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Dark Lords
Sith Datapad
Chapter 2
Chapter 2

Lord Iris stood next to his father’s bed. His father laid there dying so slowly. Iris took a deep breath and took out a bone dagger and gently pushed it against his chest and then slowly through his heart. Allowing the poison to woke through the rest of his body. Then Iris slipped back to the shadows and darkness. “The way of the Sith is life with great power. But one never knows how long they have to last with this power.” Iris’ father’s words rang through his mind and thoughts.

“You are worthy my son. You did what is asked of us to carry on our Sith legacy.” Kanos said dying into the night. Forever to sleep, no longer suffering, and to fade into the Dark Side of the Force, to become beyond powerful.

Iris grinned and walked into his chambers and walked to his chair, spun around facing out the window and looked over the planets view. He was now the true Dark Lord of the Sith and no one was going to take it from him. Now he has to wait for his apprentice to arrive. Iris knew once everyone felt that his father was dead and who had killed him, they would come to him. He would be waiting for them. Who would be worthy to stay, knowing that some will come seeking their death at his hands. His brother would be the first. Older by 2 standard years, but weak and everyone knew it.

Iris stood 1.7 meters tall and was very well built. Iris was always training and he trained hard. His hatred for the Jedi grew stronger after he knew what they were all about. Iris was with the Order for most of his life. He seen the Jedi Temple, he knew like he knew his home. Iris met a rival named, Plotus Snatch, who was the same, when it came to saber combat skill. As they grew more in power and in rank, they never were picked to have Masters to teach them the training. So they studied and trained together. Iris was young when he fled his home and went to the Temple. At the time he didn’t agree on his father’s views. Iris leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. Recalling the first time him and Plotus met.

Iris was found by a Jedi when he landed on Yavin 4. Within the weeks, he was accepted into the Order. He quickly learned his skills and climbed through his teachings. Some Knights and Masters saw greatness in him. But what amazed them mostly were his saber and Force combat skills, how incredible they were. During a challenge day, another learning apprentice was eager to challenge Iris is a duel. Iris grinned; he did well with his staff style, but against a fencing form of fighting that Plotus used would prove a challenge. Iris would have to be resourceful. Iris and Plotus stepped into the duel ring and began to duel.

Iris took a deep breath and calmly waiting, he knew Plotus would make the first move. As predicted, Plotus did. Plotus came down with a slash and Iris spun blocking the first strike. Then Iris spun around again bringing his other blade down, Plotus then sense just in time to parry the move, then striking. Iris flipped backwards just in time to miss the strike. They continue back and forth attacking and blocking each other from one move to the next, moving in sequence. Everyone stood and watched in amazement. Most of them felt anger that their skills would be out match by those two. Plotus jumped and flipped over Iris coming down striking hard. Iris spilt his hilt in two, blocking with one and bringing the other one across Plotus’ chest, just only shredding his clothing and barely missing his skin. But Plotus got a nick across Iris’ right eye. Ending in a draw, they both bowed and smiled at each other with a bit of a smirk.

“How interesting Master Aynl.” A voice came from behind getting closer.

“Yes indeed. I’ve never seen such great skill and control with the Force and in movement,” Aynl said. “What can we make of them, Master Veyla?”

“We shall have to wait and see what the Council wants to do. I sense something odd about Iris though.” Veyla spoke putting her hand on her chin.

“I agree. But still, Plotus has shown great skill in the Force and combat with only being here for only four days,” Aynl said then turned to the class. “Class is dismissed. We’re breaking for lunch.”

Everyone scatter, leaving only Iris and Plotus behind in the training room. Voices among one another continue discussing what happen today in the training room. Iris took a deep breath putting his hilt back together and inspected his weapon.

“I’m impressed. I’ve been all over the galaxy and I’ve never found anyone to come close to matching me.” Plotus said walking up to Iris.

Iris stood straight up with his back still turned to Plotus.
“Then maybe we should try harder then. But I do have to admit, you made me fight harder, then ever.” Iris said to him not turning around yet.

“I also have to agree on that. I’m glad. My name is Plotus Snatch.” Plotus spoke putting a hand.

Iris turned around and shook Plotus’ hand. “I’m Iris Salvi”

Iris felt a disturbance and quickly awoke igniting his lightsaber and stood up. His chamber door open and there stood a female servant barely hiding in the shadows of the entry way. He felt something odd and notice that she was holding something in her hands. She bowed her head, trying to stare.

“Speak your business or get out.” Iris said in a demanding voice.

“Master, I’ve come with a message from Terra.” She spoke.

Iris looked at her and grinned. “Excellent. Bring it to me.” Iris reached out with the Force and altered her mind a tad.

Iris used the force commanding the female servant to enter his chamber. Closing the door behind her and locked it. She sat down on his bed as Iris walked up to her.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Terra finished the first of many data pads that were left for her. She was frustrated with what she had to do, read instead of train. But she remembered what her old Jedi master had always spoke. “Knowledge is power.” Knowledge is what she needed. Power is what she craved, but all Sith crave power, even the Jedi who denied it. She was ready for this; ready to prove herself to Darth Iris, that she was worthy to be his apprentice. For the most part she will study the data pads and if she needed a break then she would practice her sequences with her lightsaber.

She did her best at everything and succeeded where others would fail. Anger fueled her rage, being haunted by what her Jedi companions did to her. That was breaking point in her life, turning willingly to the Dark Side of the Force. Temptations lead her to the destined path. She always wondered if the Jedi Council had set this up, set her up to fail. Deep down she knew she was destine for greatness. It drove her passion, always ready to prove and to never back down. She would secretly study on the Sith, learning what and how they were back then. Deep down, she knew that the Sith Triad was never on Korriban, but on the unknown planet of Rakata Prime. Hardly anything came up on records for the unknown system. But from what she had read, it was of great power, mainly the Dark Side of the Force. But none the less, the planet was a beauty to be hold in sight. Rancors had made a home there, wandering the planet.
“They will pay. All of them will pay for what they did to me, my Master.” Terra spoke loudly in her head.
“In time my apprentice. Patient we all must be.” His voice rang back to her.
Her eyes open and widen at the response she had gotten. She then grinned knowing who spoke back. She walked over the desk and picked up another data pad. She glanced at it and read. “Tyvek Vyn and Raven Lor” She sat on the floor crossing her legs and began to read the data pad. To know your enemies, you must also know your rivals. Friends create a weak and foolish emotion that will fail you.

Data Pad 2
Section 1: Tyvek Vyn

In the eyes of the Jedi Order, he is a Dark Jedi. From what I’ve seen, he is very gifted in the Force. He’s mainly in it for himself; he doesn’t really care for anyone else, unless you have the credits and if he sees something that he wants. Tyvek works out of a small shop in the lower parts of Corrusant. Tyvek is well equipped with the knowledge of the Force and the knowledge from he has learned for his own needs and learned from others. He also has a main contact, who is a bounty hunter named, Raven.
Tyvek was an orphan on the outskirts of Ryloth. Tyvek discovered his abilities as a kid, around the age of 8. He got into a fight with a young teenage boy, who was apparently pushing others around. He punched Tyvek in the face and out of anger, Tyvek unleashed a Force push. Which was powerful, and he nearly killed the teen. In secret, Tyvek would study on what he did and later finding out that he was a Force sensitive. He began to read more of what he could and began to train himself to control it.

As Tyvek began to grow, he studied other Force moves and even some Sith techniques. Tyvek began to offer some of the other orphans protection for those who needed it. At the time, Tyvek knew compassion. But he grew out of it when he learned that there were credits to be made for what he did.

At the age of 15, a group of bounty hunters called the, Sky Raiders; saw Tyvek as a weapon they could use. They took him into the group and began to help him with what he needed to be powerful. They began to train him in everything they knew about being a bounty hunter. In time he began to climb the ranks with the Raiders. During his missions, he began to search for holocons he learned about in ancient text. Tyvek increased his mental wisdom and slowly started to see what the Sky Raiders were really about and dislike it.

On a return to Corrusant for supplies, Tyvek murder his fellow crew members and the leader. He put the bodies in the air lock and opened it as the ship came into the atmosphere and watched them burn into ashes. The Sky Wing was now in the hands of Tyvek. He reprogramed everything in the ship and upgraded what he could. He kept the ships name to use for his advantage.

As he ventured out towards Ryloth and landed on small moon. He walked off his ship and began to wander the moon, seeing all the wildlife that had survive over the years. He came upon an abandon village and began searching the ruins. He reached out with the Force trying to sense something out. As he felt a disturbance of something or someone, he started to dig moving everything around trying his best to locate what he felt. Upon the search he found a dead man, dressed in what look like to be Jedi robes. The man was holding something his hand tightly. Tyvek used the Force to pull it from the hand. He looked at it a bit closer, not yet realizing what it was, and he attached it to his belt and made his way back to his ship. As he prep the ship and got it warmed up, he began looking at the item he had just found. Studying it closer, it came to what it was a lightsaber. He took a closer look at few a moment or two and then set it back on his belt and took off.

He stopped off on Ryloth and refueled his ship and picked up a few supplies for his trip back to Corrusant. He return to his ship and began to read the data pads. He learned everything he wanted to know and more. The types of crystals to use and how to use them properly, the different styles of hilts there were to create. Tyvek was unsure of what color he would go with at first. A part of him came to life when he began his search on all the parts he needed. Certain crystals would be rare to come by, let alone which ones he wanted and that suited him best. Tyvek ponder a while as he was closing in on Corrusant. He would have to look in black market shops, mainly the smaller ones. Credits weren’t a problem. His former leader and high ranking crew members were with no families and had well over a few 10,000 credits. Tyvek was very smart when it came to computers and interspace web.

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