crying I feel like crap, I want to just slice someones head off right now. I feel like I have to fight when I know I'm helpless in doing so. and So I keep on thinking, but I don't want to think about it. This Problem is only bewtween one other person and I, and I know...I'll lose. So might as well just sit back and watch my life crumble right? *laghs a bit* Oh well My life is now nothing compared to others >.> So might as well not go on living not many ppl would care, then again my TRUE friends Will care. So Whats the use in this B.S anyway. I have to go on with this thing called Life? I guess So....
((This is ment to not be seen at the time I wrote it so HA you have no clue...No wait nvm crying. BUT no one really goes and read my B.S journal anyway ^^;; ))
onewing_angel Community Member
Fri Jun 01, 2007 @ 01:49pm
i do. eek *one wing hugs drk wing, choking back a few tears herself* i know just how u feel honey. cryingemo