Why I named this entry that? Oh, I'm just bored. Well, who cares who's going to read this, I'm just updating on my life right now.
Well, I'm back from Armenia. I spent my summer there...and I must say ^-^ it sucked so bad my imaginary balls turned purple and stayed purple for two weeks. But lots of my relatives are pretty cool, as I found out. But the one that looks somewhat like Adam Sandler is obsessed with porn...-.-
I mean, how stupid can his parents be? At dinner, they sat there and said, "Yeah, he sends us all to bed and stays on the computer until three in the morning! What could he possibly be doing on there..?"
Plus, he's got a creepy look in his eye. DX I bet he'll be a rapist.
Another cousin of mine looks exactly like Keanu Reeves (only shorter, and with a larger nose) and is one of the only people over there not obsessed with rap. God, I ******** hate rap!!! scream
Ahem...only 1 out of 200 cars have air-conditioning and the roads have more holes in them then a ******** ant farm. So even though everyone drives at 20mph, the wind in your face from the rolled-down windows, and the holes in the road make you think you're going really fast, and I tend to throw up at that point.... sweatdrop
My only connection to my beloved (not blood related) family back home was a computer that my uncle, Joseph, lent us. The connection was so shitty, you had to sit for 30 minutes before it would actually connect. And it would also disconnect whenever the ******** it wanted. And it was about 20 kbps..... gonk "kill me now", right?
Yeah, at one point, it shut down on us completely, and my mom was just like, "oh, you're acting like we're in the middle of nowhere, and have no ties to the outside.." and then she started laughing cuz thats exaclty where we were.
Ahhh....what else? Oh, yeah. On the plane ride over there, there was a baby girl some 10 rows behind us on the plane. I must say....that was THE UGLIEST BABY I HAVE EVER LAID EYES ON. Plus, when she cried, everyone was like, "wtf?" cuz it sounded like a pissed off cat that got its tail stuck in a door. I'm not exagerrating, this baby was so ugly and so spoiled, I wanted to take it with me into those little bathrooms on planes with a knife, and just.....cut it up so it could never scare anyone again. I know, you're thinking "but its just a defenseless baby, its done nothing wrong!" ******** YOU!! It will grow up and kill anyone who looks upon it!
On the ride back, I sat next to a mother and her baby. This time, she wasn't ugly. She was actually kinda cute...but I had a sense that she was mentally ill. -_- Her arm would stick out weird whenever she fell asleep, and she had this real dumb look on her face (dumber than normal). And she cried so much that the plane ride actually felt like a full 13 hours....
Yeah, I'm tired now. I'm just really glad to be back among my Dr. Pepper, In and Out, and Pizza Hut. Although I do miss Bounty....
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[b:da66360238]~The Hands On My Clock Are Starting To Shake~[/color:da66360238][/b:da66360238]
[b:da66360238]~The Hands On My Clock Are Starting To Shake~[/color:da66360238][/b:da66360238]