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Resident Evil RP
Part III A

Scene I
As both groups grabbed on to the slimy railings of the steel ladder and each exited out of the sewer lines from two different sewer doors one by one. As Luka and Nemesis got out of the sewer hole and pulled themselves out of there, they saw a huge crowd right before them filled with people in different vibrant costumes standing in front of a huge white ten story building with an arch like roofing and glass windows to support its modern looks with cylinder metal roof supporters and a grand staircase surrounding it. In the background of the building, was the modern day Raccoon City view with few trees supporting it and in front of the background lays colorful stands with vibrant latex balloons and a build up amusement park right next to it. There was a sign with huge bold block letters saying ‘Video Game Convention in Raccoon City’.

Luka then noticed that she was still in her school uniform and turned her head to the right and noticed blue bathroom stalls next to where she was standing and Nemesis looked to where she was looking at, not knowing of what she was thinking of. “Do you need to use the bathroom?” Nemesis said as looked slowly down at her, not knowing of what she was really thinking still. “Actually I do, hold up one second. Okay?” Luka replied and ran to where the blue stalls were and walked in to the one that was opened and slammed the door shut before Nemesis could actually say anything. Luka then reopened the door and said to Nemesis, “No peeking and don’t go anywhere when I’m in the bathroom.” Luka then slammed the door shut again before Nemesis could say anything.

You then here some bumping noises when Luka was in the bathroom and Nemesis want to check in there to see if she was okay, he then slightly opened the door and peeped in there to make sure she was alright. Then Luka’s head appeared through the door and she yelled at Nemesis as Nemesis jumped, “I said no peeking!”Luka then closes the door, making sure the door was locked this time. Nemesis tried to say something to Luka as she was still in the bathroom, but eventually he just gave up and just left it as it is. The bumping noises from the bathroom suddenly stopped, and Nemesis slowly turned his head to the right slouching against the wooden fence as the one of the blue bathroom doors slowly creaked open. Luka then stepped out of the door and turned around to where Nemesis and asked, “Well, how do I look?” Luka wore a blood red vest with black pockets and button, black bloomers with purple grey stocking along with black pumps, a black bra, and black bunny ears and tail. Nemesis face then slowly turned pink and then asked, “And what are you suppose to be dressed up as?” Luka then smiled cheerfully and replied, “I’m supposed to be one of the girls from a girl anime called K-On, dressed up in a cute bunny costume!”

Nemesis continued to stare at Luka with his face all pink and then said, “It looks very adorable on you, what’s it for?” Luka then slowly turned her head around making sure that the crowd is away from where they are at and explained, “Since this is a video game convention, we’ll have to dress up as characters from a video game, you are already fitting in with the crowd, I’m the one that needs to dress up for right now so that way I can draw the crowd’s attention away from us on what were really doing and to draw less suspicious crowd’s on us if you know what I mean.” “Ah, I see what you mean. We’re here to collect more information on Umbrella Corp. and its whereabouts on its experiments, but in order for both of us not to cause as big of a commotion we have to fit in with the crowd, right.” Nemesis said as he looked down to where Luka was standing. “That’s correct; in fact, the Umbrella documentary room should be right inside the convention building right behind all those convention stands.” Luka stated as she smiled and Nemesis when she was looking directly at him.

Luka then grabbed Nemesis right hand as she smiled at him and said to him cheerfully, “Ready to go.” Nemesis nodded softly as he looked down at her attempting to smile, but couldn’t. “It’s alright; you shouldn’t push yourself too much, okay. And besides, I could possibly teach you how to smile, if that’s okay with you of course.” Luka insisted as both Nemesis and herself continued to walk through the crowd to get to where the convention building was. Nemesis nodded at her and they both walked together through the crowd of strangers as they both held hands.

Scene II
Seras, Clarabell, and Leon pulled themselves out of the sewer hole as each exited out of the sewers one by one. The background consisted of many city allies, a main street with a grass filled median, several department stores in both modern and ancient architecture from the colonial era, and right next to the group on their left side was the Umbrella Corp. headquarters. Many cars surround the street area from each generation as well as motorcycles and horse carriages. Clarabell looked around the street areas from left and right as she was standing at Seras’s left and Leon stood at Seras’s right, looking up in the sky with Seras at the middle of the two looked around for their destination but also was paying attention to what Clarabell was doing. “So, do any of you guys have an idea where this café is supposed to be in this area?” Clarabell said as she continued to look around through the street.

Seras then turned her head to the left and notice a department building with colonial era architecture with white paint on the building with black house roofing that was about three stories high. Its windows were old fashion with blue curtains in the inside of the building and on the first floor was a wooden porch with Victorian style benches made with copper and wooden cushions on it. The doors were wooden painted in green with golden Victorian handles on it with old fashion windows on it with white curtains on it. The second floor had a steel balcony with wooden flooring on it and over were that balcony was a lavender purple rectangular sign with rose pink ribbon shaped bordering with a red rose in the middle with two symmetrical vivid green leaves to support it and the sign read with rose pink Vivaldi writing ‘Princess Rose Garden Cafe’.

Seras then pointed to where the café was and then said as she was trying to gain Clarabell’s attention as well as Leon’s, whom was still staring in outer space. Seras then spoke out, “You mean the one in the rose pink lettering that’s in a very old white building right across from us?” Clarabell slowly turned her head to what was in front of her and noticed the sign saying ‘Princess Rose Garden Café’ with the rose pink lettering on a lavender purple sign that was connected to a white building that looked like it was built during the colonial times. “Good eye Seras. I’m impressed, you found it in such a quick amount of time right before any of us did.” Clarabell said as she looked to where Seras was as she slightly smiled. “Oh, it was nothing really; it’s just using common knowledge.” Seras replied as she smiled, attempting not to show her fangs in public.

Both Clarabell and Seras turned around to where Leon was and both noticed that Leon was still day dreaming in the clouds, not paying attention to what was really going on around him. “Shouldn’t we tell Leon that we already found the café and were about to go inside it to find the owner and ask were they keep Umbrella’s files at?” Seras asked as she was getting concerned about Leon’s well being, knowing that they have already found café yet Leon is left unaware of this fact. “Leave him, he’ll figure it out on his own. That’s how it usually works when it comes to getting Leon’s attention.” Clarabell said as she continued glaring at Leon, as she was giving him an agitated glare at the fact that he was still zoning out. “Are you sure?” Seras questioned Clarabell as she was uncertain if it will work. Clarabell silently nods her head and grabbed Seras’s hand and said, “Let’s go.”Seras then nodded and both cross the street as the cars were not in motion and at a pause as both held hands, like a little girl holding a little doll while walking in the park.

Leon, still staring at the sky unaware of his surroundings continually stares at the sky as the streets remained motionless and Clarabell and Seras were already at the other side of the street standing on the porch near the green doors of the café. “So what do we do now?” Seras asked Clarabell as both stood on the wooden porch while gazing at Leon, whom is still zoning out. “Now we wait till he finally notices that we’re gone out if his sight and wait for him to catch up with the group.” Clarabell said calmly as they both wait for Leon to come to his senses. Before Seras could say anything, Clarabell pulled out her right hand and counted as for each second that passes by she pulled her fingers down one by one in order , “ 3..2..1.” The traffic then unpaused itself and the cars began moving again along with the horse carriages and motorcycles.

When Leon noticed one of the motorcycles pass by before him, he then took his attention from the sky and began looking around for the café across Umbrella Corp. When Leon slowly moved his head to the right, he noticed that Seras and Clarabell were not present next to him. He then jumped and started to look around frantically for Clarabell and Seras around the street, worrying if something might have happened to them as all those horrible thoughts have entered his mind. He then turned his head around to the white old colonial building with old fashioned windows, wooden green double doors with a wooden porch surrounding it. He notice that two girls standing on the front porch of the building, one with red hair wearing a white jumpsuit and the other with a blood red outfit with blond hair and red gleaming eyes. When he looked closer at the two feminine figures, he noticed that is was Clarabell and Seras whom stood there on the wooden porch waiting near the green doors of the old building.

He then started jay walking across the street while cars were still in motion as they were passing by. Leon ran to the other side of the street trying to get to where Clarabell and Seras were standing, as cars stopped before him as he tried to catch up with them, one almost crashed into him, almost creating a major car collision in the middle of the street to where the police could have gone involved. Finally, Leon made it to the other side of the street, panting at the fact that he almost got ran over by dozens of trucks, mini vans, and sports cars, while a few were motorcycles. He then slowly walked up on the stair case to the wooden porch, where Seras and Clarabell where standing five feet behind the double doors.
When Leon reached at the front porch, he walked slowly to them and panted as he did when he reached to the other side of the story, then he suggested for future reference when they wanted to grab his attention the next time he went zoning out as he tried to capture some air, “The least you guys could’ve done is to let me know that we have already found the café and leave me behind just like you guys did!” “I just wanted to see if you paid attention this time.” Clarabell implied as she smirked and walked to the café doors. “This time, you mean…you!” Leon growled in anger, realizing that Clarabell was the one that suggested to leave him behind, and to see what would happen to him. “Yea, you remember that you asked Luka to be in charge of Nemesis and you couldn’t because she said she can’t risk Nemesis being captured by Umbrella. That’s why.” Clarabell explained as she looked at him with a serious glare in her eye. “What do you mean by that woman?” Leon asked persistently as he looked angrily at Clarabell.

“In other words, if Nemesis were about to waltz off somewhere while you’re not paying attention, staring off into outer space or something, and if something happens to him, guess whom the blame is going to go on. You, right? Exactly why she didn’t put you at the spot, which is also why she decided to plant two bodyguards for Seras, because just in case one is absent minded, the other one can be there to protect her.” Clarabell inputted as she opened the doors, while Leon stood there mimicking every word that she was saying while Seras stood there in silence. When she turned around and looked around to where Leon was, she then questioned him, “Really? You decide to mimic me at the worst of times, real mature of you.” Leon looked at her in silence with a blank glare. Clarabell then sighed and said calmly, trying not to be irritated be Leon, “Let’s get inside before people find us to be suspicious and be on to something the longer we continue to stand here.”

She then pulled the right of the green double doors open pulling herself to the side of the door and insisted Leon, “Idiots first.” “What’s that suppose to imply? Shouldn’t ladies be first?” Leon asked Clarabell as she smiled sinisterly at him while Seras covered her mouth trying to hide her laughter. Clarabell then implied, “Because Seras has to be in the middle of the both of us and I don’t trust you in the back for the reason that if something where to happen to you or if you out there, the chances of her being snatched herself is very high in this case. So, idiots first.” Leon then rolled his eyes over and his head to the side and then he slowly walked inside the café before anybody else for Seras’s sake rather than Clarabell’s orders. “Now, after you dear.” Clarabell insisted as she smiled gently at Seras allowing her to go in. “Thank you.” Seras acknowledged her kindly as she walked inside the café smiling softly while Clarabell was still holding on to the door. Then Clarabell followed after her as the door slowly closes behind her as they both walked inside.

When the green double doors closed slowly with a loud creak, to strange figures stood there behind the wired gates of the Umbrella Corp. The strange figures wore white trench coats around their bodies with black nineteenth century investigator hats on top of their heads. One of the figures appeared to be a female with long red hair with ice blue eyes and milk skin. She wore a white scientist trench coat that went all the way to her knees and for footwear she wore dark purple stiletto boots, her body figure was like a bell, small chestal area with rotund bottom, and the body built was very frail. The other figure appeared to be large, unknown of its gender, wore a super sized large scientists jacket around it like a blanket, it also appeared to have eight legs that looked like tooth picks, its body appeared very rotund with the body shape appearance of a bagel flipped over horizontally, with a bony face.

The female then ordered the other figure and said sternly, “You go look for the other two in the convention center. I’ll go for the three in the café.” The figure then nodded and then turned to its right and jumped off the ground and flung through the air. The figure jumped on top of the building and moved from there. The female then crossed the street as the cars remained motionless on the street, waiting for the light to go green as the female walked towards the café.

Scene III
Luka and Nemesis continued to walk through the crowd as they continued to hold hands and walked to the convention center building. As they continued to walk through the crowd and came closer to the convention center building, the more the crowd stared at the two as they held hands together. “Why are there people staring at us?” Nemesis whispered as he asked Luka, whom was holding his right hand. “Convention nerds, they always do that when they see a cost-player of interest. Just act cool if they compliment on any of us.” Luka whispered as she explained to Nemesis while they walk through the crowd of conventioneers. Nemesis nods his head as an acknowledgement to Luka of her explaining as they both walk through the enormous swarm of cost-players.

One of the conventioneers walked by the two, whom was wearing a monochrome tuxedo complimented Nemesis saying, “Wow, this cost-play I’ve never seen before! Great work on the detail, it makes it look so real!” “Thank you.” Nemesis acknowledged him as he said having his teeth and jaw not move so that way he can trick the guy thinking that it is a cost-play. The guy in the tuxedo just smile and walked away to one of the convention stands. A couple of more guys in cost-plays also complimented Nemesis before Luka and Nemesis reached to the convention center building. “Whoa, that’s one awesome cost-play! I wished I could have dressed up as that!” One of the cost-players said who was a male teenage boy who looked white, dressed up as a zombie. “Yea, if you had the money for it! Do you know how much those kinds of cost-plays probably cost? They’d be about over a grand just for a cost-play like that!” The other cost-player said who was also a teenage boy that looked Asian, dressed up as Darth Vader. “Hey! What’s that suppose to mean!” The zombie cost-player yelled at the Darth Vader cost-player and both started horse playing with each other. Nemesis nodded, acknowledging their compliment and just walked away from the scene while holding Luka’s left hand as they walked on the staircase of the convention center building.

As both Luka and Nemesis walked up to the stairs, they became closer to the entrance of the building at the same time they continually heard the cost-players’ screaming, yelling, and pushing, indicating that they were still horse playing. Then they came across the top of the staircase and saw the door beyond them and both Luka and Nemesis started walking to the entrance as they still held hands. Luka then said as she looked to where Nemesis is, “Wow that was close. For a moment, I thought you were going to get caught by one of those conventioneers or any of the cost-players if they found out that that wasn’t really a cost-play!” Luka sighed in relief as she continued to hold on to Nemesis’s hand. “I know they don’t really know that this is really me!” Nemesis exclaimed as he whispered to Luka as they walked to the doors of the convention center. Then Luka grabbed the metal door handles of the entrance of the convention canter of the building, then she looked to where Nemesis and said softly so that way no one else would have to hear of what they have to say, “Hurry, let’s find the Umbrella documents quickly! We don’t have much time to spare, let’s go!” Nemesis nodded as he was directly looking at her as she opened the door and they hurried inside.

When Nemesis both entered inside the building while they were still holding hands and Luka held a radar at her right hand, more conventioneer’s were present within the building grounds as well as some of the other cost-players as well. “So, do you know where the document room is yet Luka?” Nemesis asked as Luka held the radar at her right hand looking down on it as it was tracking down the room’s location. As the machine blinked, indicating its location and Luka exclaimed, “Got it! Right over of the very lower right corner of the building on the second floor!” “Which is?” Nemesis looked to where Luka was standing as she was pointing at the location of the radar, still looking confused however. “Oh, it’s all the way over there!” She exclaimed as she was pointing to what was behind him as they let go of hands, he turned around and noticed the inner balcony of the second floor that had glass borders, metal railings, and carpet flooring. To the right corner was a grey metal door with a red and white sign that read ‘Authorized Personal Only’.

Nemesis then turned back to where Luka was and asked her, “So how do we get all the way up there?” “Simple, we take the stairs.” Luka said as she turned around to what was behind her, and Nemesis looked up as he looked up to the hundred foot flight of stairs. Nemesis then said slowly, “That’s …a lot of stairs.” Luka then grabbed his left hand and dragged him along with her as she ran through the flight of stairs saying, “Come on you big lug, let’s go!” Both then ran through the flight of stairs as Nemesis ran to catch up to her, and Luka was running ahead of him, giggling. When they reached to the top of the staircase, both began panting gasping for air as they both squatted, holding on to their grip. Luka then said to Nemesis as she looked at him as she was gasping for air, “That…was the most running that I …have ever done…in my life.” Nemesis then said to Luka, “Me…too.” Luka then burst out of exhaustion, “Let’s…do that…again sometime.” Nemesis then just nodded his head in exhaustion and both Luka and Nemesis got up from their squatting position and continued walking very slowly.

As they continued walking to the documentary room across the balcony hallways with grey walls and white doors on their right, three other girls with a similar school girl outfit that Luka wore previously. One with black hair and blue eyes that was on the right side of the girl standing in the middle, one with brown hair and green eyes that was on the left side of the girl in the middle, the girl in the middle had red hair and purple eyes and all of them had creamy white skin. As both Nemesis and Luka along with the three school girls came across the door to the documentary room from opposite ends, the three school girls barricaded the door preventing Nemesis and Luka from entry. The three girls stood there smirking at them as they crossed their arms, and the girl in the middle spoke in a snobbish voice, “Hello, Luka.” “Oh great, it’s the three stooges.” Luka said annoyed of the three girls just standing there for the fun of it, knowing that there is a crisis occurring at the moment. “Now Luka is that any way to talk to your friends.” The girl in the middle said sarcastically. “If you had any friends!” the girl in the black hair burst out, attempting to mock Luka and all three girls started laughing ridiculously.

Nemesis growled angrily at the three, which made the three girls intimidated, then he turned his attention to Luka and asked, “Who the hell are these three?” “Oh school mates of mine, they like to cause misery to everyone they despise, apparently their target is me just because I ace all of my classes while their flunking with a bunch of F’s on their report cards because they don’t know what the meaning of rules, discipline, and hard work is.” Luka replied very loudly in front of the whole crowd, having more than a hundred people looking over at the three girls, making the three girls pissed off. “Wonder why they haven’t gotten expelled yet?” Nemesis asked as he was directly staring at the three. “Because where so extremely pretty.” The girl in the brown hair said snobbishly, and all started snickering. Luka then interrupted, “No it just so happens that their daddies got a lot of money and bribe the schools to keep them in school, even if they are in danger of failing and expulsion.” The three girl’s faces turn furiously red as Nemesis agreed as he nodded his head.

Luka then said frustratingly, “Plus I have to get to the documentary room to grab more information on Umbrella’s whereabouts. Now let me in, I have no time for your nonsense!” The three girls then barricaded the door and said, “No, you have to give us a good reason why you need to get inside this room, daddy doesn’t let anyone go in there unless they have a good reason for it.” The girl in the middle said as she snickered with the card in her right hand. Then Luka then grabbed her book bag and pulled out her computer and her S.T.A.R.S. ID card and showed it to them. “Oh yea, that’s right you work for S.T.A.R.S., I completely forgot, but it’s not going to cut it as a good reason.” The girl in the middle said as she continually snickered, as she attempted to make Luka’s life miserable. Then Luka opened up her computer and typed in the Umbrella top secret website along with its password and clicked on Walter’s profile page and showed it to them.

The three of them looked at the website and read through Walter’s profile, as they looked at it with shock and in terror, then the girl in the middle spoke out, “Cute, but it still won’t cut it.” The three girls then snickered at each other, trying to make Luka’s life more miserable. “Are you guys morons are something! This is your lives at stake as well as the whole worlds! You think that you guys could do that just so you can make my life miserable, right? Wrong, your only putting yourself in a worst position that you are already are in! Walter has been planning for many years to already make his world domination! All he needs is the 21 sacraments and the Ultimate weapon!” “Yea, but I bet you he doesn’t have the majority of those!” The three girls exclaimed as they tried to be the ‘know it all’ and prove Luka wrong in attempt to make her life more miserable.

Luka then pulled out the Sacraments page as well as the Ultimate Weapon page and said furiously, “Wrong, they have already reached their eighteenth sacrament, meaning that there three people away from world domination, and what’s more they have already created the Ultimate Weapon just recently!” The girls looked at each other in freight of the information that they just read. Then the three girls went denial and said to Luka, “Really Luka, I bet you got it out of a made up website.” And all three girls started laughing. Then Luka then intervene their laughter, “Oh, really then how come that it appears to be a government website, and last time I checked, government websites don’t lie!” Luka then pointed out the website bar on the top of the screen reading ‘http://www. Umbrella-private-docs.gov/’ and the three girls just stared at Luka with a blank face, indicating that they know they could not say anything back.

“She’s right, dear. Government websites a hundred percent of the times state the truth.” A manly voice spoke out of the blue behind the three girls and everyone turned their head’s over to where the voice came from. It was a red head male with a clean cut with purple eyes wearing a blue business suit. “Oh, it’s Mr. McConnell, the head director of the convention center.” Luka said as she smiled while she held her computer with both hands. Mr. McConnell bended over to where the computer was and read the information on it, then when he was done reading it he then stated in a formal manner, “So, that’s what Mr. Sullivan was up to. I knew something was fishy about that man when I first glimpsed my eyes on him. In that case, I apologize for the inconvenience that my daughters have been giving you, and your name might be…” “Luka Wingate, Sir.” Luka greeted him as she smiled politely. “And your friend’s name.” As Mr. McConnell attention turned to where Nemesis was. “Oh, his name is Nemesis, sir.” Luka said as she was looking to where Nemesis was, worried if he were to know that Nemesis is really an experiment.

“Nemesis, I see.” Mr. McConnell said as he put his right hand over his chin, then he added on, “ That’s a very nice cost-play, that’s the best one that I have seen in all my years of working here in the convention center! I’m Impressed!” Mr. McConnell then turned his attention to the three girls and said, “Sweeties, let the nice people in.” “But …but daddy!” All the three girls complained as they looked at their father’s eyes. Then Mr. McConnell ended their whines and cries by speaking to them sternly as he looked at them in the eye, “No buts, understand?” “Yes dad.” The three girls moped as their heads faced downward to the ground wearing pouty faces and their arms crossed. Mr. McConnell then turned to where Luka and Nemesis were both standing and said to them completely ignoring his daughters, “I must be off now and once again I apologize for the inconvenience. You two have a nice day now.” Then Mr. McConnell walked off to one of the other rooms as his daughters continued pouting because of their father disagreeing with their father’s actions.

Luka then asked politely, “You heard your old man, let’s get inside of the room and research further on Umbrella’s documents.” “Um…Let us think…No!” The three girls shouted as they snickered and laughed as Luka stood there frustrated of the long wait. “Gee, you would actually disobey your own father just to get what you want? Isn’t that kind of heartless of you?” Luka questioned them curiously as she intended to find out about their judgment. “Us? Heartless? Don’t you mean your friend here?” The three girls said snobbishly as the pointed to where Nemesis was standing. “We already know that he’s nor a cost-player, he’s practically a monster, and last time I checked monsters have no hearts. Am I right, Luka?” The girl in the middle spoke out as she continually pointed to were Nemesis was. Nemesis then growled angrily, looking at them with hate towards their judgment.

Luka then was ticked off at the attitudes that the three girls were displaying rudely and was about to tell them off in anger, but recalled the incident that happened earlier between Clarabell and Seras, that Clarabell said the same thing as those girls did, but Seras then put Clarabell in her place, which gave her an idea. “You know Nemesis, it’s really too bad that Seras isn’t with us right now.” Luka said as she looked at Nemesis at a calm expression. “Why do you say that?” Nemesis asked as he looked confused. “Remember what happened way earlier between Clarabell and Seras.” Luka then explained to Nemesis as she looked at him, hoping that he would get a clue of what she was planning. Then Nemesis looked over to where the three girls are and looked back to Luka was, and came to his senses of what she was doing and exclaimed, hoping that the girls overhear the conversation, “Oh, yeah, I remember.” The girl in the middle then intervened, “Who’s Seras.”

Luka then looked to where the three girls were standing and spoke out with pleasure, “Oh, she’s a friend of mine. Want to see what she looks like?” The three girls looked at each other, then looked back at Luka, and the girl in the middle replied, hoping that she can torture Luka more, “Sure, show us.” “Okay.” Luka agreed with them and grabbed a photo of Seras and showed it to them. It was a photo of Seras with her blood red uniform with both arms symmetrical and identical to each other as she stood there smiling, without her fangs showing however. The girls looked in complete shock of the girl’s beauty, despite her red eyes. “Holy crap! She’s…she’s beautiful. Don’t get me wrong, the hairstyle is not exactly my favorite type, but with her face and the outfit, body shape, and everything, the hairstyle complements everything. She’s pretty, what more can I say? ” The three girls continued staring at the picture for three long minutes. Then when the three minutes passed by, Luka then took the picture and put it away. “Earlier, she and another friend of mine got into a fight, and this friend of mine said the same thing that you guys said. Guess what Seras had to say about it?” Luka questioned the three girls, hoping that they would respond correctly.

“Let me guess, she agreed with her right?” The girl in the middle vainly said while the other two stayed silent. “Wrong, she disagreed with her.” Luka implied as she looked at the girl in the middle. “Wrong, how can I be wrong? I’m always right? Right girls?” The girl in the middle said vainly as she looked at the other two beside her. Then the girl in the black hair then intervened, “No, you not always right. There are at times where you can be wrong Scarlett.” “What? How dare you say that to your own sister, your own blood?” The girl in the middle yelled at the one with the black hair, but before the one in the middle could dare lay a hand of her, the girl with the brown hair grabbed her hands with her left hands and the other covered her mouth.

“Go on Esmeralda; finish what you have to say.” The girl with the brown hair spoke softly as she tried to restrain the other sister. “Alright, Luka, why is it that Seras went against the other friends ideals?” The girl in the black hair questioned Luka as she held the ID card in her hand, which originally was in the red head’s hands, but snatched it at the last minute when she almost laid her hand at the girl with the black hair. “Simple as this, unlike most girls, Seras does not think in vain. Instead of believing that monsters such as creatures are the ones with no hearts, she believes the real people that are considered to be the real heartless people are the ones that experiment on human beings, turning them into monsters as such.” Luka explained as she eyed directly at the girl with the black hair. “I see. In that case, here’s the ID card to the documentary room, you need this a lot more than we do. And all three of us apologized for the way we acted towards you and Nemesis, and Nemesis, we’re sorry for bagging on you earlier, we were stupid and we did not mean to cause you any harm.” The black hair girl inputted as she directly handed Luka as an apology for the commotion they brought up to her and Nemesis, and the two other girls stared at her as if they can’t believe what they’re seeing.

Luka then gently took the card from her hand and acknowledge her by saying, “You’re forgiven. Now we have to investigate through the documentary room to see what’s in there. Shall we go, Nemesis? “Nemesis then nodded as they reached for the door. Luka then turned around to where the black hair girl was and acknowledge her once more, “Thank you.” “You are very welcome.” The girl in the black hair said sweetly, then the brunette lost restraint grip on to the red head and the red head jumped on the black hair girl and yelled out as she grabbed her throat with her bare hands, “How can you let them get away like that! You stupid woman!” Luka then turned to the wall and noticed a huge red eye ball staring at the scenario, and then Luka then shouted out on purpose right before she departed as she pointed at the eye ball, “Oh my god! It’s that a red eye ball that’s staring at us!” The three girls turned around to where she was pointing at and all except the black haired girl started screaming on top of their lungs and scrammed out of the room.

The black hair girl just stood there as the red eye ball slowly began to disappear and smiled softly as she gazed up upon on the wall. Luka then turned around to the door and slid the ID card through the door handle, and opened up the door as door handle to the direction where she was. As the door opened, both Luka and Nemesis entered through the door, Luka went in first before Nemesis and entered in the documentary room and the door slowly shut itself.

Scene IV
As Clarabell, Leon, and Seras entered the café, they started to look around for the owner of the café ‘Princess Rose Garden’ as the other café customers sat down on their customary wooden chair that surrounds its wooden tables. The wallpaper of the café’s walls consist of baby pink and golden yellow with baby pink roses on the golden yellow stripes and golden yellow roses on the baby pink stripes with portraits and plaques placed on eye level. The flooring consisted of cherry wood plank flooring and the counter was also made of wood and had mini wooden saloon doors at the right side of the wall while the left side consisted of the wall and on top of the counter was an old copper cash register with a cashier waiting behind the counter wearing a white and black uniform with a lime green apron. Clarabell then told both Seras and Leon quietly so that way they won’t create a commotion, “I’m going to talk to the cashier to see if the owner of the restaurant is available, in the meantime you two stay put! Alright?” Leon nodded his head while Seras responded quietly, “Don’t worry Clarabell, we will.”

As Clarabell walked to where the cashier was, Seras walked the opposite direction and sat down in one of the wooden chairs and Leon followed her to see where she is going. When Seras slowly placed herself on the chair, she then placed her elbows on the table as she covered her eyes. Leon than sat on the chair across from her on the same table as she continued covering her eyes with her right hand. “What’s wrong Seras?” Leon asked as he appeared seeming worried as he looked at her wondering if she was okay. “I’m seeing if Luka and Nemesis made it to the convention center building yet?” Seras replied quietly as she continued to cover her eyes with her right hand and her left hand on the table. “But you don’t have any communication devices with you to contact them.” Leon then imputed as he looked at Seras, now looking confused not getting where she’s going with.

“I have a third eye, remember.” Seras whispered as she continued to cover both of her eyes. “Oh yeah, that’s right, Luka already mentioned to you about your abilities. Didn’t she?” Leon whispered as he then stopped looking confused and smiled. “Yes and the third eye is one of them which in folklore is known as ‘an all seeing eye’. Not the all seeing eye, that’s the guy above us in heaven. I’ll be using it to see if they arrived there yet.” Seras explain quietly as she continued covering her eyes with her right hand as Leon listened. “Ah, I see. Well, do what you got to do then. Just tell me about what you seeing in the process, okay.” Leon whispered as looked around the room to make sure that no one was looking to where they were sitting and looked back at her. Seras then mumbled to herself as she was summoning the third eye, “Commencing sequence, level 2, third eye, Raccoon City convention center building.”

A red eye then appeared on the convention center building as shadows were surrounding it and eyed down of what it was below it. She then saw Luka and Nemesis at the entrance doors of the convention center building. Luka then said as she looked to where Nemesis is, “Wow that was close. For a moment, I thought you were going to get caught by one of those conventioneers or any of the cost-players if they found out that that wasn’t really a cost-play!” Luka sighed in relief as she continued to hold on to Nemesis’s hand. “I know they don’t really know that this is really me!” Nemesis exclaimed as he whispered to Luka as they walked to the doors of the convention center. Then Luka grabbed the metal door handles of the entrance of the convention canter of the building, then she looked to where Nemesis and said softly so that way no one else would have to hear of what they have to say, “Hurry, let’s find the Umbrella documents quickly! We don’t have much time to spare, let’s go!” Nemesis nodded as he was directly looking at her as she

However, not noticing that the two cost-players at the middle of the staircase and overheard the conversation that Nemesis and Luka were having a while ago before they had entered the convention building, the cost-players appeared as they were in shock and appeared frightened in the process of hearing that information. The zombie cost-player said, “Hold on, you mean that the guy in the monster cost-play wasn’t really wearing a cost-play at all. That was really his face!” “Yep, pretty much.” The Darth Vader cost-player replied as he looked like he was zoning out. The two cost-players paused for a long two minutes, then they both looked at each other and both of them shouted out, “Awesome!” “So wait, what would happen if we told the conventioneers that the dude that they saw was really a monster?” the zombie cost-player asked the Darth Vader cost-player as they both stood at the middle of the staircase. “Screw that theory! There’s no way that they will believe us!” The Darth Vader cost-player exclaimed. “Say, should we get the weapons at your dad’s artillery storage, just in case if any real zombies turn about?” The zombie cost-player asked as he looked to where the Darth Vader cost-player was. “Sure.” The Darth Vader cost-player said and both of them ran down the staircase, not noticing that there was a red glowing eye ball present before them.
“So what do you see?” Leon asked as he looked to where Seras was as she covered her eyes with her right hand as Leon stared at her. “Alright there inside the building, that’s for sure. Although some idiots discovered that Nemesis is really an experiment of Walter’s. However, on the positive side, no one will believe them if they were to tell it to anybody.” Seras said as she placed her right hand down on the table away from her eyes as she looked to where Leon was sitting. “Well, just as long as Nemesis and Luka are okay, we’re cool.” Leon said casually as he sighed in relief lying back on the chair gazing up at the ceiling. Clarabell then walked back from the cash register and walked to the table of which Leon and Seras were sitting.

“Clarabell, any luck?”Seras asked as she looked at Clarabell with a childish look on her face. “No luck so far. As it turns out the owner went somewhere a few days ago without warning. So until then, we can’t go any farther with the investigation.” Clarabell replied as she sighed with a frustrated look on her face. “Well, that sucks, without them, we’re doomed for sure.” Leon whined as he threw himself back on the ground and the chair slammed against the wooden floor. Seras then laid her head on her right hand as her elbows were on the table, moping in silence with a sad expression on her face thinking of what the whole group is going to do now.

Suddenly, and short old Asian woman appeared out of nowhere from opening the double doors walking with a cane at her right hand and asked Seras, whom still had a sad expression on her face, “Is something the matter dear.” Seras then woke up from her trance of cloudy thoughts and turned to her right and notice the old woman standing right there before her. Seras then replied to the old woman in a sweet, gentle voice, “Oh, we were waiting for a friend to help us with a favor, but they never showed.” Leon and Clarabell stood silent as they nodded at the lady and slightly smile. “Aw, that’s very unfortunate of you, dear.” The old woman spoke as she touched Seras’s gloves softly and looked at her. Then the old woman slowly remove her hand from her gloves, slid her right hand through her pocket, and pulled out a pair of cards and place it on the table.

The old lady then asked Seras sincerely as she looked directly at her, “Do you want to play a card game?” Then as Seras stared at the woman confusingly as the old woman shuffled the deck of cards, then she recalled what Luka said earlier about the owner of the café’s interests of playing trick card games and have Seras to accept the offer the owner gives out when she is given the chance. Then Seras smiled at the old woman, knowing that it was really the owner of the café and then responded willingly, “Sure, I don’t mind playing a card game.” “Alright then dear, here’s how the card game goes. There will be a total of three rounds, for each round I’ll place three cards. The card that you must find is the queen of hearts. If you get all three correct, I’ll grant you three rewards based on your choice. But if you lose, you have to pay full price of the whole card game. Is it a deal?” The old woman explained as she smirked at Seras and more than half of the customers in the restaurant turned their heads over to their table. Seras then smiled cheerfully at the old woman and accepted the woman’s request, “It’s a deal.”

“Alright then, let the games begin!” The old woman announced to the public and the customers watched the card game as their eyes lingered at the table. “Now, the first round.” The old woman announced as she grabbed three cards from the pack, placed it on the table, and slowly shuffling it on the table. When the old lady was done shuffling the cards around the table, she looked to where Seras was and said to her, “Pick one.” Seras carefully looked at the cards that were facedown, and miraculously, she was able to see what each of the cards were facedown without revealing it to anybody else. She then pointed to the card in the middle and replied, “This one.” “Are you sure?” The old woman asked as she looked at Seras with curiosity as she picked out the card. “Yes.” Seras replied and the woman turned the card right side up as the old woman eyed at Seras. When the old woman looked to see what the card revealed, to the whole crowd’s surprise, the card revealed itself to be the queen of hearts.

The old woman looked back at Seras and said kindly, “My, your very good at this game, but let’s see if you can keep up with the next two rounds.” The old woman, then replaced one of the cards with a different card, placed the three cards down and shuffled them, but this time quicker. Then Seras analyzed the cards once again, and her eyes revealed the cards again without anybody else know of what the cards are. Then Seras pointed at the card at the right and said, “This one is the card.” The old woman just flipped the card right side up as she looked at Seras again, and then looked back at the card. To the crowd’s further surprise as well as the old woman’s, the card revealed to be the queen of hearts once again.

“I’ve see you made it this far, but let’s see if you can figure out this one?” The old woman then calmly said as she picked up the three cards and replaced one of the cards with a different card as she eyed on the girl. “Oh, man, this level get’s everybody.” One of the old guys in the customer crowd said. “What do you mean by that?” Clarabell asked as she got curious as to what the old man was talking about. “This is the one where everybody loses, and there isn’t one being alive that ever passed the third level.” Another person, whom looked like a guy in their mid 20s, added on to the conversation. “I see, but I don’t have any doubts that our friend here will win.” Clarabell inputted as the rest of the crowd looked at her like as if she were insane. “You’re crazy to think that she is going to win! Who wants to bet that the blond chick over there is going to win against the owner raised their hand now!” None of the crowd raised their hand and they were in dead silence and the guy added on further, “See, I told you so!” “Let’s see about that, shall we?” Clarabell muttered to herself as she continued to watch the card game on its final round.

The old lady then placed the three cards down and shuffled them, this time quicker than an average human being. Seras then analyzed the cards carefully, and her vision revealed what the cards revealed to them. But then, she began to notice that none of the cards placed on the table were the queen of hearts, then she looked to where the old woman was, and then back to the cards. Then Seras began to snicker at the cards and smiled at the old woman and said, “Neither of the cards contain the queen of hearts.” “Are you sure, I’ll like to reveal the cards to you if you like?” The old woman insisted, hoping that Seras would change her mind. “Yes, you may do so.” Seras replied as she smiled and looked down at the cards. The old woman then grabbed all three cards by her right hand and placed all of them right side up as the old woman looked at Seras. When the old woman looked down at the three cards were, the old woman was shocked and then directly looked at the girl. The whole crowd dropped their jaws down as they looked at Seras then back at the cards. The cards revealed that none of the cards were the queen of hearts.

“Oh, my I have never seen anyone play like that before in my life time.” The old woman responded as she looked at Seras in complete shock as she grabbed her cards and placed in her side pocket while the whole crowd stared at Seras. “Impossible! No one was be able to beat her in a card game before!” The guy replied in complete shock to his surprise. “And you were the one whom denied my friend in beating the old woman in the card game? See, I told you so!” Clarabell boasted out in pride and walked to where Seras was as the man stared at Clarabell in disbelief. “Alright everyone the match is over! Now everyone get back to what you’re doing!” The old woman announced herself in front of the whole café and everyone went back to what they were doing previously.

As all of the customers turned their head over to what was in front of their tables, the old woman then turned her attention to where Seras, Leon, and Clarabell are and spoke softly at them, “Well, since you won all three rounds, I shall grant you three rewards of your choice. Now, what three would you like as a reward?” Seras then looked up at the woman an asked her politely, “First, what do you know about a man named Walter Sullivan?” “Some odd request coming from a girl, but I suppose you’re not really a human if I am not correct? You’re a monster created by Walter Sullivan’s scientist as a human experiment, correct?” The old woman replied calmly as she looked to where Seras was as she paced herself near the table where Seras, Leon, and Clarabell where sitting at. Seras then asked the old woman politely as she began to realize that the old woman knew a lot more than what she expected, “Yes, but how did you know?”

“You are the Ultimate Weapon that Walter has created for his own purpose, the key to the world’s future if I am not correct? The Ultimate Weapon can either be the world’s savior or a weapon of destruction.” The old woman imputed as she looked to where Seras was gently smiling at her. “Yes, I’m the Ultimate Weapon that Walter created recently. But how come is it that you know so much about me as well as the rest of his creations?” Seras asked the old woman as Seras became more and more confused by the amount of knowledge the old woman had. “I used to work under Umbrella Corp. as a head secretary when it first started. Walter Sullivan was a very nice man when he first started the company, but then two years after he started out with his company, he became insane. He started mumbling things about ‘mother’ or ‘I must reunite with mother’.” The old woman explained as she grabbed a wooden chair from the table that Seras, Leon, and Clarabell were sitting at and sat along with them. “Alright and what happened after that.” Clarabell asked as she got more and more interested in what the old lady had to say. “Later on as the time passed, he then became more and more insane. Eventually about a year later after he lost his mind, monsters then began to appear literally out of nowhere right in his office.”

“Are you serious?” Leon then interrupted as the old woman was speaking as he slammed his hands against the table, but too many people were chatting amongst themselves that they didn’t even notice the noise. “As it may be hard to believe, yes, and he was at his office at the time. So I asked him why all these creatures were doing right inside his office, and he then started cackling for some odd reason. Then he replied with a sinister smile on his face smiling and said that all of these monsters seemed to appear from the top of his head.” The old woman then explained further as she looked directly at where the three were sitting. “I see, those monsters appeared from his head then. I’m guessing that’s how the human experimentation began then, huh?” Seras responded as she now understood what the old woman was talking about. “Yes, indeed that’s how it started. He then claimed that his mother was an Omni goddess and she gave birth to him so that way he can dominate the world. He said that he also needed to use his twenty first sacrament and the Ultimate Weapon in order to do so. After that I resign the Umbrella Corp. position and started my café business right across of it.” The old woman concluded her explanation as looked across from where the Umbrella department building resides.

“But wait, I thought it was all twenty one sacraments and the Ultimate Weapon?” Seras said in confusion as she was looking at the old woman sitting across from her. “Not really, he only uses the first twenty sacraments as his vessels. His twenty first sacrament is half of what he needs to conquer the world. The Ultimate Weapon is the other half of what he needs in order to conquer the world, which is you.” The old woman explained as she looked to where Seras was sitting. “I see, so how did Walter create his experiments, both sacraments and the Ultimate Weapon?” Seras asked the old woman as she got more curious about Walter’s whereabouts.

“Well Walter basically created serums inside of each of those live human experiments, from what I heard, all of these monsters lose all their memories as well as their heart, as for the Ultimate Weapon I don’t know about memories, but this is probably the only creation that he accidently created a heart with.” The old woman inputted as she placed her hand underneath his chin. “Well, I do still have my memories…wait, accidently created a heart, you mean…” Seras then responded softly as she looked down on the floor and then looked back at the old woman. “Since he accidently created a heart for you, you can choose your own destiny under your own accord, something that Walter failed to realize earlier.” The woman explained as she looked at Seras with a slight smile on her face. “I see then, so I can choose to whether or not to destroy the world, is that correct?” Seras then replied cheerfully as she smiled at the old woman.

“That’s correct, but remember that the twenty first sacrament may not have the same option as you. Therefore, promise me that you’ll never let Walter have the twenty first sacrament under any circumstances, understand?” The old woman spoke to Seras hoping that she would keep the promise. Seras then nodded and shook her head and responded to the old woman cheerfully, “Yes, I’ll protect the person no matter what!” The old woman then smiled cheerfully and then asked Seras, “I suppose I should tell you the three remaining sacraments, shouldn’t I?” “Yes please.” Seras replied as she looked at old woman with a worried face. “The nineteenth and twentieth sacraments are with you right now, as for the twenty first one, is an escaped victim of the murder that Walter committed so long ago.” The old woman then responded as she was looking at both Clarabell and Leon.

“Hold on, so you’re saying that Clarabell and I are the nineteenth and twentieth sacraments? That’s messed up!” Leon exclaimed at the whole table as he threw himself against the chair in frustration. “Is that all for you first request my dear?”
The old woman asked as she looked at Seras. “Yes, that will be all for my first request.” Seras replied with a smile on her face as she looked to where the old woman was. “Alright then, for your second request?” The old woman asked as she looked to where Seras was. Before Seras could say anything, she was interrupted by Clarabell, whom asked the old woman demandingly, “Give us the keys to the Profile room.” “Alright dear, if you wish.” The old woman replied to Clarabell as she grabbed an iron ring with a bunch of keys hanging on to it with her right hand. “As for which it is, I do not remember. That is something that you have to figure out on your own.” The old woman said calmly as she handed the ring load of keys to Clarabell. Clarabell then gently took the keys from the old woman’s right hand and walked through the miniature doors on the right side of the counter and went to a black door which stood behind the miniature doors and started trying the keys out.

“Anything else for you second reward dear?” The old woman asked Seras as she smiled cheerfully as Clarabell was trying to figure out which key leads them to the room. “No, that will be all for my second reward.” Seras said politely as she looked to where the woman was, smiling cheerfully. “All right, and for your third reward?” The old woman asked Seras as she looked at her with curiosity. Seras took a moment a thought about her last request, then a few moments after she then asked the old woman in a tranquil voice, “Tell us about our future.” Leon then looked at her like Seras was being childish or somewhat related to it. Then the old woman responded with a serious tone in her voice and her face stiff like iron, “For the two of you, during your journey of something that you will pursuit, you will lose something dear to you.” “And what that will be, miss?” Seras asked with a worried look on her face and her voice quivered as she looked at the woman. Then the woman said calmly with a solemn face, “I cannot say whom; however I can describe to whom you will lose. For the man next to you, the thing most dear to him that he will lose is a pretty girl wearing a purple dress with long red hair. As for you my dear, the thing that you will lose that is most dear to you is her lover.”

“I see, thanks for the warning miss.” Seras acknowledge the old woman as Seras looked directly at the old woman. The woman then asked the two as the three got up from the wooden heart decorated seats, “Mind if I ask what your names are?” Seras and Leon looked at each other for a short moment and looked back at the old woman whom stood there with an Asian antique cane with both hands and Seras replied while Leon just stood there waving his hand, “I’m Seras, that’s Leon, and the one trying to open the door is Clarabell.” “I see, so Clarabell is the one that’s having trouble opening up the door. I’ll attend to her immediately.” The old woman said calmly as she quickly walked to the door with her two tiny feet with her cane on the side.

“So, what do we do now?” Leon slowly turned around to where Seras was, and noticed that Seras has covered both of her eyes with her right hand. She then whispered in a soft tone to where she makes little commotion, “Commencing sequence, level 2, third eye, Raccoon City convention center building, documentary room.” Leon then looked at her with curiosity and stared at her for two whole minutes wondering what Seras was viewing this time. When the two minutes passed by, Seras then removed her right hand from both eyes and said to Leon in a whisper, “Alright, they both entered into the documentary room safely. Though, two of the three school girls that were with them were frightened for some reason.” “Just as long as Luka and Nemesis both entered the building safe and sound, it’s all good.” Leon imputed as he turned around to where Seras was and smiled at her.

Clarabell came rushing in to them as she panted and said exhaustingly, “Okay, the door to the Profile room is open. Man that was a process of trial and error!” The old woman appeared right next to Clarabell and added on, “She almost broke the lock of the door when she tried to open it using one of the keys. It’s a good thing I came to her on time then, otherwise she would have done so.” Clarabell smiled, embarrassed at that moment, and Seras replied cheerfully, “So we can go inside the profile room now?” The old woman nodded slowly and said to the three standing in the café doors, “Yes, and I will accompany you to the room to make sure that nothing weird happens while your over there.”

“Alright then, lead the way.” Seras complied acknowledging the old woman’s presence as the old woman walked to the door, signaling them to follow her. Leon followed the old woman to the door then Seras then followed after him, then Clarabell as last to make sure nothing happens to Seras since Leon hates paying attention to his surroundiongs. One by one, each one went through the door, and as Clarabell went through the door, she then closed the door behind her, leaving a loud creak and a slam as it closed and followed behind the group.

To Be Continued in Part III B

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