Today was the first day that the chest pains lasted more than thirty seconds; and having them for five minutes was horrifying. They've never lasted that long before, not since I started getting them about a month ago. At first I thought they were growing pains, or floating ribs popping out of place. But then I started realizing how fast my heart would beat, and how deep the pain was. How tired I am after these happen is another sigh that it's something serious.
I'm scared, I'm lucky I wasn't alone and I could call someone to watch me tonight so I don't have a heart attack or something. I probably won't be going to school for the next few days, anything else is out of the question as well.
Maybe it's from the stress.. or maybe there really is something wrong with me. I'll have a doctor's appointment soon so I guess I'll find out. I hope nothing's wrong, I don't want to worry Ryan more than I already have. Then again, I guess worrying comes with falling in love with someone, so that can't be helped. I think he's always worried about me; he knows I'm sick.
I hope I won't have any more problems tonight, I'm exhausted, but I felt like I should put this down here at least.
Total duration of pain: 5-6 minutes.
Area: Upper, mid-left chest area.
Time/date: 2:09 AM, Wednesday, Jan. 23, 2013
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Persephone Cosplayer
[ 𝕁𝕖𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕖 / TOR ] - engaged
This is my face, I guess.
People suck.
I don't dissociate enough for this s**t.
Where'd I go?
[ A galaxy far far away ]
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