What is strength what dose it mean to be strong
The definition is the ability to endure
but what kind of endurance's
what truly separates the strong from the weak
the strong ones are the ones that no matter how dire the circumstances are no matter
the level of difficulty still come out they still push through even though they want nothing more then to give in they look for a way out they may claw or scratch...
these may be the people we know they feel guilt for things or can't quite cope with
the circumstances of there life but they will either brake through or manage these
people are truly strong some find other methods that are not strong such as making an alter ego to make them feel sorry for themselves because no one else will say
the horrible things they want to hear they want to feel worthless even though they wont admit it they feel they truly don't deserve to live...however these people usually
have the most friends they are usually the most loved...and since they feel no value for themselves they don't understand why others do so they push them selves away from the world close off and hide in themselves try to be invisible..hideing from reallity
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