Reppy-chan's Blog |
Enter at your own risk. I'm highly prone to the following:
o1. fangirling
o2. ranting
o3. cursing |
Unholy Reptaur
Community Member
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 @ 11:25pm
Huzzah! After many attempts, I can (albeit painfully) move around my shoulder enough to type. So the first thing I did was type Act I, Scene 2 in my musical. And then, later, I have to add another scene between one and two to make stuff clearer. If you want to read it, send me a PM and I'll give you me AIM/MSN screenname and send it to you.
Hrmm, I don't really know why I'm writing anymore. My shoulder hurts like a b***h. But I don't want to leave the computer yet: my hip hurts a little too much to get up at the moment. So I'll stay and complain a little longer about whatever comes to mind.
I still have to make an about me section. I'm thinking of doing it roleplay character style. It's gonna be totally kickass. And I still have to take a picture that doesn't look like s**t. Since I look like s**t at the moment, though, I'm probably going to end up using older pictures or something.
Ugh, my back hurts. I don't know why. That never hurt in the first place. But now it does. I think it's because I'm sleeping on my couch instead of on my bed. But my room is a mess, and I don't have the courage to go back to my bed yet.
I'm getting fed up with iTunes. I buy stuff from them to support the artists I like, but when I like a certain artist who isn't exactly mainstream (ex: Porcelain and the Tramps), I can't find ANYTHING. Which is beyond lame. Which is very upsetting. And I can't figure out how to delete album art. UGH. Oh well.
Well, now my shoulder really hurts. I can't remember the point of this OH! I needed to remind myself to do the MATH SCENE in Exposed. Okay, wow. It took me forever to remember that. Welcome to the depths of my mind, where nothing makes sense but it's okay because I don't want it to. Yeah. Whoo.
Feeling: PAIN crying What I'm listening to: Price of Compant by The White Tie Affair What I'm Reading: . . . Or Not? by Brian Mandabach What I'm Watching: The rocky Horror Picture Show
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 @ 08:15pm
To-Do List
This may not be interesting for some of you. I warn you all that this is simply a list of crap I have to do.
o1. Finish Act I, Scene 2 in Exposed o2. Organize binders for midterms o3. Finish Spanish assignment sheet Gaia:
o1. Profile for "Wristcutters" o2. Intro post for greed in "Living With Sin" o3. Take picture for "About Me" o4. Update "About Me" Home:
o1. Help Nana clean her house for her date o2. CLEAN ROOM o3. Make dinner o4. Read Ransom and return to Caroline o5. Grocery shopping
a. cereal b. milk c. eggs d. butter e. angel food cake f. sparkling cider
o6. Plan a New Year's Eve party with Rimi?
Okay, now I can rant. Today's topic: mother.
She works. I know for a fact that she works. So why the ******** has she been home for my entire winter vacation? She's NOT supposed to be home right now. She's supposed to be in Woodland Hills, working away. But alas, she's sitting downstairs with her laptop. "Working from home" she calls it. I call it TORTURE. Evil, evil woman. HARUMPH. God, lady: GO TO WORK. I can't make noise when I go downstairs, which means I'll be playing no video games. I could ask to borrow her car and go to Dreamboat, but the answer (I'm sure) will be no.
Oh well. If all else fails, I'm riding my bike and getting the ******** out of here.
Also, Lucas, I hate you, you evil sack of s**t. What about me? Just had to get that in there somewhere. Maybe I'll put something productive up here someday . . . but until then, just my rants. :]
Feeling: ANNOYED stressed What I'm listening to: I'm Not Your Boyfriend, Baby by 3OH!3 What I'm Reading: Ransom by Lee Rowan What I'm Watching: Sensitive Pornograph
Unholy Reptaur
Community Member
Unholy Reptaur
Community Member
Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 @ 11:29pm
Dentists = loud noises
I went to the dentist today...it wasn't pleasant. I drove (the only positive), and I had my music up really loud the whole way because, frankly, getting my teeth filled isn't that high up on my happy list. Then, when I got there (on time, right at 8 o'clock), the stupid door was locked and I couldn't get it. I tell you, it was an omen, but did I listen to myself? No, of course not. I plugged in my headphones to my phone and turned my phone up louder to drown out my inner fear.
FINALLY, the door opens and I check in and all that jazz. Then I waited, which is OH so much fun after rolling out of bed twenty minutes earlier on winter break. Eight in the morning is really damn early for me, especially when I didn't fall asleep until six and had to wake up an hour and a half later. Insomnia sucks. Oh, and I've been sleeping on my couch. My room makes me want to vomit at the moment.
Back to the dentist. I'm in their chair, and they've got me laid out like ******** FRANKENSTEIN, and I made noises like him too. Every time they'd ask me a question (after they numbed my mouth with a NEEDLE), I had to pause the music, mumble, "Can you repeat that?" and then answer in another mumble/gurgle type pity noise. But the worst part was that I could hear the stupid whirring of the instruments over my music, and I had a panic attack for multiple reasons:
o1. There were four people standing over me, and I am very claustrophobic o2. I hate loud noises, and if I can hear it over Emilie Autumn's Syringe, it's a loud noise o3. I couldn't move o4. I felt like I was choking. So they had to stop while I took my anxiety medication (I asked them to just put me under), and then I was back on my death slab. An hour later with a numb mouth and sore jaw, I was driving home, where I proceeded to collapse in front of my PS3 with Sonic Unleashed until about twenty minutes ago, when I decided to stop being a lazy a** and go reply to my roleplays on Gaia. I also need to work on my musical...s**t.
And water polo practice is about to KILL/RAPE/PILLAGE/MURDER the rest of my Christmas vacation. WHO THE ******** HAS PRACTICE DURING BREAK, AND THEN THREE GAMES THE WEEK WE GET BACK!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? ******** THAT. God, I'm pissed.
So, now that I've gotten that out of my system, I'm going to go listen to music and attempt to fall asleep.
Feeling: STRESSED burning_eyes What I'm listening to: Gives You Hell by The All American Rejects What I'm Reading: Freak Show by James St. James What I'm Watching: The Princess Bride