Today was okay-ish. I remembered to bring my water today... xd I managed to present my math project...barely. I choked up as usual. But at least I got it over with early. ^_^ But it's not fair how people who went later only had to explain one of their topics, when I had to do two!!! Waaaaah! No fair!!!
And in science, we went over the homework, and whoever answered a question had to pick the next person...Shirley picked me stressed ...of course then I picked her again. Mr. Bednar must have been so glad. He got 40 words out of me. xd Good thing he doesn't stalk me at lunch like Mr. Burton.
Speaking of Mr. Burton. Even touhgh it's Thursday, he didn't come at the end of the end of the day and waste 20 minutes of my time! The ladies didn't come either. So, we just did a bit of Mock Trial review, and then Shirley, Jasdeep, and me were just playing around. We were doing a bunch of nursery rhymes like The Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E SONG, Mary had A Little Lamb, and Carol of the Bells, and other stuff I forgot. I was also doing the Bin Ladden beard thing... xd
I also went a little violent...injuring Shirley's forhead and Jasdeep's ear. sweatdrop MY BAD.
I don't even feel like watching anime right now. I'm just listening to TRJA. They rock.... heart
Okay, now I'm kinda bored...I'm just reading up on different animes I might wanna watch. Animefever has a lot of stuff. It even has the Naruto movie! ^_^ And one o fhte FMA movies...not the last one though...
OMG! OMG! OMG! THEY HAVE GUNSLINGER GIRL!!! YAY! AND HOWL'S MOVING CASTLE!!! heart heart heart heart heart heart heart

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