The government of this long-lost civilization was complicated, to say the least. A queen in fact held the power although it was the princess of the current generation who held the most value to the people. Being the queen to be, once the queen died, she also played the role of the mystic. The princesses' job was to bless new buildings, children, and drive away curses and ill-happenings. Unlike the humans though, her magic was real. While the princess could not always avoid problems that came at the kitsune clan, they were always underneath her magical mist that kept their lives separate from the humans. This was not Ai's choice of life though. Kitsunes lived to be very old and seeing as her mother was far from death and she held enough strength to support the mist, Ai was hoping her mother would allow to her explore the human world. The choice seemed beyond her control though. Ai's mother was always busy and there were three months in counting since she had seen her mother last. She had submitted a request to be fair but either it had been lost or sabotaged by one of the priests. They were old men and women who were against her freedom as they literally worshiped the ground Ai walked on. So it was against her own judgement that Ai was going to escape. There was supposedly a lot of value held in the gold that her people carried around as pocket change and filling at least half of her getaway bag with bags of coins she had simply slipped into the night after hiding her fox additions as well and left nothing behind but a note for the priests and her mother.
Ai had given herself three years. Three years to explore and play and learn of these strange people that seemed to haunt her people's thoughts so. If Ai had not even met them though, what was there to fear? It was just like fearing the dark. There was no saying what may be lurking within until you investigate and learn from your possible mistakes. Rather than stay in the local shadows of Japan though, Ai went much farther. To a city called 'New York' of the United States of America'. Her people kept fairly updated on the recent news but it seemed that they had had a major delay in information. It seemed that the United States had grown to be over five times it's original size and Napoleon had perished. They had admired him as a kind of celebrity in the village and Ai found herself silently mourning her death during the plane ride. Upon arriving in New York, she was in awe of the technology and the people. No one seemed particularly friendly but considering the polluted...everything, there was no blaming them. Her first few steps into the outside world were terrifying but exhilarating all the same. Supposedly the people of her equivalent age were supposed to go to school during the week and Ai was rather excited to see what it was like to have something like group gatherings for education. Wandering into a particularly seedy area of town she stared open-mouthed at all the signs and smells. Everything smelled delicious and forgetting all the money she had she merely peered in through the windows of restaurants and drooled over the steaming food being given to the people. It had not occurred to Ai that this could be rude or that her ceremonial robes were an odd sight for the rest of the world and she could feel herself attracting the stares of people as she walked.
Not thinking much of it, being natural naive and uncaring when outside of the work area, she yelped as she ran into the back of a particularly greasy middle-aged man. Grey streaked his hair and he rank of smoke and alcohol and though his eyelids seemed heavy with sleep, his energy seemed to peak seeing Ai there and she could see that his hand was itching to touch her as it half slid out of his front jeans pocket and his eyes began to fall all over her. "Hey there sweetheart...can Daddy help you get some place to stay?" There was something peculiar about him and she shook her head firmly although it did not seem like he was going to take her response seriously. "No thanks, my dad doesn't know I'm here. I am traveling New York on my own." Ai's English was virtually flawless although he seemed to have misunderstood her honesty for some kind of implication or teasing as he soon shot his hand out to grasp her forearm. "Aw, come on! Don't put Daddy down that way!"
((Hello again everyone! I am back on the thread thanks to a few people who will remain nameless but I would like for anyone who is interested to PM me to continue this roleplay or complain! Let's keep issues off of the thread and keep a friendly atmosphere.))