True (insert word here) ism
Everyday the TV gets turned on and we hear about some man, woman, teenager, or dog crying foul saying the same statements “blah blah blah that’s not justice…blah blah blah that’s racial discrimination.” I agree there is some discrimination however I absolutely feel it has nothing to do with race. In fact I think there is a backwards fall in racism and this backwards fall, this “PCness” (political correctness) can be in some ways more damning then the act of racism itself and directly affects me more then actual racism.
I get home from school and log on to the internet to see what is going on in the media that day. I usually see an article crying out “racism blah blah blah” I click on the article and see an article that I am flabbergasted to hear the act being called racism. The most recent account of this “Political Correctness” was when three Arabic men who were talking about how the war in Iraq was wrong, and had all the red flags of a potential terrorist were asked politely to get off the plan. The men along with, the “minorities” media cry foul.
Situations like this one disgust me because we are not allowed to do our jobs properly for fear of getting sued or called racists. We are no longer allowed to have opinions for fear of offending those around us. How can that be called freedom of speech? It’s impairing rights of American Citizens, American middle class job holders if we are not allowed to ask people of a race different then our own to comply with rules that apply to everyone.
Another example of this political correctness gone to too far is Wall mart not allowing the word Christmas in their store last year. This was to comply with a small group of people who were offended by the word Christmas because it had to do with Christianity. However, a larger group of people were appauled by this so Wall Mart for once, went with the majority and “reinstated” the media’s version of Christmas.
Everybody now days seems to be crying foul and for equality. What they do not see is “equality” is impossible to reach. There will always be things separating parts of society, rather it be our music, the way dress, religion, gender, or to a degree the amount of melatonin in our skin. It is the nature of the beast to judge others of his or hers on kind. We cannot fight not only our psychological but our biological make up.
With that said, the media expects everyone to fight and to illiminate their natural judgment. However, I see their quest as hypocritical they have targets as well, political and social targets.
Their political targets are always republicans. I am neither affiliated with democrats nor republicans however I see a lot of corruption in the media’s quest to be politically correct because they constantly nag on republicans for everything and over look the democrats corruptness. The most recent case of this I can think of is a democratic senator who was very outspoken about being anti-wall mart decided one day he needed to use the corporation for his own selfish needs. He called wall-mart and insisted on reserving a PS3 because he was a senator. This is corrupt and very two-faced but was never talked about by the media because he was a democrat and it’s not “PC” to call democrats out when they are wrong.
The social targets of the media seems to be the “moral majority” also known as Christians. The media always criticizes the pope and never talks about the “boring” Christian actors or bands unless they mess up. However, groups such as Green Day get all the attention they could ever want and are critically acclaimed for being “edgy”. This “edgyness” is a completely overblown and made up thing because it’s considered rebellious. However, I feel it is still politically correct because they support the liberal views that the media and a seemingly majority of society supports. These “edgy” groups are the first to cry foul when someone states an actual opinion.
Christianity is considered a majority religion however, being a christian myself, I do not see this. I don’t care what statistics say those who practice Christianity are a minority just like all the other religions so why is it okay for Muslim students to leave class five times a day and pray in the auditorium of public schools when christian students can’t even bring a bible or say “Jesus loves you” without being reprimanded? The media makes it seem okay, Political Correctness creates a pretend need for a target, the supposed majority.
It is unimaginable to me that something can be called “foul” when all the red flag were raised, however in our politically correct society this is the way things are. In our politically correct society it is considered just for a woman to sue a hospital for her son’s death when she was illeagaly here but an American Citizen who was born with these “rights” cannot speak about their religion. Politcal Correctness is becoming the new racism which is why we need to be weary of this old friend, turning foe called “pc”.