Name: Dyne Tazon
Occupation: General
Tittle: Hermes Of The Dark Star
Age: 3522
Height: 6'1
Weight: 140 IBLS
Sex: Male
Race: Lunaris
Dyne usually wears an array of clothing, ranging from dark clothes, to light clothes. Key features are, balled red earrings on both lobes, a studded collar around his neck, and his inhuman crimson eyes.
His hair always a messy crimson, his body is well toned and mostly built of muscle, his finger tips are very rough, he has hardly any nails for the skin of his fingertips overlaps the nail region, making pressure point hits, all the more accurate.
His knees, elbows, knuckles are reinforced with calcium as well as his skin is very calloused about key regions. His facial features retain a very boyish, bishuonen quality.
Darkstar Mode-
The Lunaris (Without their shells) are a pure black color, with white fumes puffing from their supposed eyes and mouth, hands and legs are indeed noticeable, human in shape but no where near to the touch. The limbs lack any sort of muscle tone, which is because there is none to begin with.
Doom. Few swords are more intimidating or more effective than the two handed Doom Sword. Its huge, wide and unique blade will shear through armor as if it were butter. There is nothing clumsy or awkward about this sword.
The 45.25 inch blade is made from AUS 1050 spring steel. The hilt on its own has a strangely shaped guard and the handle is wrapped in red cord for grip.
Blade: 45.25"
Overall Length: 60.75"
Weight: 27 lbs
Martial Arts:
Krav Maga
Main Element(s): ?????
Dark Star- A mini-Enchanted being resembling a black hole figurine, able to suck in at will, meaning Dyne may control the gravity he takes in, able to escape velocity that equals or exceeds the speed of light. Distort the area about him with his horizon, or even cause one hell of a celestail doomsday within the current perimiter. It would feel as if every atom was torn apart from the being/object piece by piece.
Dark Star is capable of emitting indirect radiation - outward-aimed light and matter can leave the r = 2M surface briefly before being recaptured, and whilst outside the critical surface, can interact with other matter, or be accelerated free from the star by a chance encounter with other matter. A dark star therefore has a rarefied atmosphere of visiting particles, and this ghostly halo of matter and light can radiate, albeit weakly.
The protective case about the real Dyne (The Dark Star Mode)
Gravitokinesis- the purported ability to mentally manipulate gravitons and gravitational fields: the force of gravity of an object. Gravitokinetics are alleged to be able to enhance gravitational pull or negate it altogether. A natural ability which comes with his shell form.
Now that Dyne has absorbed Demi His power in general has incresed 100 fold, not including this new side of the brain has found new powers, which will only boost the survival of the Lunaris. The unification
Dyne is one really tough character. No matter what goes wrong, or what is taken away from him he fights on and on, not stopping until every enemy in his path is destroyed.
He'll manipulate both sides of the spectrum to gain what he wants and sometimes, what others want.
The Adult form of the previously known Ray, Orannis. Not much has changed, only personality which came with the jump in age, and appearence of his shell and true form.
After the twin death of Seta and Dyne, a human carnate had taken the his place, now after several months, the human has gathered enough energy to bring a proper shell back.
Info on REAL Dark Stars, right hurr
Side note- I have left hints within this profile that shows the weakness of
Dyne. ninja