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A catalog of my experiences as an employee and citizen of Gaia.
Week Eighteen: Surfing With the Alien

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Halloween week! Zurg! Red Bino! Record numbers! WAAAAAHHH!!!

It's been a crazy, crazy week that set records and has been a load of fun for Gaians everywhere. Here's what happened...

The Halloween event started slightly after noon (Pacific Time) on Tuesday, October 31st.

Two energy drink competitors opened up shop across from each other: Johnny Gambino, the sales of whose "Red Bino Energy Drink" afforded him the ability to rebuild him demolished mansion.

The other, Mother of the Zurg people - who have been visiting and scanning Gaia for the past several weeks. She was selling "Zurg Energy Drink", which when consumed, turned Gaians (like myself) into green skinned, giant-headed aliens!

Trick or Treating was happening in the shops AND in Towns, with the MASSIVE Jack tromping around town centers, and roaming randomly around the world map. In exchange for collecting candy, users got special Jack-gear.

In the event forum, Zurg were able to probe Gaians and cows, and Gaians were able to zap Zurg and tip cows. Doing enough of either would also win you some special event items.

Stuff went wrong, as with any event. More than any prior year, our developer team worked hard to open up any bottlenecks that might break the site during the event. While the event was going on (and all throughout the night) they were on hand to tackle problems, speed things up, and disable some features (like Towns) temporarily so that users could use the rest of the site.

I raise a glass to those devs who gave up hours of their personally time to make this one of the most successful Halloween events yet!

Yeah, I knew all that. Tell me something I don't know!
Okay. Here are a few things you didn't know or may not have noticed.

1. All abducted admins have been returned to the Gaia World with no memory of what transpired on the UFOs.

2. There has been no word on the much beloved UFO 09. Maybe we'll hear from him again?

3. I flew one of the UFOs. But which one, I'm not telling!

4. Apparently, the cows appearing in the forums are mooing in some kind of code

5. This has been the biggest Towns event ever. Bandwidth used up by the 2500+ users using Towns accounted for a large percentage of the bandwidth usage that led to event problems eek

6. Overall user participation is up roughly over 125% of last year's Halloween event! (That's not last year's + 25%, it's really 125% more than last year eek )

7. The User's Online record was broken by a whole 19% in the last 2 days alone (from roughly 57,000 to today's roughly 68,000!)

OKAY! So my feature was being tested all week. It's pretty stable now, but we're still doing some minor testing. NO PROMISES, BUT: I hope to release it next week.

Now, I know I've built up a lot of hype, but now a word of warning and a hint. It's something users have waited a while for, so you'll be excited to hear that it was made.

However - because of the scope of the project, we are releasing Phase One of the project now, and then as time passes, releasing increasingly robust versions of it.

Long story short: It's going to be cool - but it will get cooler with time blaugh

We've already had a ton of in-house Quality Assurance done on the project. Because it affects so many aspects of the site, I had to alter and fix bugs in other parts of the site in order to pass the QA process. The feature itself has graced the hands of numerous programmers, at least one in-house writer, our UI designer (Brunosmad), and has undergone several code audits to ensure that it is done well.

I'm very happy with it, but we're going to continue to test and refine it until its release.

Gaia: Y&T
The way Gaia operates has changed a LOT in the last 6 months alone. Here's a brief glimpse into a lot of the improvements going on in this crazy entertainment-factory:

Yesterday: Before, whenever a feature on Gaia was made, each developer was kind of responsible for figuring out how it looked, worked, and what everything said.

Today: Now, Gaia has a User Interface team that deals with graphics, layout, and text. So developers can focus on writing great code without having to spend time creating a look and feel for the project. And with a single team focusing on keeping the site having a unified feel and appearance, all new features (and old revamped features) will follow the same theme and be much more polished.

Yesterday: Testing a new feature was limited to the devs and mods. The actual process was sketchy at best, and while the features were fun and mostly functional, we're still getting burnt by really old bugs to this day.

Today: Every feature undergoes a rigorous Quality Assurance process which ensures not only that new features are bug-free, but that they're intuitive, not confusing to new users, and actually enhance the site.

All code undergoes a peer-reviewed code audit, wherein the code is checked for best-practices, security, and stability. Bugs are much less likely to sneak in when the application is well designed. We also check to make sure that it won't slow down the site, and that the processes and data processing are speedy and smart.

Finally, each feature has to meet a set of guidelines which ensures that it gives users options (like turning off Daily Chance or Gold Notification) and that it can be quickly disabled if it runs into some major problems (like how we could just switch off Daily Chance when it broke the economy!), along with numerous other criteria to ensure that it is ready to be in the Gaia World.

Yesterday: The site would go down frequently, major instabilities were prominent (can anyone say "Sushi Error"?), and the site couldn't handle a large user load (e.g., event crashes).

Today: Today Gaia has a very smart team dedicated to site stability and scalability - ensuring not only that the site can handle a large user load, but that it can handle rapid growth (which we've been noticing!). If you've been on the site for more than a few months, you'll notice that site crashes and MAJOR site glitches are down significantly.

Yesterday: The Battle System would have been promised but lack of resources would mean it wasn't getting built.

Today: I saw a working demo of the Battle System.

Yesterday: Devs would run around like chickens with their heads cut off developing whatever they felt was cool or fun, even if it wasn't necessarily what users wanted most or if there were old broken features.

Today: Goals are set as a group and teams are set to tasks that we all decided will help improve the company. We're spending a couple of months almost exclusively fixing bugs and upgrading features on the site. Hopefully, by the end of that project cycle, the site will be significantly more bug free and enjoyable!

SUMMARY: Basically, Gaia's better in every way. We're growing faster, we're improving the user experience, and most importantly we're listening! We have a team here large enough now that we can fix bugs, finish new features, and then do things you guys have been asking for forever!

Close Encounters of the Fleep Kind
I drank me some Zurg and turned into an alien! Don't worry though, my avi's long, luxurious hair will return when the event is over rofl

(Though I will always keep a can of Zurg Energy Drink close to my heart...)

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 09:48am
All I can say is that I am prepared. In a good way, of course.

commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 11:43am
BATTLE SYSTEM DEMO?! eek awesomepants.

Shiarka Jonless
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Zero Omega
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 11:47am
Sounds like it has been a busy, busy, busy week for you guys but you guys managed to pull it off, give my thanks and props to the rest of HQ, g'job!

Battle System Demo and your new feature soon huh? Man... Between Twilight Princess, Wii, Battle System Demo, and your feature I'm going to die of hype, and it'll be all your guys' faults!

commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 12:23pm
Ha, so now I can give proof to a friend of mine that you're not only creating new stuff, but also are fixing old stuff.

And I can't wait to see your project released. Ow and (ofcourse) Thank you and everyone there for making Gaia such an addictive place. <3

Zakou Nenharma
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commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 12:27pm
Fleep the alien. xd you should see if they'll let you keep the alien skin and your hair, that would look cool.

i can't wait to see what your project is, since i've been sitting here trying to think of something that people have been wanting. that isn't based on Java/game programming. all i can think of is a search system for posts.

i love the event! the only question i have is will Zurg remain in Barton Boutique after the event, and what time did you go to bed? gonk

commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 01:28pm
Wow sounds like you guys are really really working hard to fix the site and make it better to move about on. Thanks alot most people dont appreciate it but hopefully they will when they wake up and see all the hard work thats been done.

xd omg I cannot WAIT to see what your feature is now.... and did someone say battle system?!

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commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 01:53pm
Does that last bit mean we won't get to keep the skins after the event ends or something?

Eep. Your feature... soon???? WHOOO! -jumps for joy-

By the way, I like the title of this one. Its the name of a Joe Satriani song/album right?

commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 03:00pm
You're such a tease! gonk

Yeon Ye-In
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commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 03:24pm

.:[I Came, I Polled, I Posted]:.

All I have to say is that Gaia may have changed as a site, but the way users react to change has stayed the same all the way through. They approach it like a Kid to a new school, distaste and fear, even when its a good change.

Cant wait to see your feature, hope it gets the same effect as your last one, but more in a good way. And also Cant wait for the Battle System, which sounds more and more likely not to be released this year, which kinda sucks crying

commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 03:32pm
I'm betting you were #12, just because you probably had the best time watching a load of GCDers make the most randomly hard shapes for you in Towns.

We all knew you were an alien Fleep. Although I'd imagine coming out of the closet about such information must've been hard for you.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 04:05pm
I'm excited.

The event was great.
But in real life I'm obsessed with Zombies.
So zombies and grombies always made me excited as hell.

This time; it's too extraterrestrial.

Talk to the admins:
What happens to an Alien when they turn into a Zombie or Grombie?
There you go; next years event.
Aliens AND Zombies/Grombies.

User Image

commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 04:09pm
heart Can't wait to see what you've been working so hard on.
This Halloween event has been awesome, glitches and all! For it wouldn't be Halloween without them. xp
Will the energy drinks work long after the event is over? mrgreen

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 05:47pm
Working demo batle system.... 4laugh

I don't mind small bugs, as long as they only occure if you try to find them.
arrow ninja

To bad your project is probably launched next week, need to learn then.

commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 06:03pm
I'm very curious about your project, and yes, you are a tease indeed...

Working Demo? eek
Guys you shouldn't say things like that, at least give us a little video uh?

*puppy eyes*

Community Member
The wandering mind...
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commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 06:04pm
heart All the UFOs are great.

(I'm soooo curious about who plays 09. They are getting a huge thank you when this is all over.)

commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 06:14pm

Just commenting to say I'm very impressed and happy with the kind of progress that's been made on the site, and that I personally enjoy not knowing months in advance when a new feature's going to come out.

Too much anticipation (a month or more) builds the hype up for new stuff too high, but a week or so is really good, as long as the new feature shows up within two weeks.


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commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 06:17pm
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

I Really Hope It's The BS He's Talking About,
But I'm Sure I'll Be Happy With The New Feature None The Less,
Even If It Isn't The BS.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

[John 3:16]

commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 06:18pm
I can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve you big tease... biggrin

the site is looking better and better with each passing day so keep up the good work. by the way the event was the best yet! the items were great and everyone seemed to have a great time!

Community Member
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commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 06:22pm
That's a whole case of awesome there, Fleep!


commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 06:25pm
Glad to hear Gaia is becoming much better in the way of user experiance. 3nodding

And I want your hair back.

Cid High-Wind
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commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 06:49pm
The pwnfulness just never stops...

... 1 am? o-o"
Maybe Fleep should get some sleep...

... um.
A Pet feature?
... a.. um.. bank feature?
.... a something feature? xDD

I'm happy to see that the process of operation has gotten better in the last month or so. ^^

... and I want the hair back too. D:

commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 06:59pm
I miss your hair crying

Anyway...your project makes me even more curious
I press my thumbs for you heart
The event was really fun ^^ Since I am in europe I always got online when most were asleep, so I was able to enjoy the items fast pirate
Lag = evil

Battlesystem Demo? whoho blaugh
I know that you won't tell any details...but...what was your face like when you saw it?
like eek or 4laugh or cool or even gonk ?

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 07:05pm
surprised You look cool as an alien. 3nodding

Were you the mothership?
I asked her if you were up there once. XD

I can't wait for your new feature! gonk All of next week I'll be at school rocking around in my chair, waiting to go home so I can seeee it. o___o

commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 07:48pm
I love this website and everything you guys do with it. heart

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Seal of the Scorpion
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 08:20pm
The Cows are mooing in code?! Wow, that I did not know. Well I love your new journal updating us on all of this, and I do hope the project is released next week 3nodding

commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 08:26pm
I KNEW IT! The cows were speaking to us!

Now... if only I could decipher it...

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 08:45pm
I can't wait for your new feature.


commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 09:03pm
Fleep! You are turning the avatars the right way?

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 09:19pm
The cows really use codes? I must crack it!

commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 09:24pm
i Love this halloween event it was the best! heart
i hope your project gets released next week! blaugh
I love this halloween items! domokun

LabTech David
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commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 09:30pm
I bet you were 05 ninja

And enough with the teasing already! Release the feature! crying

commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 09:41pm
Oh, good!
You'll be returning to your human self again soon!
Pepper missed the hair. D':

Community Member
Tidus Guado
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 09:46pm
"Today: I saw a working demo of the Battle System."
biggrin IES:

I can't wait for your project to come out! whee

commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 09:56pm
Yesterday: The Battle System would have been promised but lack of resources would mean it wasn't getting built.

Today: I saw a working demo of the Battle System.

Yesterday: Devs would run around like chickens with their heads cut off developing whatever they felt was cool or fun, even if it wasn't necessarily what users wanted most or if there were old broken features.

Today: Goals are set as a group and teams are set to tasks that we all decided will help improve the company. We're spending a couple of months almost exclusively fixing bugs and upgrading features on the site. Hopefully, by the end of that project cycle, the site will be significantly more bug free and enjoyable!

Those two yesterdays especially make my head hurt... D:

Kathleen Starr
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Reichiru Tomoe
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 10:03pm
Can't wait to see what new feature you're working on. 3nodding

commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 10:36pm
Good luck with the thingawigit that you're working on, man. 3nodding

Whatever it is, there's a big chance that I'll jump off a cliff from happy. er. That's a good thing.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Nov 03, 2006 @ 10:52pm
I find it cool that the most users on reccord was broken on my birthday xD, I was starting to think that everyone was logging on to send ME presents!...only it didn't happen that way T___T

I bet your feature is the banking feature, and why it gets better over time is because you can collect intrest on all your goldz! domokun ....ahaha. Ya xD

Awesome job Fleep! Aliens in UFO's are awesome <33

commentCommented on: Sat Nov 04, 2006 @ 12:24am
Aww Fleep, you're adorable. You should make a shrine to that can o Zurg. XD

And there's a BS DEMO! YAY! And new mystery features! Hurray!

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Nov 04, 2006 @ 12:57am
A pat on the back for all the devs and gaia staff in charge of this event. biggrin

Except for a few glitches.. this year's event has really has been the best Halloween yet! 3nodding

It's really exciting to hear the inside scoop of what's happening at G-Corp. Thanks for the reports. blaugh

commentCommented on: Sat Nov 04, 2006 @ 01:15am
Yesterday: Developers rarely interacted with users, and nobody really knew who they were or how they contributed to Gaia.

Today: Gaian members tune in every week to read an update of Fleep's journal to find out a bit more about how Gaia is working behind the scenes, how it's changing and to read accounts of his involvement with the changes. Gaians get a more personal view of dev life and the exciting changes that happen as well as irrelevant nonsense from Fleep's deceptively educated posts with "mere mortal" Gaians in the forums. <3

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Nov 04, 2006 @ 07:11am
Fourty comments?! gonk Gosh, im usally around the tens when I comment you.

Awesome! Fleep raised his whole arm for me! And connected to the arm had a hand! Which had a glass! Woo!

Wow, the facts you posted up about the event are interesting.

Gosh am I excited for that feature..


commentCommented on: Sat Nov 04, 2006 @ 04:51pm

The suspense is killing me.

I can't wait.

OMFD i k
Community Member
`Aine Chievious
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Nov 04, 2006 @ 05:17pm

WORKING Battle System demo? Cool.

I can't wait 'till the new feature comes out. 3nodding

commentCommented on: Sat Nov 04, 2006 @ 05:21pm
Whatever it is, I'm not expecting much.

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Nov 04, 2006 @ 05:38pm
User Image

I want to know what alien you were controling!

User Image

commentCommented on: Sat Nov 04, 2006 @ 05:46pm
The towns were really busy D'=

I can't wait for the new feature. Then we can find out what you were up to ninja

I miss your hair *strokes the bold green skull instead* emo

Lady Choness
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commentCommented on: Sat Nov 04, 2006 @ 05:48pm
Are they mooing in COW, or DDX?

I can't understand either of them, and I suspect this is a scheme of yours to get more of us into coding, but I love a mystery.

commentCommented on: Sat Nov 04, 2006 @ 06:18pm
I've noticed, too. Although Gaia's population seems to be growing at a linear rate, the features, fixes, and other improvents seem exponential! Hopefully, support for the site will follow. Things have sure changed for the better since more people have been added. <3

Also, you refer to Gaia as a 'company?' Interesting... ninja

Kaze no Takuto
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commentCommented on: Sat Nov 04, 2006 @ 06:51pm
Love to all the admins and devs for working so hard to win my love that they already have.

Now I am going to guess if you are working on the quest system. If you say that the feature your working on will make me poo in my pants that means a ton of new awesome items so I am going to guess the quest system.

Battle System Demo? eek Cant wait. I will have sooooo much fun when it comes out. I was squeeling with joy when I saw that video on youtube introducing the Battle System. When the battle system or the quest system comes out, I will be jumping with joy all over the walls. (better get out the cleaning supplies to clean up all the footprints on the wall xd )

commentCommented on: Sat Nov 04, 2006 @ 07:10pm
Yay for aliens and new Gaia feature! Although, I'am missing my human avatar....

eek If it's something we've already heard of and have been waiting for. I shall guess that it's the Tatoo System. xp Whatever the case; I'm soo looking forward to it!

I've been around for about 3 years, and I think it's awesome for how great Gaia had improved. Sure, some of us miss the old Gaia, but I think the new Gaia is great. I especially love the fact that I don't see any Sushie Database Errors anymore. I applaud, and pat the developers and the creators of the site, on the back, for doing such an awesome job. Most of the time I see people would just give up; if the site becomes too much of a hassle.

Yes, I love Sushi too. heart

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