(They are in Outer Space,too.)
(If you watch Sonic X,you'll notice I skipped ahead and changed some parts.)
*Vector roars with anger*
Charmy (hiding behind Espio) : Vector sure is scary when he's angry.
Espio: You said it.
Vector: We're stuck in the middle of space,and we're not moving!
*He roars loudly*
*Charmy goes in a different part of their ship*
Charmy (thinking) : Maybe I can figure out what happened to the engines.
*He goes to the top of their ship*
Charmy: Now,where is the main engine? Ouch!
*A Chaos Emerald fell on his head*
Charmy (picking it up) : A Chaos Emerald? Hey,that could make our engines work! So they main engine is-
Espio (invisible) : What are you doing,Charmy?
(Remember-Espio is a Chameleon.)
Charmy (dropping the Chaos Emerald) : Ahhhhhh!
Espio (visible,picking up the Emerald) : A Chaos Emerald? Where did you get this?
Charmy: It hit my head.
Espio (putting the Emerald in the engines) : Let's just use it to power up the engines.
*The engines start running*
Vector (distant) : Yahoo!
Espio and Charmy: Huh?
*They go back inside*
Vector: I fixed the engines! I knew it only took a detective to solve the problem!
Espio: Um,Vector.
Vector: What?
Espio: You didn't make the engines work. We found an Emerald and used it to power up the engines.
Charmy: True.
Vector: Uh,I knew that. After all, I didn't do anything so it must have been an Emerald!
Espio and Charmy (thinking) : As if.
Vector (looking out a window) : Hey,another ship.
*The Blue Typhoon shows up*
(The Blue Typhoon is the name of Tails' ship,and Knuckles is sitting next to a tree.)
Espio (looking out the window) : It's Sonic. Why is he in Outer Space?
Knuckles (noticing them) : Huh? Another ship? I better contact Tails. (He turns on his moniter.) Knuckles to Tails. Can you hear me?
Tails: I can hear you,Knuckles. What's going on?
Knuckles: I spotted another ship to the left of you. Do you think it's a foe?
Sonic: Another ship? That could be fun.
*He runs out to where Knuckles is*
Amy: There aren't any weapons on the ship. It's not dangerous.
Jenny (going to Sonic and Knuckles) : I'll check it out.
Chris: While she's doing that,we'll picture zoom the ship.
Cream: That ship looks familiar.
*Cheese makes some agreeing sounds*
Cosmo (thinking) : Who are they?
Big: We'll be able to figure his out. Right,Froggy?
Froggy: Ribbit.
*Jenny hops on to the ship,and makes a loud rumble inside it*
Vector (shaking up and down) : Whoa!
Espio (falling down) : What's going on?
Charmy (shaking up and down) : Ahhhhhh!
*They all fall down*
Jenny: That was fun!
Knuckles (jumping on) : Be careful,Jenny!
*He makes another rumble,and Vector,Charmy,and Espio shake again*
Espio: What is going on?!
Sonic (jumping on also) : Don't leave me out of this!
*He makes a very loud thump,and they go inside*
Jenny (opening a door) : Who're these guys?
*Vector,Charmy,and Espio are all on the ground with dizzy heads*
Sonic: Hey,these aren't foes! They're Vector,Charmy,and Espio!
Charmy (dizzy) : Nice to see you again.
Knuckles: All our jumping must have shaken the inside of their ship.
Jenny: Let's help them.
*They each carry one of them*
Knuckles (carrying Vector) : Man,what did he eat? A house?!
Sonic (carrying Charmy) : Be quiet,Knuckles. Come on.
Tails (on the moniter) : Guys,come in. We're connecting the ship to ours. You can go in.
Jenny (carrying Espio on her back) : Okay,Tails.
*Jenny sniffs the air*
Jenny (sniffing) : Hey,I smell a Chaos Emerald.
Knuckles (grunting) : You do?
Jenny (following the scent) : Follow me!
*They follow Jenny to the top of the ship*
Jenny (looking in the engines) : Somewhere in here.
*She grabs something in the engines,and comes out*
Sonic: One of the seven Chaos Emeralds!
Jenny (giving it to Sonic) : Yep! Now,let's get back!
*They go back inside the ship to the main room*
Chris: Hey! It's Vector,Charmy,and Espio!
Tails: Really? They looked passed out.
Knuckles (grunting) : That was kind of our faults.
Cream: You can put them in a 3-bed room.
Sonic: All right,then.
*They go to a 3-bed room and put them onto the beds*
Amy: I guess there was really nothing to worry about.
Big: Oh well.
Froggy: Ribbit.
Cosmo: Who're Charmy,Espio,and Vector?
Cream: They're our friends,but I wonder how they got into space.
Tails: We'll ask them when they wake up.
*Jenny and Sonic go inside the main room*
Chris: Where's Knuckles?
Sonic: He said he wanted to go outside again.
Jenny: We also found a Chaos Emerald.
Tails: You found a Chaos Emerald? That's great!
To Knuckles......
Knuckles (thinking) : Man,whenever there's something to think about,I always think about Rouge. Was it something about rescuing her? Am I lovesick? Do I have feelings for her?
To Rouge.........
Rouge (thinking) : I have to find Knuckles and apoligize to him. But why do I really, really want to do it? Do I have feelings for him? Am I lovesick?
See what happens at the next part of Sonic Riders!