and Okarina wasn’t exactly a math fan, so even though they were together, the time in class seemed to drag on.
Sayuri was in her math course as well, only she was in Geometry. The teacher was reviewing Trigonometric Ratios. Pulling out her drawing tablet she starts doodling, as usual. The teacher’s voice slowly faded into the background as she daydreamed about what to draw. Her friend Hana was watching over her shoulder, more interested in the doodle than the lesson. Sayuri looked back and smiled at her.
“Maybe a kitten for today…” she muttered, and then started the drawing.
Back at Algebra II, it was ten minutes into class when Okarina felt an odd sensation in the pit of her stomach. Saya wasn’t as intoned with the class, so she missed out, but as the class went on, she realized something was up. Thanks to Okarina, who was obviously giving off panic signals. The class lesson loomed over ominously, and at about twenty minutes into class, a student from the back of the class randomly stood up. Saya and Okarina looked back to see Takeda out of his seat. The teacher asked him what was wrong, but the student said nothing. Then the teacher tried a different approach by asking him to sit back down. Again; no answers…
Saya’s heart was racing by this time. What had gotten into Takeda? Okarina was frozen to the spot; her hands shaking cold. Gloomy silence spread throughout the classroom until Takeda finally made his move. He reached into his pocket and brought out a gun. (Put that away, nobody wants to see that … Sorry! I couldn’t resist!)
The teacher went pale as he realized Takeda’s intentions. He made a dive for the phone that contacts the office. Takeda raised his firearm and fired a shot at the teacher as he was picking up the phone. The teacher fell, dead as the phone made an odd tone with a voice asking hello on the other end. Saya felt a sinking feeling in her racing heart; she wasn’t going to make it out of this…
Takeda suddenly started aiming at other students. He flew off a few limbs before finishing them off. Okarina watched in horror; she screamed in a light, quiet way, but enough to attract Takeda’s attention. He turned to Okarina and raised his weapon yet again. Saya felt like she had already died. This wasn’t good.
Takeda fired a shot at Okarina. He was aiming for her head, but was slightly off in shooting right through her throat. It didn’t matter to him, she was dead either way. He then shot Saya in the back of the head right when she turned to help Okarina, who had already passed on. Both on the bloody floor, they lay cold.
The geometry teacher was sure he heard gun shots, so he went outside the classroom to investigate. There was another gunshot, and a thud. Sayuri suddenly snapped back from her daydreaming. What was happening? A shady upperclassman slunk into the classroom, and started firing at students. Sayuri felt her face go pale. The student aimed a shot at the girl next to her, Hana. Not Hana, she thought. Then, she recklessly tried to push her out of the way. The gun fired at them. Sayuri’s shoulders acted as a shield as the bullet landed in between them and striking her heart; instantly killing.
Hana was knocked off of balance as her fallen friend landed across her. She made an ear-piercing scream as she saw Sayuri’s blood drip onto herself, but Takeda quickly silenced her as well.
Okarina was the first to plunge into a world of darkness. She felt suffocated and she struggled to finally surface from the realm and breathe. She was back in school, but something was different. Her body was still on the floor, and no one was acknowledging her presence now. She tried desperately to get their attention but no one would listen. Finally she came to the conclusion that she wasn’t alive any more. Saya came up from behind her; at least she seemed to notice her.
“What is this?” Saya asked, seeing her body still on the blood-spilled floor.
“We’re… dead…” Okarina uttered, still finding it hard to believe.
“We had better get out of here, there’s sure to be a bunch of souls about to surface now that the entire class had died,” Okarina concluded.
“Okay,” Saya agreed.
They exited the Algebra II classroom and wandered down the hall to another classroom that was attacked by Takeda. Only one soul was present this time.
“Sayuri!” Saya called as she entered the classroom and hugged Sayuri furiously.
Sayuri hugged back, bracing herself in the bear hug, then looked at Okarina. Was this a dream?
“So… what’s up?” she asked.
“Well, we’re dead,” Saya said bluntly. (XD)
“Yeah,” Okarina admitted.
“Oh… Lovely,” Sayuri commented.
“We had better get moving from this school, all of our souls in one concentrated area doesn’t sound too good,” Okarina explained in an intelligent tone. “Kay,” Sayuri replied.
The three of them left the school behind and went downtown due to lack of place to go. School was always the place to be, now… Not so much. As they walked, little did they know, the strong concentration of lost souls had attracted a hungry hollow, and was now following them. The girls had no clue about hollows, so they didn’t suspect a thing when a hollow suddenly appeared and chased them down the crowded streets.
The monster reminded them of a bald King Kong with a hockey mask full of teeth. The thing raced toward the trio. Sayuri wondered why the living couldn’t see or hear this creature. They desperately tried to escape the beast, but it was too fast for them.
That’s when Okarina noticed the chain attached to her heart when it jangled in her stride. They were latched onto Saya and Sayuri as well…
We’re holes…
The thought subconsciously came to all three of their minds.
The monster chased the girls to a downtown back alley; they were trapped. Saya felt the creature closing in on them. The beast surged forward, raising its claws and batting Okarina violently. The force flung her into the air, and just about when it seemed like it would swallow her whole, a blurred figure with red hair and black robes snatched Okarina into his arms.
Suddenly, a small black-haired woman and an orange-haired guy sprung from behind the hollow and attacked the monster. Their swords sliced into it and tore at its body. Enraged with pain, the beast thrashed right, straight for Sayuri. She braced herself for the hit, but it never came. Sayuri felt arms around her and heard a soft grunt as she was instantly lifted from harm. She opened her eyes to reveal a boy with spiky white hair and turquoise eyes.
Okarina was taken aback by the man that had rescued her, His spiky red hair was pulled into a ponytail and there were tattoos inscribed into his temples, but the man seemed extremely affable, even if he was a complete stranger to her. Saya had stayed where she was as she watched the two finished off the thing. She collapsed onto her knees, awestruck that they had been saved.
Sayuri felt herself blush. Something about this boy’s pure white hair, aqua-colored eyes, or frustrated expression gave him a god-like appearance. He glared down at the girl and noticed the blush on her cheeks. They boy chose to ignore it for now. He lighted onto a building roof and yelled at the two fighting the hollow.
“Ichigo, Rukia, now!” he commanded.
Rukia delivered the final blow as Ichigo carefully carried off Saya. The team regrouped while the three girls exchanged confused looks. Well, at least Okarina and Sayuri were. Saya was too busy gawking at Ichigo to notice her friends’ expressions. Rukia noticed Saya and gave her a weird look, but the seventeen-year-old was only looking at Ichigo.
“Are you gonna explain or what?” Okarina said, cutting through the silence.
The red-haired man was surprised at what the girl next to him had just said. Okarina struck him as a girl that reminded himself of him when he was younger. He smiled at the floor, she would be a handful. The white-haired boy was about ready to slap Okarina, and Sayuri could easily tell. His anger was palpable.
“I was getting to that…” Ichigo replied, already pissed.
“There isn’t that much explaining to do,” Rukia admitted, “You’re holes, we’re soul reapers, and that was a hollow, and we’re here to exterminate the hollows and help you move onto the Soul Society.”
The explanation was accompanied by a presentation of Kindergarten level drawings.
Sayuri snickered, “No, that wasn’t a lot.”
Only Ichigo and the boy detected the sarcasm.
“Regardless,” the Ichigo intercepted, “it’s Konso time.”
Ichigo, the man, and the boy suddenly drew their zanpaku-tos and the bottoms of the handles started glowing. The white-haired boy just looked at the blonde girl that he had rescued. The glare of Hyorinmaru shone in her eyes, then they became glassy with tears; Toshiro felt responsible for the tears, and felt like dieing right there.
“What’s a Konso?” Okarina asked, feeling threatened.
“Just a quick performance that helps holes like you move on,” Ichigo explained.
“I think I’ll pass,” Saya said, walking away from the scene.
“You don’t have a choice, lady,” Ichigo said, pulling Saya back by her wrist and jamming the handle end of Zangetsu into her forehead, nearly jabbing her eye.
“Ouch!” she said as the ritual left an imprint.
Slowly, she started to disappear.
“Saya!” Okarina cried out.
Ichigo turned to speak to Okarina.
“Don’t worry, you’ll see her on the other side,” he promised, and then nodded at the red-haired man, “Renji…”
Okarina hesitated, “…Okay.”
Renji swiftly pressed Zabimaru to Okarina’s temple.
“You forgot to mention they’ll have no memory of each other,” Renji corrected while Okarina disappeared.
“Show patience, Renji. You’re forgetting it’s Ichigo you’re talking to,” the boy reminded Renji.
“Watch it, Toshiro,” Ichigo warned.
“That’s Captain Hitsugaya to you,” he corrected Ichigo.
Ichigo just growled.
Now Sayuri truly felt alone. Tears brimmed on her lashes, ready to cry her eyes out, but Toshiro blatantly didn’t want that. Being Toshiro, he had a weird way of expressing his feelings. He wasn’t as hopeless as Ichigo, but he had a teasing element to him; and being the teaser that he was…
Toshiro intimately wrapped an arm around Sayuri and pulled her into a strong half-hug.
“I’m sorry, but we must depart now.”
Toshiro activated the Konso and prepared to perform it on Sayuri, whom had her hands tightly on Toshiro’s arm. She looked so scared and confused to Ichigo, Renji, and Rukia. The whole situation started sinking away in Sayuri’s mind.
Not satisfied with his minor flirting, Toshiro took it up one more notch before the Konso. He dipped his head forward and gently breathed into the girl’s ear. “Goodbye,” Toshiro whispered, then printed the Konso sign onto her head.
Sayuri’s ear felt the warmth of his breath, even as he spoke. It started in her hands as they slowly lost their grip and sifted into oblivion. She was disappearing like the other two. Now only did the true feel sink in. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she watched her arms follow her hands into nothingness. Sayuri sighed in distress, the fallen tears slid to her chin.
Toshiro lifted a tear off her face with a finger, “Don’t cry, you’ll be fine.”
Sayuri felt somewhat assured by his words as she completely disappeared, though she realized she would never remember him, she could never thank any of them for saving her friends and herself. Sayuri stopped crying and bravely surged into the nothingness and passed on.
Once the girl was gone, Ichigo gave Toshiro a piece of his mind.
“YOU’RE SUCH A FLIRT!” Ichigo roared.
“Oh shut up, at least I can do it better than you,” Toshiro replied.
“SAY WHAT?!” Ichigo shouted, charging at Toshiro.
Renji caught Ichigo before he could reach Toshiro.
“Calm down, Ichigo! It’s not worth it!” he demanded.
Ichigo wouldn’t listen.
“You’ll never see that girl again, yet you would tease her like that?!” Ichigo asked, enraged.
“Well, if you could retain information, you’d remember that she’ll have no memory of that once she reaches the Soul Society,” Toshiro reminded.
Ichigo was dumbstruck at that, and then the anger returned.
“I still can’t believe you, Toshiro,” Ichigo concluded.
“It’s Captain Hitsugaya,” he corrected for the umpteenth time.
Being the first to have the Konso, Saya arrived at the Soul Society first, followed by Okarina, and finally Sayuri. They were the same age as they were in the world of the living, but were part of a new family with no memory of their past life, or of their wanderings after their deaths.
Saya had been assigned to a family of four, including herself. She had a mother that was a policeman, a mother that was a housewife, and an older brother named Hajime. Okarina had been sent to a family of six, including herself. She had a father who was the head of a workshop, and a mother who was an assistant farmhand. She also had three older sisters named Kiku, Kimi, and Kin. Sayuri was now in a family of twelve, including herself. She had a father who was in the market and a handyman, and a mother who was a nurse. She had six older sisters named Shigeko, Shika, Shinju, Shiori, Shizuka, and Shizuko.
A month after Sayuri had moved into the family, they had adopted another child, a twelve-year-old boy named Akira. Being rather close in age and arrival time into the family, Sayuri had a strong bond between Akira. Two months later the family took in two more orphans. One was a nameless eleven-year-old girl they named Shig, and a nameless nine-year-old boy renamed as Ryota.
Of course, the three girls had no memories each other, but they were in the same neighborhood, so it’s not like they never saw each other…
chapter 2
RECAP: Saya, Okarina, and Sayuri live in the Soul Society. It’s mid July and they don’t remember how they died, or who they were friends with, or their life while they were living. (That’s just how it is in the Soul Society. Don’t question it!)
Anyway, Saya had only one brother and his name was Hajime. Hajime was quiet and kept to himself, unlike Saya who was violent and self-proclaimed freakin’ awesome. She’s also very loud, and spoke up for herself (when the occasion arises). This caused numerous fights and riots throughout her apartment complex. Yes, Saya lived in an apartment, but she made the best of it. Hajime thought Saya should be more like him, and vice versa for Saya. She normally had to stand up for Hajime, because he wouldn’t himself. Saya thought it was ridiculous that she had to do that for a 24-year-old, but she had to. She should question him about that, but she doesn’t.
Where Saya came from, you have to raise your voice in order to be heard. It’s not too rich, not too poor, but somewhat on the poor side. She lived in District #56 with a four story apartment (she’s on the top level).
Okarina resided in District #32 with her family of six in a gated community, barely considered upper class, but a lot better off than Saya or Sayuri. Okarina’s house was made of brick, three stories high, and had a perfect yard with a white-picket fence.
Being in a giant family, you need a lot of room, but all your money tends to be spent on bringing food to the table instead of affording a house big enough for everyone, so Sayuri’s parents found their best balance in District #48. A simple lower middle class housing plan surrounded their two stories high home with two acres and a pool.
Now… Sayuri… Saya loves Sayuri, though! Sayuri has nine siblings in all. Sayuri was very blonde and innocent so when Sayuri’s older sisters told her a dirty or suggestive joke, she either didn't get it, or it would take her ten minutes, maybe hours, to figure it out. Then someone would have to explain the joke which made it not funny anymore. Her siblings were usually off at college or high school. Being a middle school student, Sayuri doesn’t get to see them too often.
Okarina was very bubbly and such. But for the most part, her three siblings, Kiku, Kimi, and Kin were starting their first jobs. They had just graduated from college (different years) and were ready to start their careers and families of their own. Kin was still sometimes around because she was still finishing up her senior year of college. So other than annoying hand-me-downs, Okarina had it nice. Her sisters had all moved out so she didn’t have to share clothes or closet space.
Since all three girls knew each other when they were living, they don’t now. The basic Soul Society junk… Don’t question it! (END RECAP)
Anyway, the three girls Saya, Okarina, and Sayuri were walking from their homes to the nearest post office in (District #44). Okarina, (dressed in a cute mini-skirt, high heels and a nice blouse) was dressed in District #31-35 clothing; which was two levels higher than District #44. So, needless to say, she stood out like a sore thumb.
Sayuri, coming from District #48, wasn’t completely out of place, but the quality of clothing was a bit noticeable. As usual, she had raided Akira’s wardrobe and borrowed his shirts, so she was wearing baggy jeans, a black long-sleeved shirt under a gray t-shirt with a dragon and eagle on the front, and plain white sneakers.
Saya was as much out of place as Okarina. Saya had a thing for baggy shirts (actually, they were really Hajime’s clothes half the time, but he doesn’t care). She wore an old pair of jeans and her flip flops to the post office. It was pretty early in the morning, so she was extremely pissed for being woken up so early for something as stupid as mailing a package…
Okarina was walking towards an intersection with her hands behind her back, almost dancing in the middle of the street. Sayuri was heading toward the same intersection from the opposite side with her hands in the hoodie pouch, shoulders forward, looking glum in the early hours of the morning. To the right of Sayuri, and the left of Okarina, Saya took the middle lane that was the main road to the post office.
As the three girls close in on the post office door, they almost ran into each other.
Saya thought that both girls looked familiar, but couldn’t put names to the faces no matter how hard she tried. Okarina thought the same, but didn’t delve any further into the situation. Sayuri was just really confused; the meeting seemed almost like a dé javu. Saya didn’t say anything, at first.
“Hi! What’s your name?!” Okarina screamed at Saya and Sayuri.
“I’m Saya and who are you?!”
“I’m Okarina, nice to meet you!”
Sayuri would’ve opted to introduce herself, but they were complete strangers, and her shyness beginning to take over. Okarina seemed extremely satisfied with meeting Saya, so she wasn’t quite thinking ahead to the other girl. Saya turned to Sayuri.
“Who are you, exactly?” she asked.
“I’m Sayuri… You’re Saya, right?”
“We’ve already established that.” Saya replied in an annoyed tone.
“I’m Okarina, nice to meet you!” Okarina repeated, which made Sayuri laugh.
Saya turned to face Okarina.
“Is that all you say?” she asked.
“Nice to meet you?” Okarina chimed, teasingly.
The girls were quiet for a moment. All three thought they had heard those names, and seen those faces before, and had relations with the other two, but none of the girls could quite figure it out. None of them thought about that any further. Sayuri and Okarina hit their friendship right off at the get-go because of their personalities being so much alike. It took Saya much longer to be friends with them…
By mid August, the three girls were best friends.
One day, Sayuri’s parents adopted another child, a 12-year-old boy named Akira. Sayuri was ecstatic to tell her two friends. She picked a hot summer day when they were all chilling in her pool to surprise them with it.
“I have something to tell both of you,” Sayuri started, vaguely.
“What is it now, sunshine?” Saya asked.
Okarina went hyperactive on them.
“Oh my God, tell us already!”
So Sayuri announced the arrival of her little brother, Akira, next week. Both Saya and Okarina were really happy for her. The three girls threw a welcoming party for Akira and an end-of-the-summer party in celebrating their friendship.
Sayuri compulsively went around glomping family members and friends.
“Get off,” Saya ordered.
Okarina loved glomps so she didn’t mind it; and actually joined in.
August was kind of boring and not much to do but go to kendo classes.
One day while hanging out, Saya told Sayuri and Okarina that she had announcement.
“What is it?!” Saya and Okarina said in unison.
Saya told them that she wanted to become a Soul Reaper, and she was going to sign up for the academy classes. She told them that classes were starting soon, and she wanted to go as soon as possible. Sayuri and Okarina were dumbfounded for a minute, and then they both stated that they would go with Saya to become Soul Reapers as well. Saya couldn’t believe her ears.
Both Okarina and Sayuri insisted that they become Soul Reapers with her. Saya was content with that, and very grateful that both girls were willing to give up everything just to be with her. So all three girls made a pact, and promised to all do this, and signed up for October classes. They all swore to. There was no backing out now…
In October, Saya, Sayuri, and Okarina were nervous about this whole Soul Reaper business. Saya was the least nervous; she’d always wanted to be Soul Reaper (for some odd reason). While in kendo class, Sayuri confronted Saya about her worries.
“I’m nervous about becoming a Soul Reaper,” Sayuri admitted.
“It’ll be okay, and we all made a promise to do this, so we’re in this together,” Saya comforted.
Okarina was just as nervous, but they promised Saya they would do this for her…
Then Saya started thinking these two were crazy…!
‘I know they don’t wanna do this; they’re not fighters at all. I can’t believe they’re doing this…’ Saya thought.
So the next day, all three girls enrolled in the Soul Reaper Academy. Upon enrolling, they got standard issue Soul Reaper Academy student uniforms. They were like standard Thirteen Court Guard squad uniforms only these were white and red with symbols on both sides of the chest. The boys were the same only they were blue and white. Classes were next week for all students: 1st years to 7th years. Saya was so psyched about the whole thing, but the other two? Not so much… They were as nervous as hell. They didn’t have the distinctive fighting spirit.
Feeling like the Brady Bunch, Sayuri’s parents adopted two nameless orphans while Sayuri had left for the Soul Reaper Academy and her older sister’s left for college and high school. Akira was the only little one left, and he looked like he was shaping up to be another Soul Reaper within no time. So Shizu had gone out of her way to adopt two younger orphans, a boy and a girl. She named the eleven-year-old girl after her oldest daughter, Shigeko, only she was called Shig for short. The nine-year-old boy was named Ryota, after her uncle (which would be his great uncle, but he’s dead either way).
It was getting cold outside, so the academy students could wear gloves, scarves, and sometimes snow boots with their uniforms.
After about a month of boring start-of-the-year stuff the girls finally got to take their first Kido class; practicing their Kido incantations.
“Dominator… Mask of flesh and blood… All living things… Fluttering… That which has the name of humans… Truth and temperance… Slightly imbed your claws in the wall of innocent dreams… Hado #33 Blue fire fall!” Saya shouted.
Saya almost hit the targets bull’s eye. The other two girls, Sayuri and Okarina, stared in amazement. Even they’re not that good yet… They only now realized how serious she was about becoming a Soul Reaper. When Saya was done with her incantation, someone or something was in the line of her peripheral vision. She snapped her head out of curiosity. Her gaze never lifted.
Okarina was first to noticed Saya’s odd trance.
“Saya, what’s wrong?” she asked, full of concern.
‘Did she hurt herself by overdoing the Kido?’ Okarina brooded.
Saya ignored her and kept staring at someone she considered vaguely familiar; from somewhere in her past. He was a fully fledged Soul Reaper (or so she thought… he had the right clothes on...) Saya wondered who he was.
‘Are these Soul Reapers coming for a visit to the academy? And if not, what is their business here?’ Saya wondered.
Okarina had finally discovered what Saya’s eyes were fixated on.
‘Who in the world…?’ she wondered.
Sayuri finally caught on and followed her friends’ gazes, staring blankly once hers had settled on the Soul Reapers in the distance.
To be continued…
chapter 3 (first half)
The entire class turned to look at the soul reapers who were slowly making their way towards them. There were four of them, a boy with white hair, a guy with orange hair, a girl with black hair, and a guy with red hair. "That's captain Toshiro Hitsugaya, and Liutenant Renji Abarai..." "Isn't that Rukia Kuchiki and Ichigo Kurosaki?" "What are they all doing here?" The whispers of everyone's questions and comments was deafening, but the girls paid no attention. They couldn't get their gazes away from the people heading their way. There was something familiar about them, but they couldn't tell what. They knew they'd never seen them before. When the soul reapers finally made their way to the class, they were suddenly bombarded with questions. "What are you doing here?" "Is this part of the class?" "Was this scheduled?" The white haired soul reaper raised his hand and said, "Would everyone please be quiet. We will answer your questions in due time." Suddenly, the orange haired guy spoke up. "Come on, let's just tell them now. No use leaving them in the dark about this." "Well, I don't think they need to know about it." said the Red haired guy. The two then began to glare at eachother and it looked as if a fist fight might start. However, before they had a chance, the black haired girl stood in between them and looked towards the white haired captain. "Captain Hitsugaya, I think it would be wise to tell them. Do I have your permission, sir?" "Fine." he said in reply, looking away, obviously annoyed. "Alright," began the girl. "first off I'll introduce everyone. I am Rukia Kuchiki and that is Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya." she said pointing towards the white haired boy. She then turned and pointed towards the guy with orange hair. "That's Ichigo Kurosaki." Then, finally turning towards the red head, she said, "and that's Liutenant Renji Abarai." Rukia cleared her throat and continued, "Now that you know who we are, I'll tell you why we're here. It seems that the hollows are becoming bigger and more dangerous, and it has come to our attention that a few of you from this class possess an extraordinary amount of power that is needed by us soul reapers." She lowered the sketch book she had been using to illustrate, quite horribly, the situation. "So, any more questions?" A boy in the back of the class raised his hand and said, "What do you mean by extraordinary power, and how did these people get it?" "She means that these students have a hundred times the latent power of your typical student. We don't know all the details as of now, but it appears that while they were in the world of the living, they were the children of a soul reaper and a living human. Normally that wouldn't be enough of a reason for someone to have great power, but apparently at the moment of their Konso, a group of soul reapers sent to fight this new wave of hollows was anhialated and as these students' souls traveled from the world of the living to the soul society they somehow each absorbed the powers of the fallen soul reapers. We lost 20 talented soul reapers that day, but their power may have been transfered to a few of you. We are simply here to observe and see if there is really any chance of this." Captain Hitsugaya said, his gaze falling on Sayuri. Another student raised her hand and said, "So, do you know which students have this power?" The tone in her voice was stuck up, as if she expected them to say it was her. "We know who we were sent here to watch..."started Ichigo "And it sure as hell isn't you." Ichigo and Renji said in unision, laughing. "How rude...," the girl mumbled under her breath. "Well," said Ichigo, as he looked over at Saya, a smile across his face "Why don't you all keep working while we...observe..." The students mumbled as they all did as they were told and went back to kido practice. Saya's group started off and Saya took in a deep breath. She knew she'd seen that Ichigo guy before, but she couldn't remember. She shook her head to clear it a bit as she took aim at the target in front of her. "Ruler, mask of flesh and blood, all things in the universe fly, that which names all in nature gathering at heed and war, beyond the seas in reverse, take steps to the south, Kado 33, Shakao red flame canon!" (not sure if I did this right, I could hardly understand the english dub cause my speakers were being a pain...lol)
A red beam of light shot out from Saya's hands destroying her target...and the one beside it. Everyone turned to look at her as she stared at the result of her attack. She cleared her throat nervously and turned to sit between Okarina and Sayuri who were both looking at her in awe. "How did you do that?" they both said. "That was amazing!" "Not really." She said, "I was supposed to hit MY target, not the one beside it too. It would have been amazing if I'd completely destroyed my target...and nothing else in the process." "Well, that Ichigo Kurosaki guy seems to think that was amazing." said Okarina, pointing in his general direction. Saya looked up and saw him looking at her, giving her a thumbs up, a big smile on his face. She could feel her face getting hot and she looked away before her blushing showed her embarrasement to that soul reaper. "Next group!" exclamed the teacher. "I guess it's my turn," said Sayuri, "wish me luck!" "Good luck!" said Okarina and Saya. As Sayuri stood up, she noticed out of the corner of her eye, that captain. "Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya..."she thought as she walked to her place. "I wonder why he keeps staring at me..." She inhaled and exhaled to relax herself as she performed Kado 33, her eyes closing as the red light shot from her hands. When she opened her eyes to look at the damage, she was glad to see she had succesfully destroyed a majority of her target. She let out a sigh of relief as she returned to her spot next to Saya. "You did really good." Said Saya, smiling. "Thanks." Responded Sayuri, a slight giggle to her voice. "Next group!" "My turn!" chimed Okarina as she jumped up. "If you guys can do it, I can too...just watch!" She laughed and ran to her spot in line. Okarina could see the Red Haired liutenant was watching her. "What was his name again...Renji...something or other...oh well...I just wish he'd quit watching me..." she sighed and looked straight ahead, trying to concentrate on the target in front of her. "Ruler, mask of flesh and blood, all things in the universe fly, that which names all in nature gathering at heed and war, beyond the seas in reverse, take steps to the south, Kado 33, Shakao red flame canon!" She yelled, as a large beam of red light left her hand, knocking her over. A large booming noise could be heard and smoke filled the air. When it finally cleared, Okarina looked up to see a corner knocked of her target...and a gaping hole in the wall behind it. "No fair!" she screamed, "My aim was perfect...that target must have moved!" She stomped her foot. Suddenly, loud laughing could be heard and she turned to see Renji doubled over in laughter. Other members of the class joined in. Okarina growled, pulling the sandal off her right foot and throwing it straight for Renji's head. His laughter and the laughter of the students ceased as Renji was nearly hit. He caught the sandal as it was inches from his face, losing his balance in the process and falling onto the ground. "Anyone else feel like laughing at me!" she screamed...when no one answered, she smiled and giggled sweetly, "I didn't think so." as she sat back down next to Saya and Sayuri.
"W-well...next group..."said the teacher quietly as the next round of students slowly rose to their feet and got in line.
lhflowers · Tue Jul 15, 2008 @ 06:07am · 0 Comments |
I was bored, so I went on urban dictionary.com to see what people had to say about my old home...sadly to say...a lot of it's true...and I'd probably be a preppy b***h right now If I'd stayed there...I was already headin down that road when I left...to some extent, I'm grateful...
When you type in Connecticut you get this:
You know you are from CT if:
-You can't buy beer after 8 p.m. or sundays -There is a farm within five miles of your house. -You have known at least two preppy rich kids from Fairfield who listen to Phish. -You have deer in your backyard. -You have been drunk at the Meadows and don't remember the concert. -You've partied at bonfires. -You've never looked at a public bus schedule and would certainly never ride it -You have both girlfriends and guy friends with the same name as you -You think New Haven is the worst ghetto you've ever seen. -You get mad at anyone who doesn't know how to drive in the snow. -You think New Jersey is a toxic waste dump. -Your family owns more than one house. -Your high school has won the State Championship in soccer and/or lacrosse several years in a row. -You have taken riding lessons at the towns Riding Club. -You spend the summer on Cape Cod, in Nantucket or Marthas Vineyard. -The cars in your high school's parking lot were worth more than your high school. -You were pissed that your sixteenth birthday car was a new sedan instead of an SUV. -You have more than one country club in your town. -UConn basketball rules and no one can tell you different -You hang out at Denny's -You weekend either on the Cape or Rhode Island at a summer home -You wear flip flops in the winter -You wear Hollister and know how to surf even though you live in New England -You own at least 5 designer handbags and go shopping in NYC every weekend
and this...
My home state...where New Yorkers go to turn off their brains, where NYC business men keep their mistresses, and the nutmeg state. We also have the highest IQ, highest cost of living, one of the highest teen heroin usage levels, and, of course, nutmeg. We all just really want to get out of Connecticut
When you type in the town I left you get this...
A very ******** rich town in the heart of Fairfield county. Though it pails in wealth in comparison to towns like Greenwich, Westport, Weston, and New Canaan which are also in Fairfield county, if you dont drive a car worth $50,000 or over, (ex. Mercedes, Lexus, Audi, Porsche, BMW) you don't belong there. Good schools, preppy kids, weed, and white people (though there are lots of rich black people and asians) make up the town. The town differentiates from other FC towns in that the many mansions that the town is comprised of are close together (most 2 acres or less). In many of the other rich FC towns, mansions have at least 2 acres. This does bring the pricetag of real estate down a bit, though if you dont make at least $150,000-$200,000 a year, you're poor and still can't live there. Tashua and Nichols are the richest areas of the town. Trumbull has a stitload of drugs and booze. Go to a party on Saturday night and what you get is a bunch of good looking 4.3 GPA smart asses in A&F, Gucci, Polo, or Versace who couldnt be more drunk and high cause they money to burn. And everyone of these kids parents is the vice CEO (or whatever you call it) to their Westport and Greenwich friends CEO parents. Don't get me wrong though: Trumbullites still own a s**t load of money, houses in Nantucket and Lake Placid, and 3 or more cars.
Bob Smith from Trumbull Connecticut is perfect in parents eyes, but actually sneaks out every night to get drunk, high and head, never spilling a drop on his decked out polo attire.
or this...
Not a very well known town, right in the heart of Fairfield County this typical rich town is home to doctors, lawyers, ceo's, investment bankers and people with salaries that you wouldn't believe. Their cars are as impressive as their jobs. There is a mall in trumbull but none of the rich kids from trumbull actually go there, they prefer to travel down to new canaan, greenwich or westport to do their shopping. Everyone wears ralph, jcrew, burberry, lily, you name it. The public school system is extremely good and many kids also get sent to private schools. Trumbull sports teams are great and consistently in the top of their brackets. Trumbullites as they are called like to say that there is nothing to do in Trumbull, which is why they spend their parents $$ and get drunk. Not as big of a stoner town as some others but definitely not lacking in the alcohol. The only things made in trumbull are brueggers bagels and starbucks coffee, both overpriced but the rich people there don't see any problem spending that kind of money for a "venti non fat double shot espresso latte with extra foam"...typical of trumbullites. They are often found partying in other towns with other rich ffld county kids. Also, they all manage to maintain a 4.0 + average at school and act like the perfect child when at home. They get sent to ivy leagues or other top tier schools. They have ski houses/condos right on the mountain, a summer "vacation home" in the hamptons, voneyard or nantucket and other properties they probably didnt know they owned. They vacation often in exotic tropical places and in Europe. GOing to become typical frat boys and sororities girls in college where their parents donate $$ 3 Trumbullites talking.... "What does your dad do?" "Oh, he is the vp of some humungous company, yours?" "pshhh, MY dad is the CEO of that company" third person "Well my dad is a surgeon..."
If you type in where I was born you get this...
A small town in CT. There is nothing but Cows, countryside and 20K college studets. Home of University of Connecticut, the Northeast's biggest party school. There are only 3 bars, no carwash, no grocery store, but who doesnt have fun partying in corn fields? Hick town full of College students
If you type in Uconn...the college my entire family's gone to you get this...
The largest public university (and primier party school) of New England. You know you go to UConn if...
1. You live in Storrs CT at all 2. You walk miles to get to football games 3. You can fill all the spots in a 10-person drinking waterfall and still go to 8 AM classes the next morning 4. You hate Northeastern University for taking the husky as their official mascot first 5. A tent is your dorm room during basketball season
or this...
a drinking school with a basketball problem
right in the middle of farm country, there's nothing to do, so we play ball and get wasted we got two 30 packs, a bottle of bacardi dark, a bottle of jim beam, some absolut, a 1/4 oz of the chronic and 1.5 grams of blow and some blunts, and yeah, that was my spring weekend
If you type in where my brother was born you get this...
The largest city in Connecticut and the craziest along with New Haven and Hartford. This place is crazy. Hoods are primarily on the east and north sides. Can easily get robbed or killed because people don't ask questions.
or this...
Home of the wreckless. Dont get it twisted the realist niggaz live here. unlike new haven and hartford we dont ******** around. The north end can be a lil quite at times but dont ******** around with the east end, west end, marina village.The $tack Boyz nd all the other crews, keep gettin that money dont sleep on da port we comin up ********! dont ******** wit ne1 in bridgeport unless u wanna catch da buck-50 across da face
If you type in where my dad's old boss was from, you get this...
A very rich town in Connecticut where even the seven black people that live there can't be considered black, and excessive drug use is commen, due to the lack of things to do. There is very little that the youth can use to entertain themselves, so everyone knows exactly where to buy heroin. The style consists of brightly colored Lacoste shirts, usually layered, Khakis, and a looley placed visor on males, and a Jean skirts, a dress shirt over a polo, and flipflops for females, year round. Mostly everyone owns more than one house, and a boat. Girl: So, what do you want to do tonight? Boy: Big party on my boat. Bring your bong. Girl: Awesome. What time? Boy: Doesn't matter, if you miss us, we'll send my assistant to get you in the Grady.
or this...
a town where simply red isnt good enough, it has to be nantucket red, and collars defy gravity
it makes desperate housewives and the OC look normal, and of couse the Stepford Wives, that movie is greenwich after all it was filmed here...
its a beautiful town that is home to many celebrities, kathy lee gifford, diana ross, mel gibson, judge judy, regis philbin, and many more
you have to be rich here.... if youre not, dont bother
if youre parents drive a toyota, honda, or any car under 50,000 you are poor, any house under 2 million you are poor, and if you have year old clothes you are poor
the fashion scene is amazing... lacoste, ralph lauren (who lives in greenwich, along with tommy hilfiger), lilly, vineyard vines, j crew, abercrombie, liza b, herve chapellier totes, vineyard vines totes, norht face, tiffany, burberry, seven jeans, juicy couture, and so much more,
if you wear plaid that is not burberry or not on your shorts dont wear it outside...
people in greenwich buy thier way into college by having thier daddies donate money to schools so they have to accept them, only the brand name schools are accepted places to go, duke, syracuse, harvard, NYU, princeton, BC etc. most people get sports scholarships (lacrosse, swimming, water polo, etc.) but the money is unneeded....
houses are amazing, you cant go into a good part of town without excpeting to pay 3 million plus for an average home, the majority of people live in houses form 3-15 million...
it is home to tv shows, the apprentice was filmed at the greenwich polo cluib, the show wickedly perfect was filmed here, stepfrod wives was filmed here, among other movies and shows...
there is a stong racial divide, the rich white people do not mix with the ghetto black people (even the ghetto people in greenwich are richer than average), also people are not only prejudged on race they are prejudges by looks, the clothes, the makeup and most of all the face, if you are not pretty and skinny and rich you wont fit in... people being prejudged always happens, if you dont look like you fit in you wont....
to live in greenwich is to be in constant competition with peers and neighbors, who has the better clohtes, cars, looks etc. it is an amazing game that is constantly going on, the people do not let it known, they are fake and let the smile fool people....
the best representation of greenwich for the mainstream would be if wysteria lane (desperate housewives) were in the OC and add more drama and wealth....
WELCOME TO GREENWICH.... that is, if you can afford it greenwich, only the rich survive
or this...
Here, in the richest town in the U.S., everyone owns houses bigger than most apartment complexes and drive cars that are more expensive than houses in "the rest" of America. 99% of the town is white, and all the girls wear lacoste and ralph lauren polos and oxfords (collars popped -- that's a given), j. crew classics, "real" juicy couture, and accessorize with prada. Knockoffs? What are those?! After lacrosse or field hockey practice, they all top off their polka-dot hair ribbons with eliza b. or rainbow flip flops. Don't even think about wearing just red or blue, it's all "nantucket red" and "lagoon" or "ocean spray". Now onto the boys they date: All wear seersucker or madras shorts/pants, and have long, stylishly unkempt hair. They all sail and play lacrosse, and are exceptional at both, when they aren't stoned or drunk. Their families attend yacht club parties every saturday night, where all the men have names like "tyler" and preppy little nicknames. For fun in Greenwich, girls shop 'til they drop on "the Ave", where the most popular stores include "Rags" and "Wishlist", where you can pay $70 for a faded shirt that has been "professionally aged" so that the buyer can pretend to be ghetto and poor. And "ghetto" is a word used often in Greenwich. Preppy kids dressed to impress often say things like, "woah, man, your BMW is sooo mad ghetto". For the cash it takes to buy the sportscars that are cruising around Greenwich, you could buy and refurbish a ghetto. Bottom line: Greenwich is preppy to the max, a prime example of a community so sheltered that most of the people there have an incredibly skewed perspective of wealth. Greenwich, the home of the plastics.
If you type in where I went to private school, you get this...
Full of yuppies and WASPS. We figured it out once; 70% of the children our blonde. We're not as rich as Westport but we pretend we're as cool by buying all our clothes there. Some kids in Fairfield live in a section called Southport. They are richer than the kids in Westport. Then theres those kids who think they're ghetto even the cheapest house in this town costs a little more than half a million dollars. If you live here and live the lifestyle you're either going to go to an Ivy, Boston College, Loyalo, Villanova or somewhere else similar. Either your daddy is a lawyer, a doctor, in "finance", or sits on your couch all day because you inherited all your money. If you want to have friends do at least two of the five: 1) Drive a Lexus, Range Rover, or BMW while blasting Dave Matthews 2) Spend $100 on shirts with a little J zipper, an alligator, or a guy playing polo on them 3) Have keg parties at your mansion 4) Tell me where you buy your pot 5) Be neurotic about your grades and have a GPA 4.3 or higher Kate* is very popular in Fairfield because she alternates between Lacoste and Ralph Lauren Polos while maintaining a 4.5 GPA and getting unbelievably wasted every weekend.
*This is the most common name in Fairfield. Kate is no one in particular.
or this...
A place full of rich and white WASPS and some minorities who have more money than the Americans. The kids drive around town in their Audi, BMW, Mercedes or Range Rover wearing their Prada, Gucci, Armani or Polo.
There are more country clubs then you can count on one hand. The houses cost a ridiculous amount of money (if your house doesn't cost at least $2 million your poor). If you look for a house under $1 million dollar you will find a shack by the garbage dump.
All the rich dads either work in New York as an executive, own their own business or do some "finance". GE's top executives for some reason love to reside in this town.
If you happen to live on Sasco Hill Road you can declare yourself and/or your neighbors as having the most damn money in all of Fairfield & Westport because your house easily costs 8 figures (One house sold for nearly $25 million). Fairfield doesn't even light a candle to Greenwich. Welcome to Fairfield where high schools cost more then your college tuition, 16 year olds drive cars that the rest of America can't afford, families go on vacation all over the damn world and houses routinely sell in the 8 figure territory. John is considered a regular Fairfield resident because he drives a BMW, Audi or Mercedes. His high school tuition costs more than a college education. He wears Polo shirts with the collar up. His family lives in a multimillion dollar mansion in Greenfield Hill or Sasco Hill Road and they take exotic trips around the world.
(lol...connecticut amuses me...I still kinda miss it though...I miss Trumbull park...and the mall...) burning_eyes xd xp blaugh 3nodding 4laugh rofl emo
lhflowers · Tue Jul 15, 2008 @ 04:23am · 0 Comments |
Numero uno
As I sat, staring up at the sky on that chilly Monday morning, I couldn’t help but feel as if that day could hold the key to my future…to my destiny. I just couldn’t imagine at the time how true that feeling was. I mean, I had already known that the day would be special. The first day in a new school generally is, you know. But this feeling was different…it was telling me a more than this being the first day in my new school. It had all started that morning, while I was picking out an outfit for school. I was deciding between wearing my black tank top or my purple one when I suddenly got this feeling deep in the pit of my gut. You know, the sort of feeling you get when you’ve done something wrong or know that you’re going to get in trouble, the feeling that’s almost as if you’re going down a roller coaster at top speed. Normally I wouldn’t have been bothered by something so meaningless, but the thing was, I hadn’t done anything wrong recently and I knew I hadn’t done anything to get myself in any trouble. So I decided to ignore it, at least until my dad told me it was time to go. Somehow, his comment brought the feeling rushing back, and as I plopped down into the front seat, my black backpack sprawled out on my lap, the feeling got even more intense. I must not have had a very pleasant look on my face, because as we drove out of our dark and box filled garage and into the bright sunlight outside, my dad spoke. “Are you feeling well, Destiny?” he asked, looking a bit worried. “Not really dad, I’ve had this weird feeling in my gut all morning and I feel really odd.” I told him, not wanting to lie. I was expecting him to be sympathetic…or at least able to give me some good advice. However I was severely disappointed when all he did was laugh. “It’s your first day in a new school. You’re probably just worried about fitting in or something else all you teenagers worry about. You’re just nervous. It’s nothing to worry about.” He said, smiling that huge smile he gets when he thinks he’s been a big help. Well, let me tell you, he wasn’t. His little speech didn’t make me feel any better…if anything, it made me feel worse. I already knew for a fact that I wouldn’t fit in here in this pastel town. First of all, school had been going on for a month, so I knew everyone already had their little “groups” figured out. I wasn’t bothered by it, though. What bothered me was that about half the people my parents had met while we were moving in were dressed in the most awful shades of pink I have ever had the misfortune to look upon. Of course, I would never judge someone simply by how they looked…well not all the times at least. It’s just that everyone in town was so cheerful and perky and…well…creepy. It made me think that all of them must take some sort of happy drug or something. I mean my next-door neighbors, the Gramselys, came by to welcome us to the neighborhood the other day. I swear, I wanted to pull out my eyeballs when I saw what they were wearing. You see, Mrs. Gramsely isn’t the tallest person around…and she’s sure not the skinniest either…if you get what I’m saying. Not only that, but she’s got this red face that looks like she sucked on a lemon too many times as a child and her face got stuck that way. Well, anyway, that day she had been wearing this light pink dress with a matching jacket and shoes. Oh, and how could I forget the pink handbag and jewelry…she was draped in jewelry. At first, the only thing I could think of was how much she reminded me of a medicine bottle…you know that Pepto Bismol stuff you use if you’ve got an upset stomach. And then there was her daughter, Patricia. Patricia looked just like her mother, the two both had the same strawberry blonde hair, however she was a lot taller than her mother and skinnier too, but her outfit was just as outrageous. Again, it was nothing but pink. Even the ugly little rat she called a dog had a pink jewel studded collar and pink ribbons all over. I wasn’t even the least bit shocked when I noticed the color of Mr. Gramsely’s tie…pink of course…matched with a light purple shirt. So, as you can see, someone like me whose wardrobe consists of mostly dark colors and the only trace of pink being bright neon couldn’t possibly fit into this bright and cheery town. There was absolutely no chance of it.
numero dos
It didn’t, much to my disappointment, take very long to make it to Central High School. I had pretty much expected that since it’s in the center of our very small community, but I was still pretty bummed. I mean, who wants to have their school just two minutes from their house…definitely not me. In my opinion, the farther the school is from me, the better. Anyway, an overwhelming sense of dread crept over me as my dad pulled up to the entrance of the school. If Dad noticed any more changes in my behavior, he didn’t show it. He simply unlocked my door and waited for me to exit the car. Then, as I stood in front of an unfamiliar school with unfamiliar people, Dad just waved good-bye and drove off. He didn’t even tell me to have a good day at school, which he’s told me every first day of school since I started preschool. I didn’t want it to bother me, but as I walked into the school I couldn’t help but think that by Dad breaking his stupid “good luck” tradition, I was going to have a terrible day at school. I was right. I looked around the main hall for a moment, taking in the surroundings. The whole building looked a bit sterile, like a doctors office. Everything was pure white, like they repaint the whole building every year or something, except for all the doors, which were pastel pink. I couldn’t possibly imagine having to go to school here for a whole year and not want to kill myself, it was that bad. I walked over to the main office, which was the only room with a normal wood door. I figured that maybe, just maybe the school might be somewhat normal…and not…well…too pink. However my relief was short lived because as I walked into the office, I walked right into my worst nightmare. Everything in the office was pink, the walls, the carpet, the desks, the chairs, everything. I wanted to scream. If that wasn’t bad enough, there was nobody there. I had to get my schedule…and there was nobody to give it to me. So, I did the only thing a kid in my situation could…I sat down in one of those hideous pink chairs and waited. I waited for what seemed like an eternity before the secretary finally entered the office. She was a tall lady who looked like she was in her mid fifties or something. Her face was slightly creased with wrinkles and she seemed like she never stopped smiling. She looked like a nice enough person. She knew right away that I was the new student. I guess they don’t have many people move here, and in such a small town, I’m sure she knew everybody. “Welcome to Central High. I’m Ms. Bladek. It’s very nice to meet you.” She said as she pulled out my schedule and handed it to me. I looked down at my schedule and nearly screamed. Someone had signed me up for Art, Music, and Home Economics. I remember clearly telling my parents to sign me up for the basic classes…and only the basic classes. “Is something the matter with your schedule?” Ms. Bladek said, curiously. I looked up at her. “Yes, there is something really wrong with my schedule.” She took a quick look down at my schedule then back up at me, a confused look on her face. “You’re in the tenth grade aren’t you? I don’t see any problems.” I sighed in frustration and pointed to the extras. “What about these? I don’t want these. I want study hall.” “Well, I’m sorry.” Ms. Bladek said, “But I was specifically told to put you in those classes. Besides, there’s no room in any of the study halls. They’re always the first to fill up.” “Are you serious? Study hall filled up…I’ve never heard anything so absurd.” I said, trying to stay calm. Ms. Bladek nodded her head sorrowfully and quietly said, “I know it sounds odd, but it’s true. There’s no room for you.” I think I can safely say that this just about ruined my day. I mean, I’ve always done things the same since I started middle school. I go through my boring basic classes then get three periods of naptime. That’s just how things are supposed to be in order for me to be happy…but this school just destroyed it, both my schedule and my happiness in just one slip of paper. Anyway, Ms. Bladek decided to show me to my first class since I was already ten minutes late. Personally, I would have rather taken my time, because my first class just had to be history. It’s not like I don’t want to learn about what happened in the past, but I mean I don’t want to know every stupid detail. It’s not like I’m aiming to be a historian when I’m older or anything. And as I walked through the hideous pink doorway and into the bright, pastel room I knew right away that I would be skipping this class…a lot. And it wasn’t just the colors of the room, it was the faces of the kids in it, all twelve of them. You could tell from the looks on their faces that I wasn’t the least bit wanted, but I guess I wore too much black for their delicate eyes to handle or whatever because their looks of contempt and disgust only lasted for a moment as they all stared back down at their text books. I couldn’t believe it. Everyone in this town was so stuck up. Gosh, I wanted to graduate already. As if being forced to be in this class wasn’t enough, no sooner had Ms. Bladek left than the teacher, Mrs. Krahn pulled me up to the front of the class. She looked down at me from behind her silver glasses and smiled. She turned toward the class and said “This is the newest member of our class. I hope you all treat her kindly. Now, why don’t you introduce yourself…Destiny. Then you can take one of the empty seats.” She looked down at her class list, then handed me a very large…and old by the look of its binding…history textbook. I could just feel the students’ eyes on me as the teacher spoke. I knew they all expected me to say something. I sighed, I had been through enough traumas today, but things just kept getting worse. I looked out at the class with their uninterested looks and folded my arms across my chest. “My name’s Destiny Welmington, I moved here last week from New York City and so far living here has been the worst experience of my life. Everything here is tacky and boring and pink…which by the way is by far the ugliest color ever created.” Was what I had wanted to say, but I wasn’t particularly interested in creating enemies my first day here so I simply said, “My name’s Destiny Welmington. Nice to meet you.” Of course meeting them so far had been anything but nice. And I could tell they all felt the same way if their stares and whispers, as I made my way to the back of the classroom to take my seat, was any sort of hint. Class went on as if I wasn’t there and as I scribbled drawings into my notebook I could hear the random drone of Mrs. Krahn listing names of different Generals of the Civil War. I let out a small sigh. I couldn’t think of one single reason why we possibly needed to know any of this junk, so I just tried to block it all out. However, I think I tried a little too hard, because when that stupid Bell just feet from my desk started ringing I nearly fell out of my chair in surprise. I hadn’t been expecting a noise that loud at all. I put all my stuff into my backpack and slowly got up from my seat. By now, everyone in the class had already gone, even the teacher. And as I walked out into the hallway, there were only a few kids still scrambling to get to their next class. I looked down at my schedule and found my next class, English, my favorite class. It was in classroom 15, and at the moment I was in front of classroom 8. I pulled out the horridly drawn school map and noticed classroom 15 was upstairs. Now, if only I could find these stairs, everything would be fine. However, as I walked down the hall and turned, like the map said, I was not met by stairs but by a wall. And as the bell rang, I crumpled up that useless map and tossed it back into my bag. I was already late, so I found no reason to try to rush anymore. I turned around and went back the way I came. I figured that if there wasn’t a stairwell in that part of the school, there might be one on the other end. So I walked until I made it all the way to the beginning of the school. There was a slightly open, pink door and I could see a stairwell just behind it. I let out a relieved sigh and followed the stairs and to my amazement, the stairs were right next to classroom 15. I gently knocked on the closed door and opened it carefully. I was again met by unfriendly stares and as I entered the room I realized that they weren’t just coming from the students. The teacher, Mr. Burmis, a very large man who seemed to be about six foot seven in height glared down at me from the front of the class. “Well, you must be Ms. Welmington.” He said as he took a few steps closer to me. “Yeah, I’m Destiny Wel…” I began before I was suddenly cut off. “Well, Destiny I hope you don’t plan on making this tardiness a bit of a habit.” He said as he went to his desk and pulled out a huge literature book that I swear could have been as old as the poet on the cover. Then he pointed towards the empty desks in the back and said, “Pick whatever desk you want, and don’t interrupt anymore.” Then he returned to his lesson. Again, I sat as far away from everyone else in the class as possible. However, this time I actually listened to the teacher’s talk of William Shakespeare. I couldn’t really help it actually. Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve been interested in literature and Shakespeare in particular. I mean, I’ve always been an above average reader and I spent most of my childhood with my head behind a book. And I still remember that first copy of Romeo and Juliet that my father bought for me when I was eight years old. It was wonderfully dark and romantic. I swear I must have read it a thousand times. And even if the teacher of this English class was rude, even if I frankly hated him already, I wasn’t going to let that ruin the only class I’ve actually ever enjoyed. Well, at least that’s what I told myself. That is, until class was interrupted by a boy dressed from head to toe in black.
Numero tres
It was about fifteen minutes into Mr. Burmis's discussion on Shakespeare. He was just beginning to mention the possible connection between Shakespeare's Play "Hamlet" and the death of his only son Hamnet. However, as he was getting into the detail that eleven year old Hamnet may have suffered from the Bubonic Plague, the door to the classrom was suddenly swung open. Everyone in the class turned their attention to the front of the room and there he stood. He was about 6 foot tall, with black hair and pale skin. He was wearing nothing but black from head to toe. He looked as out of place in this bright room as I did. I chuckled a bit under my breath, just waiting to hear Mr. Burmis explode. If he could yell at me for being a minute late my first day of class, I just couldn't imagine what he'd have to say to this kid. I imagined a huge argument, ending with this kid in detention at the least. However, my thoughts were no where near what actually happened. Well, as this guy walked into the room, everyone started whispering and giggling. My hopes where that they found him as odd as they found me and that I would have at least one person in this school who would understand me. I flashed a quick glance over to Mr. Burmis and was utterly shocked by what I saw. Instead of him becoming furious, he looked...well...happy. "I'm so glad you decided to join us today, Mr. Dragomir." He said, a smile on his face. "I'm sure you'll find today's lesson quite enjoyable" I couldn't believe it! I get reprimanded my first day of school for being one minute late and then here comes mister high and mighty fifteen minutes into class and he gets welcomed with open arms! This school was seriously screwed up, there was no doubt about that. I was so angry I could hardly keep from screaming, and things got even worse when that stupid Dragomir guy sat in the seat right next to mine. With all the extra seats around, why did the jerk have to sit in the seat right next to me? I just couldn't believe this was happening to me. I tried to calm myself down, but found it nearly impossible when I noticed the jerk was staring at me. I ignored it for a while, but he just wouldn't quit it. He wasn't just glancing in my direction, but he was full on staring at me...glaring at me it almost seemed like. Almost like he was studying me, trying to find something out about me...and I didn't like it. It made me really uncomfortable...almost as if he was invading my private space. I just had to make him stop...that was what my mind was telling me...I had to do something to break his concentration on me. So, I did the first thing I could think of. As soon as Mr. Burmis turned to write on the chalkboard, I crumpled up a peice of notebook paper and threw it at the Dragomir guy's face. Well, it worked...I guess.He stopped staring at me with such an intense look and was instead staring with a look of shock. I was so sure I'd won when Mr. Burmis shouted from the front of the room. "Destiny Welmington!I don't know how they taught you kids in your old school, but here we don't throw things at people for no good reason! Do you understand me? Now appologize to Mr. Dragomir!" I just sat there, my mouth hanging open. How did the teacher know I threw it, his back was turned when I'd done it. I looked back over at the Dragomir jerk, and saw him smirking...he was enjoying the fact I was in trouble. I just couldn't take it anymore...this place was just too much for me. "I'll apologize to him as soon as he apologizes to me." I said, matter-of-factly. Mr. Burmis became increasingly angry, I could tell. He became red in the face and some nasty vein was like...sticking out on his neck...or something. It was not a pretty sight. "And why must Mr. Dragomir apologize to you?" he said, trying to keep calm. "What could he have possible done?" By this point, every kid in the class was staring at me. Each one had the same look of contempt and disgust, as if they would punch me sooner than speak to me, but I didn't care...not anymore. "Well, I don't know how you teach kids in this school, but where I'm from, it's rude to stare at people. Maybe if someone had instilled these rules in Mr. Dragomir's head, we wouldn't be having this discussion." I said. There was a collective gasp from every student in the room, and Mr. Burmis began to look like a boiled lobster...and trust me...red was not his color. Anyway, by this point I knew I was headed for trouble. Big trouble...and really fast. I cast another glance towards the Dragomir kid and was satisfied to see that my little remark wiped the smirk of his face. He was staring at me like I was the weirdest person he ever met. I was quite proud of that, in fact I was overjoyed. For a moment there was no sound and I began to wonder if I'd won the argument. However, there's one thing any student like me knows, and that's, the teacher always wins. It doesn't matter if it wasn't your fault or if they're the one that's wrong. The only thing that ever matters is their authority, and boy do they use it every chance they get. Mr. Burmis was no exception to the rule, in fact he followed it perfectly. He walked over to my desk, slamming my literature book closed. "Ms. Welmington, I want you out of my classroom this instant!" he yelled, "You are to sit in the hall until you learn some respect for your classmates and your teacher." "Fine." I said, throwing my things into my bag. I stood up and threw my chair back under the desk. I walked slowly towards the door, and upon reaching it, looked back at Mr. Burmis and the Dragomir guy and said, "But you might as well change my classroom to the hallway, because I refuse to respect anyone who doesn't respect me." Then, pleased by the shocked looks on everyones face, I walked out the door, slamming it hard behind me. If they expected me to sit out here quietly for another 20 minutes, they had another thing coming.
Numero cuatro...or part of it at least...
I made my way down the down the stairs and through the lower level halls, quickly and quietly, so I wouldn't be noticed by other classes. Upon reaching the other side of the school, I quietly slipped out the door and walked towards their pathetic sports feild. No one was out there and I figured I could relax behind the bleachers for the rest of the day. I got there quickly, trying not to give anyone looking out the window a chance to spot me. Once in the shade, and safely behind the bleachers, I relaxed. I threw my backpack on the ground, pulling out my English book. I decided I'd read up some more on Shakespeare and Hamlet just in case Mr. Burmis decided to throw a pop quiz in my honor. I lay my head down on my bag and began to read. It was a wonderful to read about Shakespeare's life. It made this idol of mine seem more real. I mean, the guy had his share of problems just like any other average person. It almost made me think there was still hope for me. Yeah right, like that could ever happen. I was nowhere near as talented in anything I did. I probably wasn't gonna make it very far in life, let alone as a writer. The negative thoughts rolled around in my head until finally, I guess I dozed off.
When I finally came to, my English book was open, lying on my face. I sighed, lifting it away so I could see. However, I found that I was no longer alone. A small girl was sitting directly in front of me, watching me curiously. She had long, glossy black curls partially tied back in a pink and black ribbon. She had on a black dress with pink lace and small black mary janes. She had a big smile on her face, and the longer I looked at her, the bigger it seemed to get. "You're finally awake."she said, her voice was small with a childlike ring to it. "You've been asleep for almost an hour. You fell asleep pretty quick too...was the story that boring?" She pointed to my English book. I said nothing. How could this girl know I'd fallen asleep an hour ago...had she been watching me from somewhere...had she been here all along? I looked around to try and find where she could have been hiding, but couldn't find a single place out of my vision. The girl giggled, "You're not much of a talker are you? Well, I don't know many people that are, besides myself. My brother says it's okay though. He says I can just talk enough for all the quiet people here. So, you're the new girl, right?" she laughed, "What am I saying, of course you're the new girl! I've lived here my whole life and know everybody...and I've never seen you before...so of course you'd have to be new...you are, right?" She moved a bit closer to me, and I scooted farther back. My first impresion was that this girl was insane. What type of person watches people sleep then bombards them with senseless chatter and questions. Again the girl scooted closer to me, "I guess you are! Yay I was right! That means your name's Destiny...that's a really cool name. My name's Luminita but everyone calls me Luna...well except for my dad and Big sister. They call me Lumi." More like 'Loonie' I thought as she giggled once again. "Do you have a nickname?" She asked, scooting even closer into my personal space bubble. "Ummmm...no..." I said as I pulled away from her, my bag dragging across the ground. "Well that's too bad...maybe I'll make one up for you!" she said. "Luna, stop bothering that poor new student," a voice rang out from behind me. I turned around to see him ,that Dragomir guy, smiling in our direction. "you never know when she'll throw something at your face." The nerve of that guy, I swear. I just couldn't stand him! I looked back over at Luminita, who was already on her feet running straight towards him. "Big brother!" she chimed as she jumped into the air, nearly tackling him into a hug. Of course these two were siblings. Both were rude...both were weird...goodness...they even looked the same. I couldn't stand being near them much longer. "Deidrich," I could hear her say, " this is my new friend Destiny! She's really nice...she wouldn't throw anything at my face. The two of us are good friends!"
Friend? Since when did I say I was her friend?
(that's all I got for now...)
lhflowers · Tue Jul 15, 2008 @ 04:08am · 0 Comments |
Numero uno
As I sat, staring up at the sky on that chilly Monday morning, I couldn’t help but feel as if that day could hold the key to my future…to my destiny. I just couldn’t imagine at the time how true that feeling was. I mean, I had already known that the day would be special. The first day in a new school generally is, you know. But this feeling was different…it was telling me a more than this being the first day in my new school. It had all started that morning, while I was picking out an outfit for school. I was deciding between wearing my black tank top or my purple one when I suddenly got this feeling deep in the pit of my gut. You know, the sort of feeling you get when you’ve done something wrong or know that you’re going to get in trouble, the feeling that’s almost as if you’re going down a roller coaster at top speed. Normally I wouldn’t have been bothered by something so meaningless, but the thing was, I hadn’t done anything wrong recently and I knew I hadn’t done anything to get myself in any trouble. So I decided to ignore it, at least until my dad told me it was time to go. Somehow, his comment brought the feeling rushing back, and as I plopped down into the front seat, my black backpack sprawled out on my lap, the feeling got even more intense. I must not have had a very pleasant look on my face, because as we drove out of our dark and box filled garage and into the bright sunlight outside, my dad spoke. “Are you feeling well, Destiny?” he asked, looking a bit worried. “Not really dad, I’ve had this weird feeling in my gut all morning and I feel really odd.” I told him, not wanting to lie. I was expecting him to be sympathetic…or at least able to give me some good advice. However I was severely disappointed when all he did was laugh. “It’s your first day in a new school. You’re probably just worried about fitting in or something else all you teenagers worry about. You’re just nervous. It’s nothing to worry about.” He said, smiling that huge smile he gets when he thinks he’s been a big help. Well, let me tell you, he wasn’t. His little speech didn’t make me feel any better…if anything, it made me feel worse. I already knew for a fact that I wouldn’t fit in here in this pastel town. First of all, school had been going on for a month, so I knew everyone already had their little “groups” figured out. I wasn’t bothered by it, though. What bothered me was that about half the people my parents had met while we were moving in were dressed in the most awful shades of pink I have ever had the misfortune to look upon. Of course, I would never judge someone simply by how they looked…well not all the times at least. It’s just that everyone in town was so cheerful and perky and…well…creepy. It made me think that all of them must take some sort of happy drug or something. I mean my next-door neighbors, the Gramselys, came by to welcome us to the neighborhood the other day. I swear, I wanted to pull out my eyeballs when I saw what they were wearing. You see, Mrs. Gramsely isn’t the tallest person around…and she’s sure not the skinniest either…if you get what I’m saying. Not only that, but she’s got this red face that looks like she sucked on a lemon too many times as a child and her face got stuck that way. Well, anyway, that day she had been wearing this light pink dress with a matching jacket and shoes. Oh, and how could I forget the pink handbag and jewelry…she was draped in jewelry. At first, the only thing I could think of was how much she reminded me of a medicine bottle…you know that Pepto Bismol stuff you use if you’ve got an upset stomach. And then there was her daughter, Patricia. Patricia looked just like her mother, the two both had the same strawberry blonde hair, however she was a lot taller than her mother and skinnier too, but her outfit was just as outrageous. Again, it was nothing but pink. Even the ugly little rat she called a dog had a pink jewel studded collar and pink ribbons all over. I wasn’t even the least bit shocked when I noticed the color of Mr. Gramsely’s tie…pink of course…matched with a light purple shirt. So, as you can see, someone like me whose wardrobe consists of mostly dark colors and the only trace of pink being bright neon couldn’t possibly fit into this bright and cheery town. There was absolutely no chance of it.
numero dos
It didn’t, much to my disappointment, take very long to make it to Central High School. I had pretty much expected that since it’s in the center of our very small community, but I was still pretty bummed. I mean, who wants to have their school just two minutes from their house…definitely not me. In my opinion, the farther the school is from me, the better. Anyway, an overwhelming sense of dread crept over me as my dad pulled up to the entrance of the school. If Dad noticed any more changes in my behavior, he didn’t show it. He simply unlocked my door and waited for me to exit the car. Then, as I stood in front of an unfamiliar school with unfamiliar people, Dad just waved good-bye and drove off. He didn’t even tell me to have a good day at school, which he’s told me every first day of school since I started preschool. I didn’t want it to bother me, but as I walked into the school I couldn’t help but think that by Dad breaking his stupid “good luck” tradition, I was going to have a terrible day at school. I was right. I looked around the main hall for a moment, taking in the surroundings. The whole building looked a bit sterile, like a doctors office. Everything was pure white, like they repaint the whole building every year or something, except for all the doors, which were pastel pink. I couldn’t possibly imagine having to go to school here for a whole year and not want to kill myself, it was that bad. I walked over to the main office, which was the only room with a normal wood door. I figured that maybe, just maybe the school might be somewhat normal…and not…well…too pink. However my relief was short lived because as I walked into the office, I walked right into my worst nightmare. Everything in the office was pink, the walls, the carpet, the desks, the chairs, everything. I wanted to scream. If that wasn’t bad enough, there was nobody there. I had to get my schedule…and there was nobody to give it to me. So, I did the only thing a kid in my situation could…I sat down in one of those hideous pink chairs and waited. I waited for what seemed like an eternity before the secretary finally entered the office. She was a tall lady who looked like she was in her mid fifties or something. Her face was slightly creased with wrinkles and she seemed like she never stopped smiling. She looked like a nice enough person. She knew right away that I was the new student. I guess they don’t have many people move here, and in such a small town, I’m sure she knew everybody. “Welcome to Central High. I’m Ms. Bladek. It’s very nice to meet you.” She said as she pulled out my schedule and handed it to me. I looked down at my schedule and nearly screamed. Someone had signed me up for Art, Music, and Home Economics. I remember clearly telling my parents to sign me up for the basic classes…and only the basic classes. “Is something the matter with your schedule?” Ms. Bladek said, curiously. I looked up at her. “Yes, there is something really wrong with my schedule.” She took a quick look down at my schedule then back up at me, a confused look on her face. “You’re in the tenth grade aren’t you? I don’t see any problems.” I sighed in frustration and pointed to the extras. “What about these? I don’t want these. I want study hall.” “Well, I’m sorry.” Ms. Bladek said, “But I was specifically told to put you in those classes. Besides, there’s no room in any of the study halls. They’re always the first to fill up.” “Are you serious? Study hall filled up…I’ve never heard anything so absurd.” I said, trying to stay calm. Ms. Bladek nodded her head sorrowfully and quietly said, “I know it sounds odd, but it’s true. There’s no room for you.” I think I can safely say that this just about ruined my day. I mean, I’ve always done things the same since I started middle school. I go through my boring basic classes then get three periods of naptime. That’s just how things are supposed to be in order for me to be happy…but this school just destroyed it, both my schedule and my happiness in just one slip of paper. Anyway, Ms. Bladek decided to show me to my first class since I was already ten minutes late. Personally, I would have rather taken my time, because my first class just had to be history. It’s not like I don’t want to learn about what happened in the past, but I mean I don’t want to know every stupid detail. It’s not like I’m aiming to be a historian when I’m older or anything. And as I walked through the hideous pink doorway and into the bright, pastel room I knew right away that I would be skipping this class…a lot. And it wasn’t just the colors of the room, it was the faces of the kids in it, all twelve of them. You could tell from the looks on their faces that I wasn’t the least bit wanted, but I guess I wore too much black for their delicate eyes to handle or whatever because their looks of contempt and disgust only lasted for a moment as they all stared back down at their text books. I couldn’t believe it. Everyone in this town was so stuck up. Gosh, I wanted to graduate already. As if being forced to be in this class wasn’t enough, no sooner had Ms. Bladek left than the teacher, Mrs. Krahn pulled me up to the front of the class. She looked down at me from behind her silver glasses and smiled. She turned toward the class and said “This is the newest member of our class. I hope you all treat her kindly. Now, why don’t you introduce yourself…Destiny. Then you can take one of the empty seats.” She looked down at her class list, then handed me a very large…and old by the look of its binding…history textbook. I could just feel the students’ eyes on me as the teacher spoke. I knew they all expected me to say something. I sighed, I had been through enough traumas today, but things just kept getting worse. I looked out at the class with their uninterested looks and folded my arms across my chest. “My name’s Destiny Welmington, I moved here last week from New York City and so far living here has been the worst experience of my life. Everything here is tacky and boring and pink…which by the way is by far the ugliest color ever created.” Was what I had wanted to say, but I wasn’t particularly interested in creating enemies my first day here so I simply said, “My name’s Destiny Welmington. Nice to meet you.” Of course meeting them so far had been anything but nice. And I could tell they all felt the same way if their stares and whispers, as I made my way to the back of the classroom to take my seat, was any sort of hint. Class went on as if I wasn’t there and as I scribbled drawings into my notebook I could hear the random drone of Mrs. Krahn listing names of different Generals of the Civil War. I let out a small sigh. I couldn’t think of one single reason why we possibly needed to know any of this junk, so I just tried to block it all out. However, I think I tried a little too hard, because when that stupid Bell just feet from my desk started ringing I nearly fell out of my chair in surprise. I hadn’t been expecting a noise that loud at all. I put all my stuff into my backpack and slowly got up from my seat. By now, everyone in the class had already gone, even the teacher. And as I walked out into the hallway, there were only a few kids still scrambling to get to their next class. I looked down at my schedule and found my next class, English, my favorite class. It was in classroom 15, and at the moment I was in front of classroom 8. I pulled out the horridly drawn school map and noticed classroom 15 was upstairs. Now, if only I could find these stairs, everything would be fine. However, as I walked down the hall and turned, like the map said, I was not met by stairs but by a wall. And as the bell rang, I crumpled up that useless map and tossed it back into my bag. I was already late, so I found no reason to try to rush anymore. I turned around and went back the way I came. I figured that if there wasn’t a stairwell in that part of the school, there might be one on the other end. So I walked until I made it all the way to the beginning of the school. There was a slightly open, pink door and I could see a stairwell just behind it. I let out a relieved sigh and followed the stairs and to my amazement, the stairs were right next to classroom 15. I gently knocked on the closed door and opened it carefully. I was again met by unfriendly stares and as I entered the room I realized that they weren’t just coming from the students. The teacher, Mr. Burmis, a very large man who seemed to be about six foot seven in height glared down at me from the front of the class. “Well, you must be Ms. Welmington.” He said as he took a few steps closer to me. “Yeah, I’m Destiny Wel…” I began before I was suddenly cut off. “Well, Destiny I hope you don’t plan on making this tardiness a bit of a habit.” He said as he went to his desk and pulled out a huge literature book that I swear could have been as old as the poet on the cover. Then he pointed towards the empty desks in the back and said, “Pick whatever desk you want, and don’t interrupt anymore.” Then he returned to his lesson. Again, I sat as far away from everyone else in the class as possible. However, this time I actually listened to the teacher’s talk of William Shakespeare. I couldn’t really help it actually. Ever since I was a little kid, I’ve been interested in literature and Shakespeare in particular. I mean, I’ve always been an above average reader and I spent most of my childhood with my head behind a book. And I still remember that first copy of Romeo and Juliet that my father bought for me when I was eight years old. It was wonderfully dark and romantic. I swear I must have read it a thousand times. And even if the teacher of this English class was rude, even if I frankly hated him already, I wasn’t going to let that ruin the only class I’ve actually ever enjoyed. Well, at least that’s what I told myself. That is, until class was interrupted by a boy dressed from head to toe in black.
Numero tres
It was about fifteen minutes into Mr. Burmis's discussion on Shakespeare. He was just beginning to mention the possible connection between Shakespeare's Play "Hamlet" and the death of his only son Hamnet. However, as he was getting into the detail that eleven year old Hamnet may have suffered from the Bubonic Plague, the door to the classrom was suddenly swung open. Everyone in the class turned their attention to the front of the room and there he stood. He was about 6 foot tall, with black hair and pale skin. He was wearing nothing but black from head to toe. He looked as out of place in this bright room as I did. I chuckled a bit under my breath, just waiting to hear Mr. Burmis explode. If he could yell at me for being a minute late my first day of class, I just couldn't imagine what he'd have to say to this kid. I imagined a huge argument, ending with this kid in detention at the least. However, my thoughts were no where near what actually happened. Well, as this guy walked into the room, everyone started whispering and giggling. My hopes where that they found him as odd as they found me and that I would have at least one person in this school who would understand me. I flashed a quick glance over to Mr. Burmis and was utterly shocked by what I saw. Instead of him becoming furious, he looked...well...happy. "I'm so glad you decided to join us today, Mr. Dragomir." He said, a smile on his face. "I'm sure you'll find today's lesson quite enjoyable" I couldn't believe it! I get reprimanded my first day of school for being one minute late and then here comes mister high and mighty fifteen minutes into class and he gets welcomed with open arms! This school was seriously screwed up, there was no doubt about that. I was so angry I could hardly keep from screaming, and things got even worse when that stupid Dragomir guy sat in the seat right next to mine. With all the extra seats around, why did the jerk have to sit in the seat right next to me? I just couldn't believe this was happening to me. I tried to calm myself down, but found it nearly impossible when I noticed the jerk was staring at me. I ignored it for a while, but he just wouldn't quit it. He wasn't just glancing in my direction, but he was full on staring at me...glaring at me it almost seemed like. Almost like he was studying me, trying to find something out about me...and I didn't like it. It made me really uncomfortable...almost as if he was invading my private space. I just had to make him stop...that was what my mind was telling me...I had to do something to break his concentration on me. So, I did the first thing I could think of. As soon as Mr. Burmis turned to write on the chalkboard, I crumpled up a peice of notebook paper and threw it at the Dragomir guy's face. Well, it worked...I guess.He stopped staring at me with such an intense look and was instead staring with a look of shock. I was so sure I'd won when Mr. Burmis shouted from the front of the room. "Destiny Welmington!I don't know how they taught you kids in your old school, but here we don't throw things at people for no good reason! Do you understand me? Now appologize to Mr. Dragomir!" I just sat there, my mouth hanging open. How did the teacher know I threw it, his back was turned when I'd done it. I looked back over at the Dragomir jerk, and saw him smirking...he was enjoying the fact I was in trouble. I just couldn't take it anymore...this place was just too much for me. "I'll apologize to him as soon as he apologizes to me." I said, matter-of-factly. Mr. Burmis became increasingly angry, I could tell. He became red in the face and some nasty vein was like...sticking out on his neck...or something. It was not a pretty sight. "And why must Mr. Dragomir apologize to you?" he said, trying to keep calm. "What could he have possible done?" By this point, every kid in the class was staring at me. Each one had the same look of contempt and disgust, as if they would punch me sooner than speak to me, but I didn't care...not anymore. "Well, I don't know how you teach kids in this school, but where I'm from, it's rude to stare at people. Maybe if someone had instilled these rules in Mr. Dragomir's head, we wouldn't be having this discussion." I said. There was a collective gasp from every student in the room, and Mr. Burmis began to look like a boiled lobster...and trust me...red was not his color. Anyway, by this point I knew I was headed for trouble. Big trouble...and really fast. I cast another glance towards the Dragomir kid and was satisfied to see that my little remark wiped the smirk of his face. He was staring at me like I was the weirdest person he ever met. I was quite proud of that, in fact I was overjoyed. For a moment there was no sound and I began to wonder if I'd won the argument. However, there's one thing any student like me knows, and that's, the teacher always wins. It doesn't matter if it wasn't your fault or if they're the one that's wrong. The only thing that ever matters is their authority, and boy do they use it every chance they get. Mr. Burmis was no exception to the rule, in fact he followed it perfectly. He walked over to my desk, slamming my literature book closed. "Ms. Welmington, I want you out of my classroom this instant!" he yelled, "You are to sit in the hall until you learn some respect for your classmates and your teacher." "Fine." I said, throwing my things into my bag. I stood up and threw my chair back under the desk. I walked slowly towards the door, and upon reaching it, looked back at Mr. Burmis and the Dragomir guy and said, "But you might as well change my classroom to the hallway, because I refuse to respect anyone who doesn't respect me." Then, pleased by the shocked looks on everyones face, I walked out the door, slamming it hard behind me. If they expected me to sit out here quietly for another 20 minutes, they had another thing coming.
Numero cuatro...or part of it at least...
I made my way down the down the stairs and through the lower level halls, quickly and quietly, so I wouldn't be noticed by other classes. Upon reaching the other side of the school, I quietly slipped out the door and walked towards their pathetic sports feild. No one was out there and I figured I could relax behind the bleachers for the rest of the day. I got there quickly, trying not to give anyone looking out the window a chance to spot me. Once in the shade, and safely behind the bleachers, I relaxed. I threw my backpack on the ground, pulling out my English book. I decided I'd read up some more on Shakespeare and Hamlet just in case Mr. Burmis decided to throw a pop quiz in my honor. I lay my head down on my bag and began to read. It was a wonderful to read about Shakespeare's life. It made this idol of mine seem more real. I mean, the guy had his share of problems just like any other average person. It almost made me think there was still hope for me. Yeah right, like that could ever happen. I was nowhere near as talented in anything I did. I probably wasn't gonna make it very far in life, let alone as a writer. The negative thoughts rolled around in my head until finally, I guess I dozed off.
When I finally came to, my English book was open, lying on my face. I sighed, lifting it away so I could see. However, I found that I was no longer alone. A small girl was sitting directly in front of me, watching me curiously. She had long, glossy black curls partially tied back in a pink and black ribbon. She had on a black dress with pink lace and small black mary janes. She had a big smile on her face, and the longer I looked at her, the bigger it seemed to get. "You're finally awake."she said, her voice was small with a childlike ring to it. "You've been asleep for almost an hour. You fell asleep pretty quick too...was the story that boring?" She pointed to my English book. I said nothing. How could this girl know I'd fallen asleep an hour ago...had she been watching me from somewhere...had she been here all along? I looked around to try and find where she could have been hiding, but couldn't find a single place out of my vision. The girl giggled, "You're not much of a talker are you? Well, I don't know many people that are, besides myself. My brother says it's okay though. He says I can just talk enough for all the quiet people here. So, you're the new girl, right?" she laughed, "What am I saying, of course you're the new girl! I've lived here my whole life and know everybody...and I've never seen you before...so of course you'd have to be new...you are, right?" She moved a bit closer to me, and I scooted farther back. My first impresion was that this girl was insane. What type of person watches people sleep then bombards them with senseless chatter and questions. Again the girl scooted closer to me, "I guess you are! Yay I was right! That means your name's Destiny...that's a really cool name. My name's Luminita but everyone calls me Luna...well except for my dad and Big sister. They call me Lumi." More like 'Loonie' I thought as she giggled once again. "Do you have a nickname?" She asked, scooting even closer into my personal space bubble. "Ummmm...no..." I said as I pulled away from her, my bag dragging across the ground. "Well that's too bad...maybe I'll make one up for you!" she said. "Luna, stop bothering that poor new student," a voice rang out from behind me. I turned around to see him ,that Dragomir guy, smiling in our direction. "you never know when she'll throw something at your face." The nerve of that guy, I swear. I just couldn't stand him! I looked back over at Luminita, who was already on her feet running straight towards him. "Big brother!" she chimed as she jumped into the air, nearly tackling him into a hug. Of course these two were siblings. Both were rude...both were weird...goodness...they even looked the same. I couldn't stand being near them much longer. "Deidrich," I could hear her say, " this is my new friend Destiny! She's really nice...she wouldn't throw anything at my face. The two of us are good friends!"
Friend? Since when did I say I was her friend?
(that's all I got for now...)
lhflowers · Tue Jul 15, 2008 @ 04:02am · 0 Comments |
Chapter 2 of my useless story! I write when I'm bored, what can I say.
Without even thinking, Ryu jumped off the motorcycle and ran to the girl. He lifted her arm and checked for a pulse. It was light, but she was still alive. By this time Toshi and Miyo had also come to stand by the girl. “Toshi!” ordered Ryu, “we have to get this girl to a hospital.” Ryu took off his jacket and placed it around the girl. Then he lifted her into his arms and began to carry her towards his motorcycle. He gingerly placed her in front of him, and with one hand holding on to her, he began to drive toward the hospital. When the kids got to the hospital, Ryu ran to the front desk as quickly as he could. He had already gotten the nurse’s attention. The nurse told the high school students to wait while she got the doctor. “Toshi, Ryu!” said Miyo pointing to the girl, “ Her cheeks are starting to turn pink.” It was true, the young girl’s once pale cheeks were starting to become rosy. As the three friends stared at the girl, the doctor came and led them to a room. The doctor asked them questions about the girl, but they didn’t know how to answer. They simply told him that they found her lying in the middle of the road without a jacket. The doctor left for a moment then, saying that she would be fine, and that he had other people to tend to. The three friends began to talk to one another, when Toshi noticed the girl’s eyes open. The girl began to sit up, and stare all around the room. Then her eyes focused on her rescuers. “ I think I’m seeing double.” Said the girl staring right at the twins. Both had the same reddish blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and both wearing the same outfit. Miyo began to laugh when the girl made a puzzled face. “ You’re not seeing double.” She said, “ You’re just seeing the twins.” The girls face only looked more puzzled. “ Who are you people, and what am I doing here?” “Oh, I forgot. I’m Miyo, and these two are Toshi and Ryu!” Miyo was acting a little too excited. “ So what’s your name?” The girl sat for a moment as if she was thinking really hard, then said, “ My name’s Azumi. Um… are any of you gonna tell me why I’m here or better yet why you’re here?” “Well,” said Ryu, “ you were lying in the middle of the road. We thought you were dead. We brought you here because we felt that you needed medical attention.” Toshi began to scratch his head and asked, “ Do you have any idea how you ended up there.” Azumi looked at him, and said, “ I only remember a light. That’s it.” She thought very hard for a moment. “Yup. That’s it.” Ryu looked at Azumi, and said, “ Do you know your phone number, maybe we can call you parents, or maybe we can stop by your house.” Azumi looked down at her hands, and just sat there for a minute. Then she looked at them and said, “I can’t remember anything like that.” Toshi stared at the girl, and said, “ You don’t remember anything?” Miyo was intrigued about this weird girl, “That’s so strange. You mean, you seriously don’t remember anything” “ No,” said Azumi, “I can’t remember anything.” “Do you remember your family at all?” asked Toshi. “I can sort of remember having a family, but I can’t remember anything else.” Ryu looked at the Azumi questioningly. “ Do you remember absolutely anything about yourself? If you do tell us because we can help you get back to where you belong.” “ Well,” said Azumi, “ I know my name’s Azumi, and I know that I’m 15. That’s just about it though. Does that help?” Ryu gave out a large sigh. “ Miyo,” he said, “ looks like you got yourself a new roommate.”
lhflowers · Sat Dec 23, 2006 @ 04:45am · 1 Comments |
Here's chapter 1 of a story I'm writing. If you like it, or if you taltally hate it, please tell me! blaugh
“Hey, Miyo.” Screamed Ryu, “You’re going to be late.” The tall 16 year old began to pound on his friend’s door. When she didn’t respond, he pulled a key out of his backpack. “ I know that she told me not to use it unless of an emergency, but I’m going to be late because of her. That should count as an emergency.” He opened the door and walked in. He found Miyo passed out asleep on the couch. He walked over and tapped her on the shoulder. “ Miyo!” he screamed, “wake up already!” Miyo’s eyes shot open, and she screamed, “73!” “ What?!” Miyo blinked a few times before she realized where she was. Then she looked up at Ryu and asked, “ What are you doing in my house?” “Well, sorry for trying to wake you up for school. I mean what kind of thanks is thi…” “ School!?” screamed Miyo , “ oh no, what time is it?” “8: 20, so hurry up. If you’re late, I’m gonna be late.” “ Crap!” screamed Miyo, “I have a math test today! If I’m late, I won’t be able to finish it. Then the 7 hours I spent practicing will have been for nothing.” She began to walk toward the door when Ryu said, “ are you really going to school in the same clothes you wore yesterday?” He began to point at her lime green sweater. “ Oh no I forgot to change!” She then began to push Ryu out the door. “you,” she said, “ have to leave.” While Ryu waited for Miyo, his twin brother Toshi came by on his motorcycle and stopped. “ Shouldn’t you be at school?” asked Toshi. “I mean you left half an hour ago and our house is just down the street.” Ryu glared at his brother and said, “ Don’t blame me, blame princess tardy.” “ Don’t tell me she forgot to study until the last minute again,” said Toshi as he pressed his hand to his head in frustration. “ She does this every time. When is she ever going to learn?” “ I know, and every time she does this, we’re late too.” Ryu then looked at his brother, and said, “ Remind me again, why do we have to take her to school every day?” “ It’s because she’s been our friend since grade school, and friends help each other out. Well that and the fact that if we don’t, she’ll tell every secret of ours from the time we started kindergarten.” “ Oh yeah,” mumbled Ryu while scratching his head. His reddish blonde hair began to blow in the wind, “ Like the fact the school flooding in the fifth grade wasn’t really an accident, just another way to get out of class.” The twin brothers began to laugh, when Miyo burst through her door. “ I’m surprised you guys waited.” She said. “ Well, we should go now. Important test… remember?” Ryu and Toshi sat on their motorcycles, and Miyo sat behind Ryu. The three were almost at school, when both motorcycles came to a screeching stop. There in the middle of the road, a young girl was lying on the ground. Her clothes and hair were covered in dust and mud. And though it was nearly winter, the girl had no sweater or jacket, and her skin looked extremely pale. The three high school students could hear the school bell ring in the distance” well,” said Miyo, “ looks like my C average just dropped to a D.”
lhflowers · Tue Dec 19, 2006 @ 09:36pm · 0 Comments |
Hello world! I have recently become interested in writing. I will start using my journal to post chapters of a story I came up with. If you want to comment on it, pm me.
lhflowers · Sun Dec 03, 2006 @ 07:16pm · 0 Comments |