There's this book that I totally been hooked to. The title is THE SECRET by Rhonda Bryne. Here is some of the magnificent quotations and statement from the book that I know YOU who are reading this might be inspired. THE SECRET: IS "THE LAW OF ATTRACTION" is a law of nature: It is impersonal and it do not see good or bad things. It is receiving your thoughts and reflecting back to those thoughts on your life experience. The law of attraction simply gives you whatever it is you are thinking about. "The law of attraction is giving you what you are thinking about." THE LAW OF ATTRACTION IN ACTION IS: LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE: The law responds to your thoughts, no matter what they may be. "You are the most powerful magnet in the Universe. You contain a magnetic power within you that is more powerful than anything in this world, and this unfanthomalbe magnetic power is emitted through your thoughts. If you see it in your mind, you're going to hold it in your hand." Bob Proctor- co-author of the book. "Through this most powerful law, your thoughts become the things in your life. Your thoughts become things! Say it over to yourself and let it seep into your consciousness and your awareness. Your thoughts become things!" Well I hope this might inspired you....