I am very serious. I know how he isn't real and stuff like he's 100% made up online and stuff but I am very very serious. I was walking outside carrying a bag and I was looking at the trees and I saw a white head shaped thing and black under it like his suit. He was in the trees so there was leaves around but you could see him clearly. I blinked thinking mabey I'm seeing things but He was still there. I just looked and I felt so cold and the hairs on the back of my neck went up. I sprinted away whispering to my self like, "Oh god why?" and "Oh god he's real! I'm going crazy!!!" I went into a nearby Rec. center and sat down, catching my breath. I went back outside, paranoid and looking around just in case. I was so very scared, almost crying scared. I couldn't believe I thought this happend. I was thinking that I'm just being stupid but the more I thought about it the more I was scared. I turned around when out of no where I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see my friend laughing at me. I slapped him. I had screamed like a girl. After going to his house, I walked back to my house. I dared not to look back at the place where I had thought I saw Slender Man. I took a peek. I felt paranoid. I sprinted the rest of the way to my house. I threw my bag down and ran my fingers through my hair. Somewhere I heared that in Buddism or something, they believe that if enough people believe somthing enough, they could make a being out of nothing. I know it sounds silly but it sounds more realistic than other things I heared. Either way I know I saw somthing and It was one of the most scariest thing I have seen in my life.