hay guess wat i heard guys theres gonna be ah gundam live action movie!! and im so exicted for it but i hope tht its followin gundam seed or gundam seed destiny or gundam wing or gundam 00 but if they were to chose i bet they would chose gundam 00 becuz when i saw tha trailers for tha anime i waz so exicted for it becuz it look awsome and when i watched it i was surpized of how well made it was man bandai really pore there hearts out into tht gundam series but heres my idea of a gundam live action movie wat if a time portal rips space and time so much tht all the characters from all of tha gundam shows and tht would be awsome!! just think of it kira yamato from gundam seed/destiny fightin along side hero from gundam wing tht would be awsome!!!!