Well when you feel something about someone,tell them. dont waste your whole life hoping,wishing,thinking do you like me?I know you saying what if she/he doesnt like me?Well let me tell you this,"WHAT IF THEY DO LIKE YOU!" did you ever think about that!Like me theres this girl i care so much about i would do anything for her but the thing is im Christian.Yup thats me i love GOD hes done so much for me.So since im Christian that means God comes first in my relationship. i know that now>but that doesnt mean i cant date this girl,hold her hand,tell her how much she means to me.I dont know if she knows i like her but it doesnt matter if she doesnt like me its ok ill still love her well be friends.So the main thing is if you like them tell the.youll feel soo much better.even though i havent told this dont hesitaite to tell the one you care about how you really might be suprised what they will say.
Well when you feel something about someone,tell them. dont waste your whole life hoping,wishing,thinking do you like me?I know you saying what if she/he doesnt like me?Well let me tell you this,"WHAT IF THEY DO LIKE YOU!" did you ever think about that!Like me theres this girl i care so much about i would do anything for her but the thing is im Christian.Yup thats me i love GOD hes done so much for me.So since im Christian that means God comes first in my relationship. i know that now>but that doesnt mean i cant date this girl,hold her hand,tell her how much she means to me.I dont know if she knows i like her but it doesnt matter if she doesnt like me its ok ill still love her well be friends.So the main thing is if you like them tell the.youll feel soo much better.even though i havent told this dont hesitaite to tell the one you care about how you really might be suprised what they will say.