They call me Cal-boy, Aidy-aidy-oxen-free, Jackie, Jackson.
Age and Year Group: Eighteen and Year 13
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Caleb was seven years old when he first learned how to play the piano. His fingers could easily glide across the keys, unlike any student his teacher had ever seen. When the teacher asked if he had had previous lessons prior to them, Caleb simply replied "Of course! Frankie taught me!". His parents were utterly confused, for as far as they were concerned, there was no comrade at school, nor family member, that resided under that name.
Caleb had an amazing imagination, and some true, but few, friends. It soon became evident that "Frankie", later on described by Caleb as a girl, his age, with red hair, wearing an over-sized green coat, was an imaginary friend. This left his parents distraught, thinking their son was overly-popular with his fellow friends, to the extent where he shouldn't have had to resort to such tom-foolery as an "imaginary friend". But Caleb disagreed, arguing that he befriended Frankie because she was lonely, not because he was.
Caleb thought that his parents should have been grateful he met Frankie, because she taught him the piano, and how his parents should have been more kind to her, concerning she lived in their house before they did, and they just barged in on her. After another month of defending Frankie, his parents finally settled on moving to another home, another village, another city, if it meant getting Caleb away from Frankie. Caleb was heart-broken, saying Frankie would be by herself if they left, but that only fueled his parents to want to move more. Another month of packing passed, and finally they left their home, but more to Caleb, Frankie's home.
After that, Caleb never spoke of Frankie again. His parents to this day believe that their son had simply just gone through a time of loneliness, and had created something to keep him preoccupied. But Caleb still remembers Frankie, even today. He remembers an old play camera that could print real pictures, a gift his mother had gotten him, and how he took many pictures during his childhood that no one would ever see. To this day, he keeps one of those pictures with him in his wallet. A very real picture of him, and a young red-headed girl, wearing an over-sized green coat.
Caleb is a definite kid at heart. He loves to play goofy, and just live life for how it is. Caleb aims to make everyone he meets smile, even if they only smile one time. He has a protective "big-brother" nature, that derives from his very odd past. Even if he isn't romantically interested in a female friend, he might still consider her a sister, and then in end-result, feel the need to protect her.
Caleb likes to hang out with anyone who will give him the time. He tries not to let on how much he really is dependent on a true friend. He'll give up anything he's doing if someone needs his help. If someone comes to him in distress, it's first instinctive to drop everything and be there for them. It's impossible for him not to care, even if the person is someone he might usually find disagreeable.
• His pet cat, Emma
• Video games
• Skateboarding
• Playing piano
• Earl Grey Tea
• Skateboarding
• Music
• Reading
• Basketball
• The concept of cheerleading
• Polish Sausages
• People who mess with his friends
• Being under the influence
• Watermelon
• Jokes that demean people
• Running out of tea
• When Emma rips up his hats
• Rattlesnakes
• "Swag"
Other The hugest care in his life right now belongs to his cat, Emma, whom he rescued as a kitten from an alley-way in London. On her collar's tag is engraved her full name, "Emma Frankie Jackson".
Played by Pixichix