Okay so I *MIGHT* but just might have read and continue to read a lot of Sakura fanfictions(my sis has given me enough for a year) so I decided to make one of myself. IT'S TIME FOR CARDCAPTOR SAEIYU!!!!! *fangirls squeal in the background*
Yes! I shall be writing a fanfic about how my character Saeiyu is stuck being the cardcaptor after Sakura...by the way for those who have, had and will always have problems pronouncing our lead character's name, SAEIYU(SAY-YOU), it is spelled pretty much like japanese word SEIYUU(SAY-U) (or singer) or for those who can't spell that either remember the zodiac knights...you know he pegasus dude SEIIYA(SAIYA)!
So wait up I might start them on saturday WAIIIIIIIIII!! *runs away from Minami*
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