Eclipsed Thoughts
My chest feels heavy, its hard to breath Heart is poundin so hard it scares the crap outta me.
I'm happy when I'm with you, and sad all the same a horrible game of suraids where no one can comprehed my pain or what I'm saying.
Lost at words, lost at love, flying away in thought up above, To a place with peace, acceptance...relief where I can calmly listen to my heart as yours, what its trying to say in clearity.
Thoughts are insane, started playing the game; even before looking at the scen what should I do, how was my heart so easily obtained?
For a guy with no job, car, and no money yet that honey I strive for, even if he isn't a rich man like Jack Mcgumry. lol
I see him in a light that shines like no other, am I blinded by it? or do I see the truth behind the lies the truth inside.
An eclipsed love, hidden admise, a heart pounding prize; hopefully one day will uprise.
As the sun and the moon interwine thus is Eclipsed, a sight like no other that you could misinterpret;
Imagine..a Eclipsed Thought, forth brought of a two sided heart.
Two are the same fitting perfectly and yet not at all, the constant never ending uncertanty from curious Eclipsed Thoughts...what may rise can sometimes fall...
An unknown furture yet threw prayer I pray our love will one day stand again, how we once were, not as we stand my dearest friend.
Hands we once held I want to feel what I used to feel, know what is and isnt' real;
Similar to the Past how it once was brought.. An Irrisistable yern to be near you in body and mind, Our Eclipsed*~* Thoughts
Chibi Naomi · Tue Jul 24, 2007 @ 04:20am · 1 Comments |