Well kids I finally broke. I knew it'd happen sooner or later but I didn't think it'd be for this reason. It's not jealousy. It's not selfishness. It's just me wishing I had someone to hold me to love me sincerely and kiss me goodnight.
I was standing there in the dark parking lot with all the people rushing to their cars and driving away from the stadium. DCI was fun, but… it was what happened in the midst of things that irked me. Katie always gets the guy and I always get screwed. This guy that I've known for a really long time was there. I've loved him since I met him. And Katie had him in her pocket in 3 seconds flat. I stared at the little spot of light under one of the bussed my mind idly wondering where it had come from and Katie rubbed my arm a bit. Next thing I know I'm in her arms crying like a third grader. I spilled my soul to her. And now I'm going to have to live with it. I'll tell you what I said.
I'm not jealous of Katie I just can't stand the fact that when we're together and a guy comes along I manage to say something to horrendously stupid that he can't help but go after her instead.
we talked about what ever came to mind: how my dad hates my art how our parents fight how the pear that she had brought to eat had become so digustingly squishy hence conforming to the pocket that held it to the seat infront of us
Katie is leaving for college in 2 weeks. I'm going to miss her so much. she's my best friend in the entire world I tell her everything and now I'm not going to have anyone to talk to at school
she taught me a song by Counting Crows on the piano called Colorblind I play it and think of her.
Atheryne s · Sat Nov 06, 2004 @ 12:40am · 2 Comments |