Yeah. I'm basically a pretty iscolated person. Icy heart, negative, and dark and moody. You could basically say i'm different. I don't fit in with other kids. I have no true friends. I'm basically a loner, in my heart. Its not like i'm "special", i just am different...not physically but in the soul. Here are some stuff about me:
You Are Lightning
 -Beautiful yet dangerous -People will stop and watch you when you appear Even though you're capable of random violence -You are best known for: your power -Your dominant state: performing
You Are Emerald Green

Deep and mysterious, it often seems like no one truly gets you. Inside, you are very emotional and moody - though you don't let it show. People usually have a strong reaction to you... profound love or deep hate. But you can even get those who hate you to come around. There's something naturally harmonious about you.
You Are Indigo

Of all the shades of blue, you are the most funky, unique, and independent. Expressing yourself and taking a leap of faith has always been easy for you.

thats right- I'ma three way color combo bitches
 You are a death angel. Quiet and brutal, the only thing left in your wake is destruction and pain. Of course this is only to those who, in your eyes, deserve it. That amounts to a lot of people. You care deeply for your loved ones and have very few friends. Even your friends don't understand you, but in your world, this punishment of mankind must take place, with or without their support.
Take this quiz!
 You are an Angel of Silence. While you may not be truely dark, your quiet ways sometimes raise question. In the very few fights you get into, you tend to use your mind over brute strength. You have a shy nature about you and close yourself inward every time someone gets near. You need to open up more to those around you or you will always be an angel of silence.
 You are a Magical Angel!While many don't see magical angels ranking high on a dark level, they are most certianly not always out for the greater good. Magical angels are out for themselves and are somewhat good at fighting when it comes down to it, but they will avoid confrontation. The moods of a magical angel can change like the wind. One minute she could be soaring high with joy the next, she will be on a revenge killing spree. Magical angels tend to only have stability in one area; Protection. They tend to over protect loved ones and often should consider the feelings of others before running to fill their own wants.
lol. i'm a person with tons of personalities my true one? none of you business---- Think i'ma wanna-be? ******** off b***h Think i'm a kidder and you're the real emo one? just hold onto that thought before you loose it [in hell]
OMFG!!! isn't this like the coolest art of me? Thanks Pockrei! I love love love it! *huggles*

and this is by BlinkyTheRed!! You totally rock my freekin socks!!
 by Misery_happiness! xDDD heart heart heart
 From Nodai!!! xDDD isn't it pretty??? its totally awsome!!! heart heart whee
This is an AwSOME chibi by The Cutest Angel!!! blaugh blaugh blaugh its sooo cute! heart

from Perverted Playground AHHHHHHHHHH! xDDD so so ******** cute!! <333

OMGz!!! This was made by my awsome spiffeh friend...[drum roll] Smushymushy!!! xDDDD i luve choo so much <3
Gummy Doll · Thu Feb 22, 2007 @ 01:42am · 0 Comments |