Bite-Sized Chunklet Sprite 2 |

Easy easy. =D
Interested in purchacing a Pixel Art? They're sold at Wakaiba's AFK Quest. Wakaibas AFK Quest
Wakaiba · Sat May 20, 2006 @ 07:36pm · 0 Comments |

I really like how this piece turned out; I did it a while ago, but I didn't want to post until the trade was confirmed, then the bank went down, and so on and so on. Most of my efforts have been focused to a pixel-art website I've been doing in school, but I've changed how I do things after I completed this. I like it though; the mole was a new thing for me. I like how it looks. And the cinch on the waist of the dress is fun too.
Interested in purchacing a Pixel Art? They're sold at Wakaiba's AFK Quest. Wakaibas AFK Quest
Wakaiba · Sat May 20, 2006 @ 05:01pm · 0 Comments |
x Unforgotten Nevermore x Chibi Doll |

Easy enough piece, but I had to delay it 'cause we had to put our cat to sleep. ;__; For once, I didn't mind pixeling black. The best part (and the hardest part) here was the hat. It took fidgeting, but I like how it turned out... I think you can tell where the visor begins/ends clearly.
Interested in purchacing a Pixel Art? They're sold at Wakaiba's AFK Quest. Wakaibas AFK Quest
Wakaiba · Fri May 12, 2006 @ 12:19am · 0 Comments |
strawberrywitch Chibi Doll |

Shadin' CRAZY! xD I had my fun here; only hard part was putting bows on the shoes (can you see 'em? squint reeeal hard) and making the book look like it has pages. I have to do some non-Gaia work on this base, I"m growing to love it more and more.
Interested in purchacing a Pixel Art? They're sold at Wakaiba's AFK Quest. Wakaibas AFK Quest
Wakaiba · Sun Apr 30, 2006 @ 10:35pm · 0 Comments |

Meh, easy. It's hard commenting on this right now; I just finished doing a doll on a much larger base for a project, which though not a hard undertaking was more of a complex one than this. So... I like how it turned out. I might edit those were feet some day soon, though.
Interested in purchacing a Pixel Art? They're sold at Wakaiba's AFK Quest. Wakaibas AFK Quest
Wakaiba · Thu Apr 27, 2006 @ 10:41pm · 0 Comments |

Text! I havn't been asked to do text in a while; I don't think it's my strong point, either. sweatdrop I couldn't come up with much that I could do with it, except to do a dual-color shading scheme. And what's with that swirly thing I made? Oh well. It's regal enough. As to the chibi - T___T. No more monochromatic color schemes, please! Aaargh, not only does it make it super-easy for me to pixel, but so much detail gets lost! I did find 'the contrast of red on red', to spin lyrics. So, easy enough peice to do, but it's a lot differient from my 'norm', so it was appreciated.
Interested in purchacing a Pixel Art? They're sold at Wakaiba's AFK Quest. Wakaibas AFK Quest
Wakaiba · Wed Apr 26, 2006 @ 01:31am · 1 Comments |
IceColdPrincess Full-Body |

Easy enough; nothing too special here. The hair took some edit time, otherwise, same ol' same ol'. Can someone technicolor please comission me? I'll give you a 10g discount on the full! T__T
Interested in purchacing a Pixel Art? They're sold at Wakaiba's AFK Quest.
Wakaibas AFK Quest
Wakaiba · Tue Apr 25, 2006 @ 12:18am · 0 Comments |
Heavan's Gatekeeper Full-Body Pixel Art |

Whoa, Angelic. Oh well, nothing too hard here; the only thing I stressed were the wings on the staff. Fun stuff.
Interested in purchacing a Pixel Art? They're sold at Wakaiba's AFK Quest.
Wakaibas AFK Quest
Wakaiba · Sun Apr 23, 2006 @ 08:01pm · 0 Comments |
Dammed Monkey Sprites Order |