Yeah... well, the title explains what type of people these are... so... err... yeah...
Matty McClaran - Scottish boy who carries the genes of the Loch Ness monster. Gone into hiding because of his appearence. Tess and co ordered to find him and try and cure him.

Gloria Frayre - Orphan girl who carries the genes of a griffin. Calm and wise for one so young, but sad. The gang find her stalking Drew.

Jack the Ripper - Yep, you heard right. The notorious murderer has been reborn in the viens of Troy Stepple. Tess realises this when the gang visit England for what appeared to be a well-earned rest.

Kianna Kitsune - this foxy lady is also known as project A027. Another henchman of Genteck, she is very swift and has a firey temper... and a seductive edge in distraction.

Kino En - another female fatale from Genteck, this Japanese operative shares the genes of the legendary pheonix, and boasts the title of the latest creation from Genteck... meaning? She has the most up-to-date and best quality functions... including homing fireballs. Also known as Project Y967, she has the abiltity to manipulate fire, as well a** conjure flames from nothing, as long as she's in oxygen.

Ricardo Slyte - Number 76 on Genteck's list of creations, and by far the most perverted. stare He likes to call himself the 'Love Bunny', and has the sort of charm that could talk the wings of a bat. Headstrong and easily distracted, he's been sent to San Francisco.... to keep out of the way. However, luck seems to be on his side for, what does he see when he gets there? Only Gentecks rogue experiment A001 walking about... project A001? Hmmm... Kipchi was the first creation wasn't she? Look out, Kip! There's a pervert after ya!
Wolfie Kid · Wed Apr 11, 2007 @ 11:57am · 0 Comments |