Tektek Contest Portfolios and Elimination Charts
Chart Guide:

Make Me A Supermodel S2
by Sexy_Top_Model
Placement: 1st out of 20 contestants
Rounds Participated:12 out of 12 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Pink] [Freak Show] [Jungle Civilization] [Fairy Tales] [Planets – Mars] [Flowers – Rose] [Elements – Neon]
[Childhood] [Decades - 1980's] [Fraternities - Kappa Alpha Psi] [Aliens – Plant] [Monthly Collectibles, Free Challenge]

Project Gaiaway S4
by ZombieCzar
Placement: 3rd out of 18 contestants
Rounds Participated: 15 out of 15 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Biancamella - Pulled Taffy Hair] [Moms - Pora Ice] [Indian] [Witch Doctor] [Southern Belle] [Team Pride – Durem] [Rejected Models]
[Alruna's Rose – Coat] [Emotes - Ninja Mask] [Monster Babies – Ghost] [CZR] [Bloody Mary] [Steampunk] [Breakfast – Bacon]
[Final Collections - Human Body]

Final Collection:
1. Infection 2. Weakening Bones 3. Bloodshot Eyes 4. Tainted Blood 5. Severe Hemorrhage 6. Gangrene
7. Cancer Cell 8. Hopeless Medication 9. Antibodies Summoned 10. Antibodies Defeated 11. Nerve Cells Attacked! 12. Death

Project Gaiaway S5
by ZombieCzar
Placement: ___ out of 16 contestants
Rounds Participated: 11 out of 11 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Hardcore Granny] [Highschool – Jock] [Captain’s Nestegg - Macao Spirit] [Item Abuse - Stone Gauntlets] [Tarot – Temperance]
[80's] [Gangsta/Thug] [Tribute - Gogh Reed] [Art– Surrealism] [Judge's Style - Gayesque: The b***h Judge]
[Finale Collection - Superhero Spouses]

Final Collection:
1. Sentai Mage (inspired by Power Rangers/Sailor Moon)
2. Samurai/Butch Superwife (inspired by Gundam Girls)
3. Bounty Hunting Superwife (inspired by Bunnie Rabbot from Sonic the Hedgehog)
4. Formalwear Superwife (inspired by The Riddler from The Batman)
5. Villain's Vegan Superwife (inspired by Poison Ivy from The Batman)
6. Vacuuming Superwife (inspired by Ruprecht Kroenen from Hellboy)
7. Robot Superwife (inspired by Iron Man/Stepford Wives)
8. Scientist Superwife (inspired by Komui Lee from D. Grayman)
9. Cooking Spacewife (inspired by Galactus from Fantastic Four)
10. Gadgetress/Tomboy (inspired by Sally Acorn from Sonic the Hedgehog)
11. Bimbo/Shopaholic Superwife (inspired by Decora/Mystique from X-Men)
12. Stay at Home Supermom (inspired by Lynette Scavo from Desperate Housewives)
13. Treasure Hunter's Superwife (inspired by Johnny from Guilty Gear)
14. Godly Superwife (inspired by Hevlaska from D. Grayman)
15. Dinowife (inspired by X. Drake from One Piece)
16. Posh/Rich Superwife (inspired by the first Silk Spectre from Watchmen)

Orly's UberSuperAmazing S1
by phosphOrlyescence
Placement: postponed
Rounds Participated: postponed
Rounds Themes:
[Futuristic Doll] [Lunar Scythe] [10 Item Emotions – Vengeance] [Male Superheroes] [Formalwear – Prunella] [Enviro] [School – Mechanic]

Gaia's Next Top Model S6
by Althea Lynn
Placement: 1st out of 20 contestants
Rounds Participated: 8 out of 8 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Store Items] [Sex Change – Female] [Past Challenges – Animals] [Wedding Party - Emotional Aunt] [Cash Shop]
[Bases – Grombie] [Formalwear] [Opposites – Hot and Cold]

Project Make Me a Top Model S1
by Teh Knightmare
Placement: 1st out of 17 contestants
Rounds Participated: 13 our of 13 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Masquerade] [Two Stores Only] [Lingerie] [NPC's – Rina] [Superheroes – Rock: Hero, Villain] [Plagues - Water to Blood]
[Gods – Hades] [Teamwork with awake' – Cowboy and Indian] [Wonders - Victoria Falls] [The Devil] [Titan's Legacy Cape] [Tektek Weakness]
[Color Restriction - Green/Orange/Black, Pink/Purple/Blue, White/Brown/Teal, Free Challenge]

Insert Name Here S1
by Tuxedo Cake
Placement: 2nd out of 15 contestants
Rounds Participated: 9 out of 9 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Minor restrictions] [Red Yellow Blue] [Pink Black White] [Monotone – Black] [Clutterf*ck]
[Trollish Skirt] [Opposites - Yellow and Blue] [8D Hoodie] [Pixie Stix]

Pashmina's 101k Tektek Contest S1
by Pashmina
Placement: postponed
Rounds Participated: postponed
Rounds Themes:
[Muse – Tribal] [Green Budget] [Pair - Amanda and Michelle Babin as Circus Freaks] [Plush on Top – Narwhal] [Bollywood]

Tek Savvy S1
by Navenna
Placement: 1st out of 15 contestants
Rounds Participated: 12 out of 12 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Required Base] [Music - World Music] [Beach] [MC Showcase – November] [Superhero – Poison] [Painter - Edvard Munch - The Scream]
[Teamwork with Bluee Insaniity - Carol of Nick and Ebenezer] [Holidays - Winnie the Pooh Day] [Real Layering] [Required Base] [No Cash Shop – North]
[Finale Collection - Forsaken Gods of Otami]

Final Collection:
1. Deception 2. Treachery 3. Misfortune 4. Pestilence

Gaia’s Next Top Model S1
by Lohlee
Placement: 1st out of 11 contestants
Rounds Participated: 13 out of 13 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Zodiac – Aries] [Zodiac – Taurus] [Zodiac – Taurus] [Countries – Africa] [Countries – UK] [Villians - Cruella de Vil] [Modern Princess – Pocahontas]
[Loner] [Teamwork with Shawana_Chou - Zeus and Hera] [Music Personal Style] [Music – Bhangra] [Gender Specific - Girly] [Hideous Bases - Afraid,
Happy go Lucky, Pissed] [Free Challenge]
Finale Collection - Nine Challenges)

Finale Collection:
1. Movie: Coraline (Other Mother)
2. Candy: Ice Cream
3. Photo Manip: Death at Sea
4. Rainbow: Cleaning Lady
5. Metallic: Dirty gold and silver being heated and purified
6. Powerpuff: Blossom
7. Holiday: Halloween
8. Judge Mimic: Lohlee
9. Free for All

Mannequin Me S1
by Strawberry Sonata
Placement: ___ out of 20 contestants
Rounds Participated: __ out of ___ rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Colorful] [Gems - Tiffany Stone] [Mood Bubbles – Onomnom]

Redwine Remix S3
by Jamais Changeant
Placement: 5th out of 16 contestants
Rounds Participated: 11 out of 14 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Stupid Drunks – Seduction] [Theme Guessing – Sadness] [Horrible Bases] [Super Villains - Discovering Powers]
[Building 1 Avatar as a Group] [Making Over Hideous Bases] [Smooth Items Only] [UnSet - Sailor Moon]

Redwine Remix S4
by Jamais Changeant
Placement: 2nd out of 21 contestants
Rounds Participated: 12 out of 12 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Consequences of Drinking] [Emulation - Jammy] [Bound] [Triple AT Theme - Victorian, Hobo, Pokemon] [Seasons - Summer] [Enlarge - Head] [No Letter - C]
[Item Pairs] [Wet] [Themed] [Past and Future - Transportation] [Avant Garde First Round]

Redwine Remix S5: All Stars
by Jamais Changeant
Placement: 3rd out of 13 contestants
Rounds Participated: 10 out of 10 rounds
Rounds Themes:
(The contestants competed using their mules for anonymity)
[Budget - Identity Hint] [Item Inventing - [x] [x] [x] [x] ] [Matched and Styled] [Same Character, Different Settings]
[Contrasting Color/Emotion] [Inside-tar] [********] [Clothing Line - April Spink] [Assigned Base - Catanaition N. D.]
[Wine - Rot Wine]

Through the Pages S1
by Jamais Changeant
Placement: 2nd out of 20 contestants
Rounds Participated: 10 out of 10 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Blue Jeans Adventure] [Magic] [Clown Mask] [History - Gabriela Silang] [Creepy Anthro] [Star-crossed Lovers]
[Disaster] [Abstract Blob] [Good Villain, Evil Hero] [Social Problem]

Through the Pages S4
by Jamais Changeant
Placement: __ out of 20 contestants
Rounds Participated: ___ out of 12 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Over-the-top Sexy] [Anthro + Human Doll] [Disorder - Body Dysmorhpic] [Stranded] [Flawed] [Lolita] [God - Ouroboros] [Slang - Utol] [Unconventional Couple - Gay] [Innocent, Rebellious] [Fanfic + Steampunk Katara]

Essence of Orly S1
by phosphOrlyescence
Placement: ___ out of 13 contestants
Rounds Participated: ___ out of ___ rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Countries - Mexico] [Months - August]

by Elphaba the Renthead
Placement: ___ out of 16 contestants.
Rounds Participated: ___ out of ___ rounds.
Rounds Themes:
[Halfatars] [Teamwork with Brainiac Zack] [Villains] [Animals] [Songs - Love is a Song] [Ugly]

by Sophie is a Ninja
Placement: ___ out of ___ contestants
Rounds Participated: ___ out of ___ rounds
Rounds Themes:
(this contest is style-oriented)
[Base] [Celebrity - Tessa Prieto-Valdez] [Drag Queen] [Relaxed] [Gaga Item]

Call to Arms S3
by Tomo Ronin
Placement: ___ out of 18 contestants
Rounds Participated: ___ out of ___ rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Item Requirement] [Spies - Greece] [Pokemon - Surprise Gogh]

Colour My World S1
by Jamais Changeant and Mr Meow Meows
Placement: ___ out of ___ contestants
Rounds Participated: ___ out of ___ rounds
Rounds Themes:
[B&W Movie] [ROY Life]

Launch My Avatar Line S1
by Teh Knightmare
Placement: 1st out of 20 contestants
Rounds Participated: 11 out of 11 rounds
Rounds Themes:
(All avatars have to comply to the key words Whimsical, Detailed and Quirky Character.)
(All avatars have to have one pose of Imaginary Friend equipped.)
[What's your line?] [Male Airship Captain] [Hideous Base] [Months - December] [Opposites] [Assigned Items]
[Collaboration with phosphOrlyescence] [Versus - Death] [Inspiration from Current] [Liquid]
[Finale - Arranged + 8 hideous bases]

Finale collection:

The Garment Grid S3
by Myna5194
Placement: 2nd out of 15 contestants
Rounds Participated: 12 out of 12 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Gunner] [Paladin - 1m Limit] [Teamwork with Evolu - Fire and Ice Black Mages] [Psychic] [Songstress - Music Genre] [Berserker - Required Base]
[Lady Luck - 4 Colors Only] [Trainer - Contrasting Pet] [Thief - Min14 Items] [Warrior] [Unique - Dreamweaver] [Evolu's Madame Gypsy]

You Are What You Eat
by iymcool
Placement: ___ out of 11 contestants
Rounds Participated: ___ out of ___ rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Appetizer - Kesong Puti] [Wine and Soup - Merlot and Vegetable Soup]

Rounds Participated:
Rounds Themes:
Rounds Participated:
Rounds Themes:
Rounds Participated:
Rounds Themes:
Chart Guide:

Make Me A Supermodel S2
by Sexy_Top_Model
Placement: 1st out of 20 contestants
Rounds Participated:12 out of 12 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Pink] [Freak Show] [Jungle Civilization] [Fairy Tales] [Planets – Mars] [Flowers – Rose] [Elements – Neon]
[Childhood] [Decades - 1980's] [Fraternities - Kappa Alpha Psi] [Aliens – Plant] [Monthly Collectibles, Free Challenge]

Project Gaiaway S4
by ZombieCzar
Placement: 3rd out of 18 contestants
Rounds Participated: 15 out of 15 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Biancamella - Pulled Taffy Hair] [Moms - Pora Ice] [Indian] [Witch Doctor] [Southern Belle] [Team Pride – Durem] [Rejected Models]
[Alruna's Rose – Coat] [Emotes - Ninja Mask] [Monster Babies – Ghost] [CZR] [Bloody Mary] [Steampunk] [Breakfast – Bacon]
[Final Collections - Human Body]

Final Collection:
1. Infection 2. Weakening Bones 3. Bloodshot Eyes 4. Tainted Blood 5. Severe Hemorrhage 6. Gangrene
7. Cancer Cell 8. Hopeless Medication 9. Antibodies Summoned 10. Antibodies Defeated 11. Nerve Cells Attacked! 12. Death

Project Gaiaway S5
by ZombieCzar
Placement: ___ out of 16 contestants
Rounds Participated: 11 out of 11 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Hardcore Granny] [Highschool – Jock] [Captain’s Nestegg - Macao Spirit] [Item Abuse - Stone Gauntlets] [Tarot – Temperance]
[80's] [Gangsta/Thug] [Tribute - Gogh Reed] [Art– Surrealism] [Judge's Style - Gayesque: The b***h Judge]
[Finale Collection - Superhero Spouses]

Final Collection:
1. Sentai Mage (inspired by Power Rangers/Sailor Moon)
2. Samurai/Butch Superwife (inspired by Gundam Girls)
3. Bounty Hunting Superwife (inspired by Bunnie Rabbot from Sonic the Hedgehog)
4. Formalwear Superwife (inspired by The Riddler from The Batman)
5. Villain's Vegan Superwife (inspired by Poison Ivy from The Batman)
6. Vacuuming Superwife (inspired by Ruprecht Kroenen from Hellboy)
7. Robot Superwife (inspired by Iron Man/Stepford Wives)
8. Scientist Superwife (inspired by Komui Lee from D. Grayman)
9. Cooking Spacewife (inspired by Galactus from Fantastic Four)
10. Gadgetress/Tomboy (inspired by Sally Acorn from Sonic the Hedgehog)
11. Bimbo/Shopaholic Superwife (inspired by Decora/Mystique from X-Men)
12. Stay at Home Supermom (inspired by Lynette Scavo from Desperate Housewives)
13. Treasure Hunter's Superwife (inspired by Johnny from Guilty Gear)
14. Godly Superwife (inspired by Hevlaska from D. Grayman)
15. Dinowife (inspired by X. Drake from One Piece)
16. Posh/Rich Superwife (inspired by the first Silk Spectre from Watchmen)

Orly's UberSuperAmazing S1
by phosphOrlyescence
Placement: postponed
Rounds Participated: postponed
Rounds Themes:
[Futuristic Doll] [Lunar Scythe] [10 Item Emotions – Vengeance] [Male Superheroes] [Formalwear – Prunella] [Enviro] [School – Mechanic]

Gaia's Next Top Model S6
by Althea Lynn
Placement: 1st out of 20 contestants
Rounds Participated: 8 out of 8 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Store Items] [Sex Change – Female] [Past Challenges – Animals] [Wedding Party - Emotional Aunt] [Cash Shop]
[Bases – Grombie] [Formalwear] [Opposites – Hot and Cold]

Project Make Me a Top Model S1
by Teh Knightmare
Placement: 1st out of 17 contestants
Rounds Participated: 13 our of 13 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Masquerade] [Two Stores Only] [Lingerie] [NPC's – Rina] [Superheroes – Rock: Hero, Villain] [Plagues - Water to Blood]
[Gods – Hades] [Teamwork with awake' – Cowboy and Indian] [Wonders - Victoria Falls] [The Devil] [Titan's Legacy Cape] [Tektek Weakness]
[Color Restriction - Green/Orange/Black, Pink/Purple/Blue, White/Brown/Teal, Free Challenge]

Insert Name Here S1
by Tuxedo Cake
Placement: 2nd out of 15 contestants
Rounds Participated: 9 out of 9 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Minor restrictions] [Red Yellow Blue] [Pink Black White] [Monotone – Black] [Clutterf*ck]
[Trollish Skirt] [Opposites - Yellow and Blue] [8D Hoodie] [Pixie Stix]

Pashmina's 101k Tektek Contest S1
by Pashmina
Placement: postponed
Rounds Participated: postponed
Rounds Themes:
[Muse – Tribal] [Green Budget] [Pair - Amanda and Michelle Babin as Circus Freaks] [Plush on Top – Narwhal] [Bollywood]

Tek Savvy S1
by Navenna
Placement: 1st out of 15 contestants
Rounds Participated: 12 out of 12 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Required Base] [Music - World Music] [Beach] [MC Showcase – November] [Superhero – Poison] [Painter - Edvard Munch - The Scream]
[Teamwork with Bluee Insaniity - Carol of Nick and Ebenezer] [Holidays - Winnie the Pooh Day] [Real Layering] [Required Base] [No Cash Shop – North]
[Finale Collection - Forsaken Gods of Otami]

Final Collection:
1. Deception 2. Treachery 3. Misfortune 4. Pestilence

Gaia’s Next Top Model S1
by Lohlee
Placement: 1st out of 11 contestants
Rounds Participated: 13 out of 13 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Zodiac – Aries] [Zodiac – Taurus] [Zodiac – Taurus] [Countries – Africa] [Countries – UK] [Villians - Cruella de Vil] [Modern Princess – Pocahontas]
[Loner] [Teamwork with Shawana_Chou - Zeus and Hera] [Music Personal Style] [Music – Bhangra] [Gender Specific - Girly] [Hideous Bases - Afraid,
Happy go Lucky, Pissed] [Free Challenge]
Finale Collection - Nine Challenges)

Finale Collection:
1. Movie: Coraline (Other Mother)
2. Candy: Ice Cream
3. Photo Manip: Death at Sea
4. Rainbow: Cleaning Lady
5. Metallic: Dirty gold and silver being heated and purified
6. Powerpuff: Blossom
7. Holiday: Halloween
8. Judge Mimic: Lohlee
9. Free for All

Mannequin Me S1
by Strawberry Sonata
Placement: ___ out of 20 contestants
Rounds Participated: __ out of ___ rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Colorful] [Gems - Tiffany Stone] [Mood Bubbles – Onomnom]

Redwine Remix S3
by Jamais Changeant
Placement: 5th out of 16 contestants
Rounds Participated: 11 out of 14 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Stupid Drunks – Seduction] [Theme Guessing – Sadness] [Horrible Bases] [Super Villains - Discovering Powers]
[Building 1 Avatar as a Group] [Making Over Hideous Bases] [Smooth Items Only] [UnSet - Sailor Moon]

Redwine Remix S4
by Jamais Changeant
Placement: 2nd out of 21 contestants
Rounds Participated: 12 out of 12 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Consequences of Drinking] [Emulation - Jammy] [Bound] [Triple AT Theme - Victorian, Hobo, Pokemon] [Seasons - Summer] [Enlarge - Head] [No Letter - C]
[Item Pairs] [Wet] [Themed] [Past and Future - Transportation] [Avant Garde First Round]

Redwine Remix S5: All Stars
by Jamais Changeant
Placement: 3rd out of 13 contestants
Rounds Participated: 10 out of 10 rounds
Rounds Themes:
(The contestants competed using their mules for anonymity)
[Budget - Identity Hint] [Item Inventing - [x] [x] [x] [x] ] [Matched and Styled] [Same Character, Different Settings]
[Contrasting Color/Emotion] [Inside-tar] [********] [Clothing Line - April Spink] [Assigned Base - Catanaition N. D.]
[Wine - Rot Wine]

Through the Pages S1
by Jamais Changeant
Placement: 2nd out of 20 contestants
Rounds Participated: 10 out of 10 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Blue Jeans Adventure] [Magic] [Clown Mask] [History - Gabriela Silang] [Creepy Anthro] [Star-crossed Lovers]
[Disaster] [Abstract Blob] [Good Villain, Evil Hero] [Social Problem]

Through the Pages S4
by Jamais Changeant
Placement: __ out of 20 contestants
Rounds Participated: ___ out of 12 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Over-the-top Sexy] [Anthro + Human Doll] [Disorder - Body Dysmorhpic] [Stranded] [Flawed] [Lolita] [God - Ouroboros] [Slang - Utol] [Unconventional Couple - Gay] [Innocent, Rebellious] [Fanfic + Steampunk Katara]

Essence of Orly S1
by phosphOrlyescence
Placement: ___ out of 13 contestants
Rounds Participated: ___ out of ___ rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Countries - Mexico] [Months - August]

by Elphaba the Renthead
Placement: ___ out of 16 contestants.
Rounds Participated: ___ out of ___ rounds.
Rounds Themes:
[Halfatars] [Teamwork with Brainiac Zack] [Villains] [Animals] [Songs - Love is a Song] [Ugly]

by Sophie is a Ninja
Placement: ___ out of ___ contestants
Rounds Participated: ___ out of ___ rounds
Rounds Themes:
(this contest is style-oriented)
[Base] [Celebrity - Tessa Prieto-Valdez] [Drag Queen] [Relaxed] [Gaga Item]

Call to Arms S3
by Tomo Ronin
Placement: ___ out of 18 contestants
Rounds Participated: ___ out of ___ rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Item Requirement] [Spies - Greece] [Pokemon - Surprise Gogh]

Colour My World S1
by Jamais Changeant and Mr Meow Meows
Placement: ___ out of ___ contestants
Rounds Participated: ___ out of ___ rounds
Rounds Themes:
[B&W Movie] [ROY Life]

Launch My Avatar Line S1
by Teh Knightmare
Placement: 1st out of 20 contestants
Rounds Participated: 11 out of 11 rounds
Rounds Themes:
(All avatars have to comply to the key words Whimsical, Detailed and Quirky Character.)
(All avatars have to have one pose of Imaginary Friend equipped.)
[What's your line?] [Male Airship Captain] [Hideous Base] [Months - December] [Opposites] [Assigned Items]
[Collaboration with phosphOrlyescence] [Versus - Death] [Inspiration from Current] [Liquid]
[Finale - Arranged + 8 hideous bases]

Finale collection:

The Garment Grid S3
by Myna5194
Placement: 2nd out of 15 contestants
Rounds Participated: 12 out of 12 rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Gunner] [Paladin - 1m Limit] [Teamwork with Evolu - Fire and Ice Black Mages] [Psychic] [Songstress - Music Genre] [Berserker - Required Base]
[Lady Luck - 4 Colors Only] [Trainer - Contrasting Pet] [Thief - Min14 Items] [Warrior] [Unique - Dreamweaver] [Evolu's Madame Gypsy]

You Are What You Eat
by iymcool
Placement: ___ out of 11 contestants
Rounds Participated: ___ out of ___ rounds
Rounds Themes:
[Appetizer - Kesong Puti] [Wine and Soup - Merlot and Vegetable Soup]

Rounds Participated:
Rounds Themes:
Rounds Participated:
Rounds Themes:
Rounds Participated:
Rounds Themes: