For God so loved the WORLD that He gave His ONLY Son that WHOSOEVER believe in Him shall not perish but have ETERNAL life. God loved the whole world that He sacraficed His only Son. However, not everyone believes. If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the death, you will be saved from eternal damnation. Nowadays the world is filled with so much evil because of the devil. The devil was actuallly once an angel. He was over music. However he wanted to be God. So God casted him out of heaven. Now he is prince of this sunful world. He controls secular music. If you actually take time to listen to the words in secular songs, you will notice that they contradict what God wants. You can't have to masters. Jesus bought us with a price (Him dying on the cross) now we are free from sin. Now we are slaves to righteousness. Jesus calls us His friends. For slaves don't know what they master is up to, but Jesus let us know what He wants through the Bible. God is love. There is no greater love then what God did by sacraficing Jesus. Love is an action not a feeling. Everytime God mentions love in the Bible, there is an action behind it. God gives us choices. Who do you choose to follow? The One that promises you life or the one who wants you to burn forever with him.