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After Tonight: Episode 02
Last time on After Tonight...


TAB Klaus found a quiet lounger just out of earshot from the others. They made the kind of small talk that set his stomach churning. He didn’t move into the Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments to chat, especially about the weather or the rest of the nonsense the others spewed at each other. He had nothing to say to them. His last clothing line earned him $500 billion dollars. He was well above and beyond the trash that now surrounded him and to make matters worse, not one of them even acknowledged his fame. As if they were better than him. How laughable.
TAB He sipped at his martini as soft violin music played from a rock shaped speaker next to the hot tub. For luxury apartments the Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments seemed to be teeming with that kind of ridiculous, low-class decor. He sat back on the lounger resting his head.
TAB Two voices soon rose to break his quiet relaxation.
TAB “I know your secret!” Two of the other tenants clumsily hid behind a bush. Klaus couldn’t help but watch.
TAB “What are you talking about?!” The redheaded woman who introduced herself as the opera diva Miss Chantal seemed nervous.
TAB “Don’t pretend with me! I’ve seen Chantal in concert a dozen times! I know what she looks like!” The young woman pointed her finger at the diva.
TAB “I’m sorry! I don’t know what you mean!” The diva seemed upset, almost as if she was going to cry.
TAB “If I find out you’ve done anything to the diva…” The young woman’s voice trailed off, but she glared angrily.
TAB “I haven’t done anything. I am Miss Chantal!”
TAB Klaus leaned forward, intent on taking in every bit of the sordid argument, but as he did a cold splash of water struck him in the face. Someone had pushed a young man into the pool. The other tenants laughed as Ash pulled himself out of the water.
TAB Klaus turned back to the bushes, but the arguing women were gone. Without the excitement of the fight, and now that his brand new white slacks were wet, he had no reason to pretend he cared about the party or the other tenants. He marched his way back to his room.


TAB It was pitch black but that didn’t stop Klaus. He couldn’t sleep. Part of him was still intrigued by the fight he had witnessed earlier but the rest of him was still angry about being splashed with cold water and the subsequent ruin of his brand new white slacks.
TAB He thought a dip in the hot tub might relax his nerves. The water was almost too hot. It scalded and burned as he lowered himself into it. At the very least, the pain and heat kept his mind from wandering back to the events of the pool party. Until he spotted something floating in the pool.
TAB The last time he saw something like that was when someone had overdosed in a pool at one of Donatella Versace’s parties. It didn’t take long for him to put two and two together. The brown hair, the short white-blue dress, the awful cork sandals from three seasons ago. It was definitely the girl he had seen arguing with the diva…


TAB The next day, the lounge was filled with tenants gossiping about the apparent murder of a young Miss Sicilia Burke from apartment 452.
TAB “I just don’t understand. Who could do such a thing to a sweet young girl like that?” Mr. Eichmann seemed particularly hard hit by the loss.
TAB “Did you ever have her in your class, professor?” Ash comforted the man with a pat on the back.
TAB “Sadly, no.” Mr. Eichmann sighed. “But from what I hear she was a good student.”
TAB Klaus watched the diva carefully as the others discussed the loss of a tenant. She seemed intent on reading what appeared to be a newspaper. Her face contorted in all sorts of ways as she read the paper quietly to herself.
TAB He joined her on the couch and glanced over her shoulder. The newsletter was strange. It was typed out on regular paper but large red hand-written letters seemed to jump off the page.

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TAB “Where did you get that?” Klaus pulled the paper from the diva’s hands.
TAB “It was in my mail box this morning.” Her voice cracked.
TAB “Quiet! Everyone! Be quiet this instant!” Klaus stood as he shouted at the others. “I want everyone to go to their mail box and get their mail! Bring it back here! Now!”
TAB The others obeyed. All of them came back with the same newsletter in hand.
TAB Klaus flipped through the paper in his hands. Each page was filled with secrets and pictures of the tenants in compromising poses. All of them were accounted for, even himself, all except the newly deceased Sicilia Burke…

Will this turn of events set the Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments ablaze with accusations and gossip? Or could this unsettling revelation cause an even more dangerous consequence?

Who will survive After Tonight?


I'm very sorry to share this, but tea bakeries has been eliminated.
I hope you enjoyed your time with us! I was happy to have you!

In a very dramatic turn of events, Aerovinity returns!
This will be the only round with a fake elimination (meant to enhance the story of the Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments)!
Every elimination from here on out WILL be final.

Aerovinity as Sicilia Burke

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(hey, so, if you could read this in a kind of "oh, well, *giggle* i did this, and then this, and then this.... kind of manner; trying to get the ditzy side of her showing, you know? Thanks!)

I can still remember what happened that night... Back at my alleged death at Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments.

To be honest, the night at that pool party was actually a lot of fun. But, something felt off; scripted, forced even. Like "oh, we're here at this party. And it's great, but we have to do something dark..." So when the bartender handed me a drink-beautiful drink too, all reds and oranges, with the pieces of fruit on a toothpick and a little umbrella even!

*clears throat*

Anyways, when he handed me the drink, he slid me a napkin, that read "when you drink this, you will appear dead. When people are gone from the pool area, you make your escape over the fence to this location" with a location listed. "It's for the best, madame." he said, smiling. shrugging, I drink three gulps, putting it down; that was delicious! Before i could say how good this was, the bartender was gone. Soon however, i felt the effects of what was in that drink, and next thing i know; the drink drops from my hand, i fall down, and my hair dunks into the pool, pony tail long forgotten due to the water.

When people screamed, ran to investigate, all seemed quiet. Like, everyone was too surprised. When they were gone, i started regaining the feeling in my body. Before i knew it, i was completely alright; must have been some form of toxin, causing short term paralysis. *cocks an eyebrow* what? My dad was a scientist, i was around him a lot, he had full custody of me after the divorce anyways.

Anyways, after I was alone, i jumped the fence, getting to the addressee provided to me. I met with the bartender, who said he was something of a "source" with information about all of the residents; I'm talking photo's, crime records, high school transcripts, home life, career history. I mean, EVERYTHING you need to know about a person to ruin their lives. So what did this have to do with me?

"Got you a job as a Newsletter Editor. Saw here that you have a minor in English" he said, sliding the last file he had brought with him; mine. "Well, I'd like to keep that i think" i inquired, pulling the file to keep. Sure enough, exactly the same info in the others. "You don't think we'd just allow anybody to move into our apartments, do you?" He winked, giving me a devious smile, before standing and shaking my hand, wishing me good luck. "Oh, and one more thing..." he said, me raising my eyebrows. "That toxin is from a rare breed of puffer fish; tasteless, invisible to most scanning technologies, and, as a added side effect, makes you go partially blind. Here." he tossed me his glasses; they were black, and round, but I liked them. "It'll help with your identity. Good luck." He bowed, before leaving.

So, what happened after all this? Well, i got a job at that newspaper place; what was it called? Oh yeah, the Laketon Letter. And, well, things went downhill for this beauty; cut all my hair off, dyed it black, and bound myself down to make me look flat, androgynous possibly. My eyes grew puffy, probably a reaction to that toxin; I developed acne problems, probably yet another reaction to the toxin; and, thanks to the dim lighting and gross atmosphere, my skin paled even further from a slightly rosy color, to a sickly vanilla color. But hey, at least i still had my personazility... wait, personality. I think... Still working on that one.

Oh yeah, and I also went back to school to focus on my English minor; astrosomething would be too much of a give away, so i thought this would be a better idea than becoming an astroph...astrophy...something!

When i proposed this idea to my superior; the whole "oh, let's expose the residents of the Quiet Oaks Luxury Apartments," she thought it was a knock out idea, and told me to get right on it! Everyone helped in whatever way they could, in my first solo piece; i mean, i didn't want the team to see these files, mostly. But, also because they might freak if... You know what, this is a little bit much, even for my boobs to handle... wait, i said boobs didn't I? I meant Brain. *giggles* anyways, it's been good to me, this editor position. When i first got accepted into the place, i was shocked. But, maybe there is a darker secret behind this building. We'll have to see though~

Turn in next week to see the next installment of the paper! Gosh, I've always wanted to say that *jiggles in chair*


Based on special/hidden round rules posted at the bottom of this post.

Creativity: 9/10
Visuals: 8/10
Total: 17/20

Soap opera twist!
Anyway. I'm very pleased to see that you took the change to heart. She's a tad less than interesting than the big boobed ditzy, but smart college student, but I'm glad to see some of that girl still coming through in the story. The androgyny is a nice change in character, though. In fact, I'd say she's headed in the right direction character-wise.
There are several relatively minor changes I would make (particularly in the lower half of the avatar as it's quite plain and empty), but she's a success. And that face is perfect.
She's interesting and she's got a lot to separate her from the other tenants. Overall, I think this change was great for you and your character. ^^

tea bakeries as Texas Candi Holiday

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I was rich- so rich, and me fam'ly wasn't aroun' none.
I was five, and my gramma took me for th' week'nd- loony one, her. My uncle came ov'r an' brought a friendly. He... Came at me. I was small, and alone, and... My uncle wouldn't b'lieve me when I tol' 'im. So I cried... And set meself up all nice and like. And I wen' downstairs and pretended li'e nothing ever did happen.
An' I still do.


Creativity: 4/10
Visuals: 5/10
Total: 9/20

I actually have no idea what's happening in this story. Either she got attacked by a dog or molested as a child? If it is attacked by a dog, it's interesting. But I assume it's meant to be the latter.
She looks like a 20 year old socialite. I think you would have a far better time with this if you had gone zany. Serious seems to keep this from being anything other than a realistic avatar crying. The prancing puppy isn't helping that feel either.
Visually, she's not bad. But like I said before the visuals aren't fitting what I assume you're trying to get at it with this theme.

0-DCB as Brian Eichmann

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Whenever one of his students asks about Mr. Eichmann's parents, he tenses up on the inside. "My mother passed away when I was too young to remember," he would say solemnly. "My father," often feigning a cough or pretending to rearrange papers here, "Well, he died when I was also young, but I can't forget him."
His students never really pushed it pass that.

In truth, his mother really did pass away when Brian was just a baby. His father took it hard but stayed strong. Then, one day, something snapped. He started hitting Brian when he was a little child. At first it could have been considered an accident; he just happened to open a door right as Brian was nearing on the other side -- hitting his head. Then, it became so bad that his father forced him to lie to his teachers at school. "Oh, my house is big, and slipped on the last few steps coming down," he might say.

Brian's house was big. His mother and father were well off indeed. His mother, he would later discover, left him a generous supply. She also had many books, and Brian soon dove into their worlds. He didn't get these cuts from his father. No! he got them because he was an adventurer in the woods and was attacked! Since then he has considered his father dead: d-e-a-d. His loving mom passed away. His harsh father died. Whether or not he is still around isn't one of Mr. Eichmann's main concerns, but the thought still does creep into his head from time to time.


Creativity: 7/10
Visuals: 8/10
Total: 15/20

The serious tone of the story is conflicting with the avatar.
I think the fact that I score the avatar and only take the story into account as a set up for the avatar is really working in your favor this round. Both of them together are disjointed. And the story isn't really particularly interesting (especially for a soap opera). But the avatar on its own is quite wonderfully silly (whether on purpose or not).
The Colbert as the stern father. The birds that don't really add anything. The quirky outfit that still fits Mr. Eichmann. It all works well together to put one what feels like a parody of the story.

la faux pas as Klaus Ranier Zeitung

Klaus narrowed his eyes as he ran across the page that showed his most heinous act. No one would have recognized him as the culprit in the photo if it weren't for the caption underneath. "Klaus Ranier, well known fashion mogul, and less known mafia hit man, can be seen here holding the executive of a non-profit organization hostage with the man's daughter in tow. Herr Ranier has been linked to many more underground operations, but with his immigration to a new country under a false identity, he's been able to avoid justice. Will he be able to avoid it for much longer?

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Klaus fumed as he read the caption. There it was, his cover blown. Of course now that he already fled the country of his known crimes, there was little that could be done since his current home did not extradite on offenses of capital punishment. Still, he didn't like the fact that every tenant in possession of these papers now had the leverage to ruin the good, or at least respected, name and brand he had built up. Something would have to be done.


Creativity: 9/10
Visuals: 9/10
Total: 18/20

The story is interesting enough to keep my interest and I'm glad it ties into his character. The avatar is effect at getting his point across as well (although it is a bit more assassin than kidnapper thanks to the silencer on the gun).
Not sure if I'm really feeling his clothing (as he feels like a hipster assassin), but I really like the feel of action in this avatar.

flickadur as Josephine Johnson

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"Who did this to you?" he whispered as he reached for my hands.
I didn't respond, I couldn't. I could see the barely masked fury in his eyes as he surely resolved to kill whoever had done this to me.
"Josie, I love you more than anything. Please just tell me why anyone would do this to---," he stopped abruptly. I glanced up from the ground to meet his eyes, but they were elsewhere. He had found the object that was in my hands. His eyes blinked rapidly with the realization of the truth, while his mouth opened and closed, attempting to form the words that he never thought he would have to say.
He looked back up at me, confusion and pity clear in his eyes. I quickly yanked my gaze away from him. Anywhere but him. The ground, the walls, even the scars and the blood were easier to look at than him.
Finally, after what felt like hours of silence but must have been minutes, I slowly glanced up. He was staring at me, with tears silently rolling down his face, the big question in his eyes. Did you do this to yourself?. I didn't know how to answer him, even though I knew exactly what the answer was.
I took a deep breath, and stated clearly, voice not shaking, "I didn't do it. The monsters in my head did."

note: you'll notice the scissors in her hand, that's what 'he' was talking about. I know I didn't put much except for the scars, but it was because, at this point in her life, that is all that she can think of, all she thinks she is. She defines herself by her scars and her self harm, and anything else about her doesn't matter. I tried to make her eyes look like she didn't care, like she was nonchalant. But she obviously does care what he thinks, more than anything else.


Creativity: 5/10
Visuals: 5/10
Total: 10/20

My first thought when seeing this is that she murdered someone. The scar layering is so messy that it just looks like blood on her. It's interesting, don't get me wrong, but it really doesn't have much else going for it.
The scissors probably would have been better in the opposite hand (I wouldn't have even noticed them if you hadn't mentioned them).
Her face is so blank as well. I don't know if that's on purpose, but I feel like there could have been a bit more emotion injected into it to give the avatar some interest outside of the scars.
This is an avatar that I think is harmed in this contest by taking itself a tad too seriously. I think you might have been better off picking a subject that you could have had more fun with.

eIeventh day as Lucrecia Cruz

I was shocked… Mister… he’s suspecting… I never… I did not… they… I saw… It was not me… It was not Miss… Miss… It was him, It was HIM!!

Serves her right.. SERVES HER RIGHT… NO .. no … YES… NO!! I didn’t kill her… SERVES HER RIGHT… She was a lousy b***h Lucy… No… I didn’t kill her /screams… GOD… She blew your act, she questioned you… she doesn’t believe, you can never be Chantal… Chantal… CHANTAL… but I didn’t kill her, please… CHANTAL is SO BETTER THAN YOU… let me go... Philippines… My homeland…

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my homeland… my homeland… I was asleep… I felt something and It wasn’t right… He did… He did…I was abused, Im abused… I don’t want to go back to that… BUT SHE REALLY DESERVE IT!! /laughs... /screams… I want to be CHANTAL… Yes… yes… NO… I don’t want to go back, please… don’t take me… Help me… I don’t wanna go, I don’t… Help me.. HELP /screams… I didn’t kill her, it was him instead… I saw… I saw… It was not me… YES… Help me… Help me… HELP ME MISS…

/slits and cuts…

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Dials a number… “Miss… Im bleeding again…”

“What? Hello Lucy… Lucy?, Again? Hello?... s**t… Im coming over…” Miss Chantal said in a scared tone…

“Don’t… everything is fine miss.. It’s just a minor scratch…, I… I accidentally shaved wrong… again… I called just to let you know that everything is fine, you know me Madam…”

“Oh, you nappy headed ho~ don’t ever do that… I thought you went honey badger again… Girl, you drunk?”

“Oh no ma’am, I just want you to know that I’m fine, today was a great day here” /sobs…

“Are you crying?, Oh wait…, Kanur, I don’t wanna go~ Yeah? Yeah? Im talking to my sister… OK whatever” pauses “So are you crying?”

“Im not, it’s just a small sob, coz… it kinda hurt” /laughs…

“b***h, you’re crazy…” /laughs too “I thought it was some kind of an important s**t… did I just tell you to calm yo tits and call me whenever something important came up?”

Im important… Im important… “Yes, Madam… sorry…” Im important…

“OK, just… if you’re going crazy again, Girl… don’t hesitate to call me… I don’t want my soul sister go crazy again…, OK?”…

“OK, Miss… when will you come over?” I need you… I need you now…

“I told you already… Kanur they can handle themselves… EW, im not going without my diamonds puleeeezzzz~” pauses “Hey Lucrecia… I’ll be going now… Kanur and I are going for like a cheap Charity work with this ratchet stuffs… Im gonna go now… Tata… Don’t go crazy, ok?”

Call ended… Thank you Miss… thank you for everything… I CAN BE YOU, I WILL BE YOU...


Creativity: 5/10
Visuals: 5/10
Total: 10/20

This is another avatar that could have used a back story that could have been taken a bit more lightly.
I'm not sure how I feel abut the avatar. part of me likes it for being interesting and unusual, but the rest of me is trying to make sense of what is happening (and why she looks like she's wearing a blanket made out of skin).
The avatar is very difficult to understand.

SilverFalco as Ashley "Ash" Jardine

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Ash could hardly believe what he was seeing and reading. The newsletter that had he had recovered from his mail box upon Klaus' bequest contained all manner of scandal and treachery on the part of the Quiet Oaks populous; but Ash hardly glanced at any of that. His eyes stared fixed at the documents regarding his own little nightmare, bringing back memories he had wanted nothing more than to forget...

-- ~One Year Ago --

It was a cold and rainy day. Ash had returned home to the family estate after a long day of board meetings for the company, and still had not had time to study for his international business final the next day. His nerves were already frayed to the breaking point, when his father approached him, wondering why he was dressed in such a sloppy manner and why he was not ready to attend the Christenson's party? His father, flavor-of-the-year step-mother, and sister were all decked out in their finest. Ash looked down at the suit he had been wearing at work today; all designer brand and very expensive, hardly "sloppy," as his father had described, and yet no where near dapper enough to be attending some high-society soiree. Ash, overloaded as he was, had completely forgot about the party.

"I...I'm sorry dad but I really can't go. I have an exam tomorrow and - " His father didn't let him finish, however, before berating him about managing his time properly and how he had raised such an irresponsible son. Nevermind that Ash barely had time to sleep anymore.

"Fine. You'd only be an embarrassment to me if you showed up at the Christenson's in your current state. You never fail to disappoint me." With that, they left, leaving Ash flushed to his ears in shame and anger. That was it.

He moved like a possessed man up to his father's bedroom, tearing through drawers and closets, looking for evidence. Evidence of this father's illegal corporate activities. Ash wasn't stupid, and he'd been working at the company long enough now that he had noticed how funds for R&D of new products suddenly appeared on the books without proper explanation, or how rival companies always seemed to have to deal with insider trading or sex scandals at opportune moments. He just needed proof, and he could bring this whole house of cards down.

At that moment it hit him; the safe hidden behind the family portrait. He'd only seen it once, and only by accident, but he still remembered the password for it. He punched it in and almost had to hold back a scream of delight when it opened. Hungrily he dug through the contents, until he held a rather thick black folder. The contents were exactly what Ash needed to take down his father.

"Ash?" He looked up, startled. It was his grandfather. "What are you doing, son?"

"I've had enough, Grandpa," he said, eyes wild, "I can't take it any more. This is going to be the end of Jardine, Inc.!"

Ash's grandfather tried to reason with him, but he was too far gone to listen. It only served to further make him angry that his grandfather, the one person he thought would understand, had to take the side of his father. If Ash had been in his right mind, he might have understood that his grandfather was just trying to protect his son, and Ash from doing something he would regret, and that he probably wouldn't have wanted to see the company he started so many years ago go down like this. But Ash didn't care about any of that.

His grandfather made to grab the file from Ash, but he simply shoved the old man away. Not being very steady on his feet any more, his grandfather lost balance and fell, hitting his head on a nearby nightstand, and went limp. Ash didn't even notice at first, he was too busy poring feverishly over the sordid affairs of his father to see what he had done. Finally he looked up, to see his grandfather laying, unmoving, on the floor.

"Grandpa? Grandpa?! GRANDPA!!" he shouted, falling to his knees next to his body. The shock of the scene had called Ash back to his senses. But it was too late; his grandfather was dead. Never has there been such a look of shock and disbelief on someone's face before. Tears streamed down his face. No one could know. No one could know that he had....killed....the only person he thought cared about him. The shame was too much for Ash. All he knew was he wanted this whole incident buried deep, so that he would never have to live with it.

Luckily, it was the Jardine family in which Ash had grown up, and so he had, despite his attempts not to, picked up on more than his fair share of quick-thinking and underhanded planning. So he wrapped the body up, moved it into the bathroom and made it look like he had slipped and fell while taking a shower. The scene of the crime he meticulously returned to its original state, with the exception of the folder that had cost him his grandfather to obtain.

That would be the last night he spent in that house. The next day, with his family in grieving over the apparent accidental death of its patriarch, Ash slipped away, emptied his personal bank account, and never looked back. Ash knew that sooner or later, his father would know that the files were missing, and would probably put two and two together and know that Ash had taken them. He might even begin to suspect that it had something to do with the death of his own father. But Ash knew, even if he did figure it all out, he couldn't do anything about it. He knew Ash could ruin him at the drop of a hat with the information he now had. Ash was bulletproof.

-- Present Day --

Ash was recalled from his memories by the growing volume of the chatter around him. This was bad news. His Jardine mind was already thinking of ways out of this, in spite of himself. Reflexively his hand moved to his grandfather's watch; the watch in which he had hidden a microchip that contained all of the data of his father's illegal activities that he had stolen that fateful night.

He would do what he had to do.


Creativity: 7/10
Visuals: 7/10
Total: 14/20

It's an interesting choice of background.
The avatar on the other hand is having a hard time deciding what it's about. Without the story it's kind of a mess. I like Ash in the avatar, but it's hard to read what's happening behind him.
It's a bit too serious, but the avatar has just enough quirk to keep it from being boring or trying too hard. Overall, despite the confusion, it's a solid avatar.

Aerovinity's Round Rules
You are to create your characters true identity as the smart reporter. This is a reset button on your character. Create anything you want within the confines of reporter. You can be a college reporter or a reporter like Anderson Cooper or even someone like Drew Barrymore from Never Been Kissed. Do whatever you want as long as they’re a reporter. Check the round to see why you’re a reporter. You wrote the newspaper that shared everyone’s secrets.
If you’d be willing, I also would like you to write something about your character as a reporter. That way I don’t have to do all the explaining when we reveal your character hasn’t died. You faked your own death to get people to pay attention to the paper and the secrets you had to share.
Everything can be changed and altered (skin, hair, gender, eye color, name). It’s all up to you.

Judging Rubric
Creativity (how interesting the avatar and your take on the round is): x/10
Visuals (the character's character, style, and all around visual appeal): x/10
Total: xx/20
1 means awful, 5 means average, and 10 means I wouldn't change a thing

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