Umm... Are you blind? I kinda said that nothing BUT the pimp items match.
Mine matches and it doesn't look like a shadow.
Ohwell, I'm not argueing with people that don't know grammar. Bye.
I'm not exactly sure where to put the period if it doesn't go at the end of the sentence. Could somebody help me?. gonk
Send my buddy Enji a pm and explain to him how english literiture works. I tried, but apparently I need to be educated.

Running out of pictures. confused
Music: Seven Nation Army (The White Stripes)
<img dynsrc="http://www.boomspeed.com/starlight/7natarmy.mid" loop="100" width=0 height=0>
EDIT: It's my birthday next month. Give me presents!. mad
Community Member
Triskit is also bored and talkinig in the third person. cool