Since i love space and universe things, this RIG is one of my favorites.
Too bad it doesn't have a lot of great items D8<
Anyway, this is a list of things I need and have gotten already.
My goal is to get every item from this RIG, shitty dolls and all.

Alpha Centauri

Cassiopeia's Vanity

Constellation Pegasi

Cosmic Dust

Dark Matter Galaxy

Dark Star Cygnus

Elven Space Cadet

Event Horizon Guardian SEXIEST ITEM NAME EVER

Experimental Interplanetary Shuttlepod

Forgotten Zodiac Ophiuchus - gift from Khrate

Gemini Twins

Helix Nebula

King of the Stars

Kuiper Belt

Lady Lunar

Observational Sextant

Orbital Clutter

Red Giant's Might

Ryuusei the Celestial Dragon

Space Probes

Starlit Bride

Stellar Birth



White Dwarf Prognosticator

Zeta Star Mercenary

Corona Borealis & Corona Austrina

Eye of Europa - Green
Eye of Callisto - Orange
Eye of Io - Red
Eye of Ganymede - Blue
Jupiter, one of my favorite planets 8D

Starbright Sweeper & Starlight Sweeper

Twin Asar & Twin Qua - I LOVE QUASARS OMFG

SDPlus #354 Cassiopeia

SDPlus #355 Helix Nebula

SDPlus #356 Dark Matter

SDPlus #357 Alpha Centauri

SDPlus #358 Kuiper Belt

SDPlus #359 Quasar Twins

SDPlus #360 Mars

SDPlus #361 Halley’s Comet

SDPlus #362 Fallen Star - Gift to myself on 2/8/13 for deleting my best skyrim game. When bad things happen I spent 10mil+ :'D
