Amy (jumping down) : Hey! That trap was for Sonic,not for you! scream
Knuckles (with anger) : Why you little!? stressed
Sonic (nodding no at Knuckles) : Don't Knuckles.
Amy: Now that the argument is over,Sonic is mine!
*Amy takes out her hammer and runs to Sonic*
Sonic (running and looking at Tails and Knuckles) : I'll see you guys later!
*Amy chases Sonic out of the city*
Tails: I'll go find the emerald. You go help Sonic,okay?
Knuckles: Okay. I can't believe I'm saying this but be careful.
Tails: Okay!
*Knuckles goes after Sonic and Amy*
Tails (thinking): I can do this!
See what happens at the next part of Sonic Riders!