Knuckles: Man! I'm stuck in the middle of a desert! At least, we all have a moniter. Knuckles to Sonic. Do you read,Sonic?
*Crackling sound on moniter and no answer*
Knuckles: I don't think I can contact Tails,either. There's no signal here.
Rouge (starting to land from above) : Looks like you're lost,Knuckies.
Knuckles (with anger and fists cracking) : What are you doing here?
Rouge: I was flying overhead and saw you. I was thinking of making an agreement.
Knuckles (with anger of cautiousness) : What kind of a agreement?
Rouge: Well,I'll help you find Sonic,and you'll help me get out of this desert.
Knuckles: How do you know I am looking for Sonic!?
Rouge: You're lost aren't you?
Knuckles: Okay then. Sounds fair.
Knuckles (thinking) : But I still don't trust her.
Rouge: Then, come on let's go!
Knuckles (thinking) : I better think of a plan in case she double-crosses me.
*Rouge and Knuckles go farther in the desert*
Sonic (running) : Man! How long do I have to keep up with this?!
Amy (running and swinging her hammer at Sonic) : Get back here,Sonic!
See what happens at the next part of Sonic Riders!