How come I get the feeling I belong somewhere else?
I don't get it. Ever since I got back from training it's been on my mind. I don't know why I feel like this, but for some reason I just feel like I should keep moving and seeing far away places. I honestly don't know. I mean I'll be happy one minute and then i'll be pissed the next, or atleast confused. I wish I had some kind of answer. I've been praying the lord alot more lately. I dream bizar things. I had A dream the other night: I was walking up to A big building which seemed to be A school or something. I go inside and talk to the clerk at the front desk. Apparently I was there to see someone. She told me the person I was looking for is on Floor 81. So I walked over to the elevator and hit 81. I'm going up floors and A couple floors before I hit 81 I hear A scream and gun fire. I thought to myself s**t and was preparing myself for the worst. I hit floor 81, but there was no floor 81. I was on the roof. I stepped out of the elevator and heard A girl crying out for help. It was coming from A large crate just near the edge of the back of the building. When I look inside I see A little black boxh and blinking lights. Then the crate exploded and it sent me flying throuh the air. As I'm flying through the air think to myself "I'm gonna' die..". I Saw the edge of the building and the steps to the main entrance below. I thought I was gonna plumit to my death, but instead I fell short of the edge and slammed hard against the wall on the roofs edge. I lie there wondering if help was on the way. Then I blacked out. After that I woke up. I don't know if this has to do with how I feel, but I've been having alot of dreams like that. Anyways, I just had to share that. I'll write again soon.