Well, today went pretty well. I was almost late this morning. -_- But not quite. Anyway, during Science, we had like free time, even though we still had to do work. We had to summarize a newspaper article or something. It was funny. Me and Briana were having a paperball war, and then Shirley stole my pencil and my article. And it took FOREVER to get her to give them back. So I actually ended up stealing her penciol and her math notebook. Hehe. And I was threatening Kim with my pencil that I had poked an ant with. Hehe. ^_^ Well, that was pretty fun.
In gym, we just did sideline soccer, which was okay, but I of course, screwed up on my turn. Oh well.
After that, we saw Freedom Writers. That was a really good movie, which we're gonna finish tomorrow. I feel sorry for White Boy..*cough cough*...I mean...Ben. He was like "I can't go back there alone." Hehe. That was so funny. xd
At lunch, we were just singing the campfire song, and all that stuff..and Mr. Burton happened to be there. HE SAW ME. AND HE GOT A PICTURE OF ME TOO. AND EVERYONE ELSE SITTING THERE.
Anyway, after lunch, the ladies for the Mock Trials, so we had free time, basically. Briana kicked my pants white!!! And of course I was having a book war. With Shirley and Briana. Then,...well...I accidentally hit Sakinah on the head with a book. sweatdrop MY BAD. She said it didn't hurt, though, so I guess I got lucky. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I'M GONNA STOP HITTING PPL WITH BOOKS. MUAHAHAHA. Hehe. Oh and what was really funny was when I showed Ms. Mathis what Briana did to my pants, and then Briana kicked her own pants lol , and showed Ms. Mathis. She FRAMED ME!!! IT WAS SO FUNNY. lol lol lol rofl
And then Lwam was hitting people with me and Jasdeep's hair. And it was just a great period, too funny.
After that, Ms. Mathis was checking our Hamlet logs, so I was just sitting therer drawing "The Phases of Kim". Nice little comic thingy. But I did it on printing paper this time. Anyway, so here I am.
Now, I've just been looking through anime myspace profiles, and I found one. Haha, so goth. Even though I'm not goth. Hehe. So, besides that, it's been the usual for me. Gaia and music. ^_^
I'm listening to Everything I Hate About You again. That sing never hets old. I also found that I like Leave Me Alone, by the Veronicas. ^_^ God, music so rocks. heart
"I hate everything about you
Why do I love you
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you"
Why do I love you
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you"

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