After exactly a month(but oh, it seems so much longer) of 3 guys calling me an idiot every day for around 3 hours of the day, at multiple times during that period, it has gotten to me.
Psychologically, repetition is the best learner.
Now, I can't do anything right because they have ingrained into my brain that I'm an idiot.
And I don't blame them.
I also joked I was an idiot, I mean, not every day, but I know I am one.
But now, I really can't do anything without me thinking it's stupid.
I wrote two letters to the highschool newspaper.
One was about how dumb Hounds for Hobby is (School supporting a student with cancer - LONG story, but the support is wrong, trust me), the other about how stupid it is that Cobb County District decided to get mac and put Windows XP on them.
Well. News comes in today. We're having Macs with OS X, afterall. Not only that, but I showed my article about the macs to a computer geek of great esteem, and he said that half the things I claimed would happen with a windows emulator was bullshit. And I had thought I researched that topic enough. So, great.
Not only that, but I did manage to call the school a bunch of "Self-absorbed pricks".
I wrote this all under the psuedonym SQ.
Today, I BY CHANCE was walking down the hall were you submit letters to the newspaper editors, and I saw
Nice way of saying "SQ, let us know who you are so we can rant about how you suck at writing to the school. And, oh yeah- suspend you for calling us pricks".
Well, at first I debated on giving them my name. Now I'm against it full heartedly.
What I'm debating on now, is whether I should write more under the SQ name. Like, WHY I won't give them my name.
But, honestly I don't think it would matter, because I'm an idiot.
rolleyes My neurologist appointment is March 11. I hope time passes faster so I can see what's going on with my head.