Rejected Olympics 2012 Anons
T'was the week before All Hallows Eve
My nose was so stuffy that I couldn't breathe.
The beasties and ghoulies all were creeping,
(It was late at night, I should've been sleeping).
I heard their sighs, I heard their moans,
Their rattling chains and creaking bones;
But I didn't get scared, didn't wish them away
'Cuz I like to hear ghoulies and beasties at play.
These creatures, you see, were very polite
Each time that I sneezed they'd say "Gesundheit"
My nose was so stuffy that I couldn't breathe.
The beasties and ghoulies all were creeping,
(It was late at night, I should've been sleeping).
I heard their sighs, I heard their moans,
Their rattling chains and creaking bones;
But I didn't get scared, didn't wish them away
'Cuz I like to hear ghoulies and beasties at play.
These creatures, you see, were very polite
Each time that I sneezed they'd say "Gesundheit"
Pumpkin time is here again,
Time to play Trick or Treat.
Pumpkin time is here again,
Our spooky friends we'll meet.
See the costumes we have on,
Monsters, ghosts, goblins too.
See the costumes we have on,
Hear us all shout "Boo!"
Time to play Trick or Treat.
Pumpkin time is here again,
Our spooky friends we'll meet.
See the costumes we have on,
Monsters, ghosts, goblins too.
See the costumes we have on,
Hear us all shout "Boo!"
Walking and talking to fellow gaians as you enjoy the Rejected Olympics, you spy a someone dart onto a side street and out of sight. Curiosity getting the best of you, you break away from the group to take a closure look. Reaching the side street you can see it's deserted except for a man lying in a pool of... Blood!? You open your mouth to scream only to have someone clamp a hand over it and hold what feels like a knife at your throat. After several tense moments, the knife leaves your throat and, after a few moments, they remove their hand from your mouth. You whirl around only to see that they had vanished as suddenly as they had seemed to appear, leaving a red box behind. Picking it up you see a note tucked under the white ribbon:
Try to stay in the busy areas, love...
-Bittersweet Anon
Try to stay in the busy areas, love...
-Bittersweet Anon
As you compete in the Olympics, you hear the sound of a small yelp followed by a ''thud''. Looking over, you see a tall young man with goggles nestled in his hair sprawled out on his stomach not far away from where you are standing. You walk over as he sits up rubbing his head. ''Stars. . . That hurt. . . '' He says. You ask what happened & he looks up at you with his ethereal teal eyes. A blush appears across his cheeks & he mumbles, ''T-Took a b-ball to th-the head. . . '' Something wizzes by & you are suddenly pulled to the ground by the young man. ''I-I am sorry. . . I-I didn&��t want y-you to get hurt t-too. . . '' He stands helping you up when the sound of a whistle catches your attention. You are about to say your thanks only to see that the young man is gone, but in his place is a neatly wrapped gift covered in a crystalline dust. Its tag reads, ''I may not be able to fix my own heart, but I will fix yours.''
~Arron the Lythcol Mechanic
~Arron the Lythcol Mechanic


"I predict that you will receive a cute item from your list of wishes."
~ The Fortune Teller
You had been wandering about while enjoying Gaia Reject Olympics when you notice that you had ended up in a rather dark and seedy area. You immediately try to find your way back when a large man suddenly grabs you and holds a gun to your head. "Move or scream and you're dead.", he orders in an oddly panicked voice as he seems to try and use you as a shield. He slowly begins to move sideways, keeping his back to the wall and you in front of him when you hear a woman start singing in the distance:
"Home again, home again, jiggity jig~
I killed the prince and search for his pig~
Search high and low, round about~
The pig is here somewhere, blood on his snout~"
The woman is obviously getting closer though you still can't see her.
"Perchance he is here, perchance he is there~"
The voice is suddenly right next to you and the man shouts in pain and surprise. You feel something warm begin to soak into your back as you're shoved away from the man. You whirl around in time to see him hit the ground, blood already forming a large pool around him. A girl is standing next to the body, a bloodied knife in her hand as she watches you with emotionless emerald eyes. She suddenly turns on her heel and walks away, twirling the knife in her fingers as she finishes her song.
"I saw him holding you hostage, poor dear~
I killed the prince and slaughtered his pig~
Now home again, home again, jiggity, jig~"
You watch her leave, still frozen from a combination of fear and shock from what had happened before you take off running for home. You get there in record time and see a white box sitting on your door step. You cautiously pick it up and see a note tucked under the blue ribbon:
Sorry about the mess earlier, didn't think anyone would be in that area or I would have killed him faster.
"Home again, home again, jiggity jig~
I killed the prince and search for his pig~
Search high and low, round about~
The pig is here somewhere, blood on his snout~"
The woman is obviously getting closer though you still can't see her.
"Perchance he is here, perchance he is there~"
The voice is suddenly right next to you and the man shouts in pain and surprise. You feel something warm begin to soak into your back as you're shoved away from the man. You whirl around in time to see him hit the ground, blood already forming a large pool around him. A girl is standing next to the body, a bloodied knife in her hand as she watches you with emotionless emerald eyes. She suddenly turns on her heel and walks away, twirling the knife in her fingers as she finishes her song.
"I saw him holding you hostage, poor dear~
I killed the prince and slaughtered his pig~
Now home again, home again, jiggity, jig~"
You watch her leave, still frozen from a combination of fear and shock from what had happened before you take off running for home. You get there in record time and see a white box sitting on your door step. You cautiously pick it up and see a note tucked under the blue ribbon:
Sorry about the mess earlier, didn't think anyone would be in that area or I would have killed him faster.
This ninja cat girl got you a snack...
She hopes you enjoy it...
Keep doing your best out there ~nya~
-The neko ninja
She hopes you enjoy it...
Keep doing your best out there ~nya~
-The neko ninja
What's great about the Olympic crowds is how easy "accidentally" rubbing against you is.
Love, xxx.
Love, xxx.
It is never an accident.
Love, xxx.
Love, xxx.
Pleasure, dear.
Love, xxx.
Love, xxx.
As you walk back to the rocket to take you up to the start of the game, you see a small white rabbit walk up to you and stop, looking up at you. You look at it for a moment before bending down to pet it when it darts off behind you. You turn to watch it scurry away when you see that it&��s stopped to look back at you. You begin to walk toward it but it runs off, so you decide to chase after it. You chase it around all sorts of buildings before you find yourself at a crossroads. You look around but don&��t seem to see it anywhere. Just as you&��re about to give up, a man steps out from one of the nearby buildings and looks over at you and smiles. You walk over toward him, the closer you get you notice the two big white ears coming out from the top of his hat. You stop in your tracks and just stare for a moment. Well hello young lady. A fine day for the Rejected Olympics, don&��t you think? He says as he closes the door behind him. You nod your head, letting out a quiet &��yes&�� as he begins to walk toward you. Are you taking part in them? He stops in front of you, his eyes gazing to your own. My you&��re so beautiful. If I were not on your team, I wouldn&��t be able to do anything but gaze into your beautiful eyes. You feel yours face begin to grow warmer and warmer, he then reaches into a bag and pulls out a small box. Take this, it&��s important to keep hydrated as you work diligently in the sun. He leans down and kisses your cheek as he places the box in your hands. Good luck out there my dear. I&��ll be rooting for you. He smiles and begins to walk away. You turn to watch the man leave when you feel something bump into your leg. You look down in time to see the small white rabbit run past you, following him.
- The Gentleman Rabbit
- The Gentleman Rabbit
You glow like the light of the harvest moon,
Soft golden rays to fill my wolfish heart,
Your sweet breath teases my naked skin,
So warm and moist like a southern breeze,
Your scent the perfume of night blooming flowers,
Your taste salty and tangy like the warm sea air,
Your body trembles at my slightest touch,
A willow tree shook by the lusty wind,
Your mossy rise is so dewy and inviting,
Softly, and seductively, it calls for me,
To kneel and taste your secret delights,
Lost in a vortex of your endless desire,
As the harvest moon looms overhead,
Bathing our flesh in it's soothing light.
Soft golden rays to fill my wolfish heart,
Your sweet breath teases my naked skin,
So warm and moist like a southern breeze,
Your scent the perfume of night blooming flowers,
Your taste salty and tangy like the warm sea air,
Your body trembles at my slightest touch,
A willow tree shook by the lusty wind,
Your mossy rise is so dewy and inviting,
Softly, and seductively, it calls for me,
To kneel and taste your secret delights,
Lost in a vortex of your endless desire,
As the harvest moon looms overhead,
Bathing our flesh in it's soothing light.

The master is gone!
She said she`d use the last of her power to keep the shop here!
She said the shop will be okay now!
(To those who understand and know the reference, you`ll understand that anons cannot last forever. Soon, I will be leaving behind a few of my anons and perhaps revealing. Also, props to anyone who can even just identify the characters with my crappy cropping.)
It's been too long, home at last home at last,
I brush back your hair and gaze down at you,
Quietly watching you curled safe in our bed,
Nuzzling your neck, softly I whisper in your ear,
My sweet loving pet, your Master is here...
You lay deep in slumber wrapped in my robe,
Peacefully dreaming of pleasures shared,
A smile like a wolf's flickers over my lips,
I sit next to you feeling your warm flesh,
I slowly expose your silken skin to my touch.
I wet my finger in my mouth to write my name,
Between the mounds of your full ripe breasts,
Warm letters spell out my love upon your skin,
I blow gently over them, my breath cooling...
Soft tingling breeze, like mint on the tongue.
Smiling, wriggling deeper into your dreams,
You quietly sigh and part your legs for me,
I watch over you in the flickering candlelight,
Like a wolf watching over his sleeping mate,
My sweet loving pet, your Master is home...
I brush back your hair and gaze down at you,
Quietly watching you curled safe in our bed,
Nuzzling your neck, softly I whisper in your ear,
My sweet loving pet, your Master is here...
You lay deep in slumber wrapped in my robe,
Peacefully dreaming of pleasures shared,
A smile like a wolf's flickers over my lips,
I sit next to you feeling your warm flesh,
I slowly expose your silken skin to my touch.
I wet my finger in my mouth to write my name,
Between the mounds of your full ripe breasts,
Warm letters spell out my love upon your skin,
I blow gently over them, my breath cooling...
Soft tingling breeze, like mint on the tongue.
Smiling, wriggling deeper into your dreams,
You quietly sigh and part your legs for me,
I watch over you in the flickering candlelight,
Like a wolf watching over his sleeping mate,
My sweet loving pet, your Master is home...
You were seated on the Sky Drop rocket as it carries you up to the starting altitude when a Kitten Star suddenly hits you off. You fall back to the Earth and the last thing you remember was sudden intense pain before everything goes black. After what feels like an eternity of darkness, you hear a girls voice calling for you to return to the living. You feel a sharp pain and your eyes suddenly fly open to see a pair of sky blue eyes staring at you. With a startled squeak, the girl scrambles up to her feet and runs off. You try to call for her to come back, but your voice refuses to work for several minutes and by the time it does the girl is long gone. Frowning, you move to stand up and see a box next to you with a note tucked under the ribbon:
Please be more careful, I won't be able to bring you back a second time...
Please be more careful, I won't be able to bring you back a second time...
After a long day of working with your friends to gain your team points, you decide it's time to take a rare quiet break to yourself. Yawning, you decide to sit down on the beach and watch the moon and the stars sparkle off the inky black water.
As you head down, you hear the sound of singing, although the lyrics are undistinguishable. Curious, you creep up to the beach quietly, only to spy a mermaid sitting in the sand, her fin dangling into the shallow part of the water. You gasp in surprise, causing her to turn around in fright, her eyes wide as saucers.
"A-a-ah!" She cries, before quickly scurrying into the water and swimming to deeper parts. At your protests for her not to leave, however, she hesitates, and eyes you carefully before tossing something to you and diving down under the water's depths. Looking down, you spy a small baggie filled with water, a small fish swimming around inside of it. All that's left of the mermaid is a small tag on the bag that reads:
-The Frightened Mermaid
As you head down, you hear the sound of singing, although the lyrics are undistinguishable. Curious, you creep up to the beach quietly, only to spy a mermaid sitting in the sand, her fin dangling into the shallow part of the water. You gasp in surprise, causing her to turn around in fright, her eyes wide as saucers.
"A-a-ah!" She cries, before quickly scurrying into the water and swimming to deeper parts. At your protests for her not to leave, however, she hesitates, and eyes you carefully before tossing something to you and diving down under the water's depths. Looking down, you spy a small baggie filled with water, a small fish swimming around inside of it. All that's left of the mermaid is a small tag on the bag that reads:
-The Frightened Mermaid
Why are you broken, sister dear?
What pain has stirred your heart to fear?
What event occurred to leave you shattered?
To leave your pour soul broken and battered?
I hope you find someone who is willing to mend
You heart and then valiantly defend
Your fragile spirit with all that they are
To tenderly caress each gentle scar
That was ever left on your heart before
Because you deserve so much more.
What pain has stirred your heart to fear?
What event occurred to leave you shattered?
To leave your pour soul broken and battered?
I hope you find someone who is willing to mend
You heart and then valiantly defend
Your fragile spirit with all that they are
To tenderly caress each gentle scar
That was ever left on your heart before
Because you deserve so much more.
Sister Broken sat up in bed, the last remnants of sleep melting away. She rubbed her closed eyes and felt a strange stiff shell covering her eyelids, smooth like glazed pottery. She carefully prodded the area around and found that her whole face was covered in the same material, like some sort of living mask, responsive to touch but completely immobile.
A scream built up behind her mouth, but her solid lips would not part and release it. Sister Broken tried to open her eyes, sure that her dream had not ended, but her eyelids remained shut, glued together by the hard glaze of her skin.
She clawed at her face, ignoring the pain as bit by bit, her skin chipped away. Large chunks soon followed and pretty soon, the hard shell covering her face lay beside her in a pile. Sister Broken reached for her face again, to feel the rawness of the face underneath the shell...
And found nothing. Her face was a void, an empty space that fell into her head, a hole with no skull or brain, nothing but more shell making up the back of her head. She would have scream, but now there wasn't even a mouth for it to build behind. Sister Broken cradled what was left of her head and rocked back and forth.
-Now you really are broken
Demon's Kin
A scream built up behind her mouth, but her solid lips would not part and release it. Sister Broken tried to open her eyes, sure that her dream had not ended, but her eyelids remained shut, glued together by the hard glaze of her skin.
She clawed at her face, ignoring the pain as bit by bit, her skin chipped away. Large chunks soon followed and pretty soon, the hard shell covering her face lay beside her in a pile. Sister Broken reached for her face again, to feel the rawness of the face underneath the shell...
And found nothing. Her face was a void, an empty space that fell into her head, a hole with no skull or brain, nothing but more shell making up the back of her head. She would have scream, but now there wasn't even a mouth for it to build behind. Sister Broken cradled what was left of her head and rocked back and forth.
-Now you really are broken
Demon's Kin
How are you broken?
I have not found anything
Duct tape can not fix
~The Tuxedo Lion
I have not found anything
Duct tape can not fix
~The Tuxedo Lion
To your left, you hear the bacon sizzling on the grill. To your right, the hash brown sits without moving, your team`s flag stuck onto the top center of it. You catch a flash of something or someone moving but then again, it`s almost impossible to hide within such an open area. You see the beginning of a blue mask sliding swiftly across the bacon. Thinking it`s probably your teammate using himself as a bowling ball, you forget about it for a moment. When the game finishes, you reach inside the bag where you keep your gold -- it feels about the same weight but it`s about 10000 short and in its place, an aluminum can. You realize now that the masked person was definitely aiming for a strike, but not of the bowling kind.

-The Blue Spirit
(Please don`t fret, if the message stirred you a bit for any hacking or scamming incidents. I merely used this as a story, your gold is untouched.)

-The Blue Spirit
(Please don`t fret, if the message stirred you a bit for any hacking or scamming incidents. I merely used this as a story, your gold is untouched.)
Victorian Vocaloid- Anon
Walking about, supporting your team in the Rejected Olympics forum, you were cheery and excited for the team spirit you witnessed all around you. However, something caught your attention: T'was a young lady whom seemed very out of place in the threads. She was dressed in wine and sand tones which decorated her hoop skirt, hat, and corset. She wore a silver masque that covered most of her face, but let her lonely emerald eyes shine through.
She seemed to notice you, curtsying in polite recognition before putting her finger to her frowned lips. "Hush... I am a secret... No one can know of me..." Her voice was soft, with an English accent... And an odd electronic tinge... Walking over to you, she handed you a small trinket box.
"A small gift for you to keep the secret, love..."
With that, she disappeared into thin air...
She seemed to notice you, curtsying in polite recognition before putting her finger to her frowned lips. "Hush... I am a secret... No one can know of me..." Her voice was soft, with an English accent... And an odd electronic tinge... Walking over to you, she handed you a small trinket box.
"A small gift for you to keep the secret, love..."
With that, she disappeared into thin air...

Leaves from the vine, falling so slow.
Like fragile, tiny shells,
Drifting in the foam.
Little soldier boy, come marching home.
Brave soldier boy, comes marching home.