Voices o.o... Rocker Death Fairy
My name is... I am Angel the girl that always wears her hair down and my twin sister is Raven who most of the time wears her hair up.
I'm... Eighteen
I like... You couldn't really call it a sexual prefrence we love each other but we do check out guys. So I guess you could say we are bisexual.
I'm a master at... Well we are both skilled at self defense or martial arts whatever, we are considered the masters of pranks at the school. Always getting into trouble. I myself am really good at art and photography. I love to paint when I am staying out of trouble. My sister Raven is pretty good with computers and books, you will often find her in the libery if shes not in the music hall. Yeah Raven is amazing at music, she can play the violen, the panio, and the guitar if shes feeling like a rock star. We both can sing but I don't love music like Raven does.
Well~ today I got candy from... (Who your partner will be. NOTE: this will be decided to who ever takes the other slot of the same flavor. then you both have to work it out.)
Random Fact! (the other option. scars tattoos, favorite accessory, anything.)
My name is... I am Angel the girl that always wears her hair down and my twin sister is Raven who most of the time wears her hair up.
I'm... Eighteen
I like... You couldn't really call it a sexual prefrence we love each other but we do check out guys. So I guess you could say we are bisexual.
I'm a master at... Well we are both skilled at self defense or martial arts whatever, we are considered the masters of pranks at the school. Always getting into trouble. I myself am really good at art and photography. I love to paint when I am staying out of trouble. My sister Raven is pretty good with computers and books, you will often find her in the libery if shes not in the music hall. Yeah Raven is amazing at music, she can play the violen, the panio, and the guitar if shes feeling like a rock star. We both can sing but I don't love music like Raven does.
I went to School at.... (time/day) ..And I got this candy that was... (the flavor/slot you are in).....Then I got this power! It was....(your powers here. Make something up that isn't cliche and is interesting or curious)
If you really need to know... (BIO, Give about a good heavy four paragraphs or something)
Oh My gwad, YES! (Likes)
PUT IT AWAY NOW! (dislikes)
If you really need to know... (BIO, Give about a good heavy four paragraphs or something)
Oh My gwad, YES! (Likes)
PUT IT AWAY NOW! (dislikes)
Well~ today I got candy from... (Who your partner will be. NOTE: this will be decided to who ever takes the other slot of the same flavor. then you both have to work it out.)
Random Fact! (the other option. scars tattoos, favorite accessory, anything.)