Lucinda - a sprite from Hell. Competes with Gabriella for Cody's place in the afterlife. Cruel and spiteful, but quite smart.

Gabriella - a sprite from Heaven. Competes with Lucinda for Cody's place in the afterlife. Kind and lovable, yet incredibly dumb.

Alex - 10 year old boy. Little brother to Tess and second in command of Cody. Quite smart for his age, but constantly picked on for his height and youth.

Tess - 20 year old FBI operative. Older sister to Alex and first in command of Cody. Very intelligent, but prone to distraction. Always takes action.

Drew - A.K.A Project A002. The second creation from Genteck. Created to be the ultimate weapon: part vampire, part fighting machine... and with the genes of a raven mixed in to allow flight. Sent to assinate Kipchi and all connected to her existance.

Cody - Genie. After a violent death many millenia ago, his soul hid itself away inside a crystal ball, where it was released by Tess and Alex's ancestor. Has served the family ever since. Hates it when he gets mistaken for a girl.

Kipchi - the first creation from Genteck. Her parents are responsible for Genteck, and changing humans to partially animalistic states. Due to isolation for over 11 years, she has to re-learn many things, and can be quite childish at times. Fell in love with a labrador puppy she affectionatly called Stray. Treats it like her son.

Oh yeah... and I suppose I'd better include Ryan, even though he's not a main character...
Ryan Warren - Works in Tess' department at the FBI. The nerd of the group. Has a secret crush on her, but doesn't seem to realise that he has competition... sweatdrop
Wolfie Kid · Tue Apr 10, 2007 @ 04:14pm · 0 Comments |