I'm not a big journal person and so I don't make many entries, but when I do it's because I have something to say!
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Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 @ 11:38am
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 @ 08:24pm
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Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 @ 06:26pm
Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 @ 11:36pm
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Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 @ 10:48pm
Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 @ 08:29pm
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Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 @ 01:47pm
Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 @ 06:38am
Good Morrow
Blimey!!! Well, I've been doing my new job two weeks now and it's going great. And to be honest I hardly feel as if I've been at work by the end of the day, but that's down to enjoying it I think. I'm out the door, on my bike, at 6:45am and at work by about 6:50 blaugh . When my Playworker when she arrives, she's so sweet, makes me a Tea smile and we start getting sorted before the kids arrive from 7:30....then it's mayhem....lol!! One notorious day, at about 7:45, they got out banging musical instruments... aaarrrggghhh!!! Hehehehe.....8:30, we're walking them to school. And by 9:30, usually can be 10:00, I'm on my way home. biggrin
I chill out, maybe have a relaxing bath, then at 2:30pm I'm getting ready for my Afterschool Club. Get to work, on foot this time, for about 2:50, get sorted and then head over to the school for 3:10 to pick up the children. Get back for 3:20. sign them in and then more madnesss. "Lets go in the soft corner Michelle and play 'Push Off'" I hear them cry. We head to the soft corner; I take off my badge, glasses and shoe and I spend about an hour being shooved, pushed, dragged, sat on, elbow in eye, etc etc etc gonk sweatdrop . Of course it's all in good fun, and I can hear you saying "It sounds it" complete with a worried expression. Trust me, I do my own fair share.. domokun ..lol But not as hard of course. 4:15, myself or Carole, my Playworker there, gets the snack sorted. After that it's supposed ot be relaxing, yeh fat chance. We may play Stink Ball, more Push Off, possible Jenga...By 5:45, there off home...huraaaaah! The end of another day, well it is once I've completed the communications, etc... sweatdrop
It's all great...except one thing! My alarm is set for 6:10am...so why in Gods name am I waking up at 5 - 5:20 crying ? I've been awake today since 5:20 and it's just gone 6:30 and I'm sat here typing in my Joournal...grrrrrrr... scream
Other than that it's fab!!! biggrin
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Posted: Fri May 06, 2005 @ 10:59pm