What do you do when what you have is not what you want and what you want you can't have? When your past is better than your present? When the man you thought you would love forever doesn't interest you anymore? When you realize the man you left was the one you never should have left, but you realize it too late? What do you do when your mind is telling you to stay with the man you're with, but your heart tells you he isn't the right one for you? When you want to be with the one from your past, but you've been with the present too long? Yet you don't have the heart to do anything about it. How do live knowing what you had was the best thing that had ever happened to you when what you have is trying to be the best? Sometimes people never know what they have until its gone and too late to get it back. What do you do when your past has consumed you and you start pushing your present away?