So me and the girls were driving back from San Fran, right?
And we needed to gas up the car and take a potty break before we were REALLY in the middle of nowhere, right?
So we stopped in little, itty bitty, teensy weensy, San Marino. I think. I know it was San something ( gonk ).
So Mindy runs into the gas station restroom while I pump the gas. ALL BY MYSELF, I might add ( heart ) , and what does she discover? One of the most vile and dirty little bathrooms you ever did see, that's what. Like, it was DIRTY.
So we decided to get out of there as fast, and safely, as humanly possible.
We're not more than a few miles down the road, however, when we get pulled over by Officer Cop. Not just us however, but another car with these Indy looking guys about our age.
We weren't going any faster than the other cars out there. We were passing a truck for goshsakes on a four lane highway. DDD:
So he asks for license and registration, all that jazz. Says we were going 90 (WTF) and we denydenydeny like the good little law abiding girls we are. Couldn't have been going more than 80, anywho, in a 70 zone (PASSING THE TRUCK, mind).
So he writes Lauren up a ticket, as she was driving, and puts her down as a caucasion male.
She was a tad bit offended at that. Not only is she, yanno, a GIRL, but she's also hispanic. Even her last name is hispanic. We suspect he heard us ranting and raving about his dirty-bathroomed-town and decided to pull us over. On principle. DDDD:
So, the point of the story? We had a blast on our trip, up until Officer Cop, got a ticket, made jokes about San Marino and Officer Cop all the rest of the way home, and plan to fight the ticket on account of Officer Cop not being all that observant.
The End.
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![]() Amitzah Community Member ![]() |
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I'm sorry your visit ended on a slightly sucky note. u.u