Rouge (looking around) : Knuckles, this place is kinda creepy.......
Knuckles: How is it creepy? There's nothing here-just trees,leaves,bark,roots,and branches.
Rouge: That's not what I mean. I meant something is wrong here.......
Knuckles: Yeesh,we'll get out of here safe. Don't worry.
Rouge: Okay then.
Tails: Where am I going to go? There's no where to be on this island.
Cosmo (landing from the sky) : Tails!
Tails (looking up) : Cosmo?!
Cosmo (landing) : Yeah, I was looking for you. Ever since I had to go.
When Cosmo had to leave......
Cosmo: I have to go now. My journey has to continue alone,Tails.
Tails: I hope you come back soon.
Cosmo (leaving) : Me,too!
Back to the present........
Tails (hugging Cosmo) : I missed you. I never forgot you.
Cosmo (hugging back) : Me neither. Now that I'm done with my journey, I can help you.
Tails: That's great! Could you help me get off this island?
Cosmo: Of course. During the past years,I studied on a teleportation spell.
*Cosmo puts her hands on her red oval (on her chest part) *
*She whispers some words,and they disappear*
*They end up on a cloud*
Cosmo: Oops,I haven't had much practice-
Tails: Wow,what a great view! This is great,Cosmo!
Cream: Tails!
*Cheese makes some happy sounds*
Tails: Cream! Cheese!
Cream: Cosmo!
Cosmo: Hi,Cream! I missed you!
Cream: Same from me!
Tails: Come on,let's get down. We'll use our flying abilities.
*They fly down to land (besides Cosmo,she floats down) *
Cream (landing) : Now that we're off of the clouds,let's go find the others!
Tails and Cosmo: Okay!
*They run Northeast*
Sonic (running) : Amy,you okay?
Amy: Of course!
*Jenny howls while running*
Back to Knuckles.......
Knuckles (punching) : Who would of known that giant,mutant slugs would come?!
Rouge (kicking) : I told you that something was creepy!
See what happens at the next part of Sonic Riders!