Name: Dav'sh Smta
Nickname: Optional
Age: 190
Gender: male
Race: Alien
Abilities/Skills: Sapper posses the ability to sap people of their abilities and powers as well as memories, life, and memories, even the victim is dead. Sapper can also take the form of his victims if he wishes, but only once.
Weaknesses: Sapper is incapable of storing vast amounts of powers, memories, etc and must therefore delete certain information. (Much like deleting memory from a computer) Sapper also cannot sap from corpses that have dead for over twelve hours. As another fault, Sapper is susceptible to taking on victim's personal agendas.
Side: Major Villain
Dav'sh once hailed from a planet in the reaches of outer space. A planet inhabited by strange humanoid predatory beings. The aliens possessed the unique ability to sap each of their life force. This however was a forbidden act, punishable by death One day, Dav'sh committed the very crime of his people. He absorb the life force of one his brethren. Dav'sh was to be executed the traditional way; he was to forced into the wilderness and killed in silence. The execution went wrong however, as a wormhole in the sky formed, sucking up Dav'sh and his executioner. The two aliens were then transported to another world. Amid the confusion, Dav'sh sapped his executioner and escape into the new world.
Dav'sh once hailed from a planet in the reaches of outer space. A planet inhabited by strange humanoid predatory beings. The aliens possessed the unique ability to sap each of their life force. This however was a forbidden act, punishable by death One day, Dav'sh committed the very crime of his people. He absorb the life force of one his brethren. Dav'sh was to be executed the traditional way; he was to forced into the wilderness and killed in silence. The execution went wrong however, as a wormhole in the sky formed, sucking up Dav'sh and his executioner. The two aliens were then transported to another world. Amid the confusion, Dav'sh sapped his executioner and escape into the new world.
Crush: none
Other: Dav'sh is extremely greedy and ambitious. He seeks power at all cost.
Gaia Name: Leprechaun_Sean
Crush: none
Other: Dav'sh is extremely greedy and ambitious. He seeks power at all cost.
Gaia Name: Leprechaun_Sean