Dark blue tex:Normal Red tex biggrin ark Cyan tex:Angel
Name:Sagio Tetsurra
Weapons:Normal:Two Desert Eagles,two Kantanas Dark:Cursed swords of Demona,Pyrokenesis Angel:Fire sword of Gabriel,Ultima sword of God,Healing
Powers:Normal:Super speed,super strength,shoots fire balls,can make guns and kantans appear with dark magic,necromancy Dark razz rokenesis,take over minds,super strength and speed,necromancy Angel:Healing,flight,telekenesis,necromancy
History:Was found on the door step of Vincent Cromwell.He was raised under his and his servents care.He loved that man and that man loved him.When he reached five the thirst for blood from his vampire side overwelmed him.He slowly one by one took out the servents.One night he was talking to Vincent and was giving a medalion.It was done,Vincent Cromwell had been killed.He's been on his own ever since,training his skills and harnessing his dark and angelic powers.He spends his life searching for his parents.
Sagio Tetsurra · Wed Jul 26, 2006 @ 06:33pm · 0 Comments |