so. prom was pretty cool~ date was a cool cat, food was delicious, torino was fun to drive (sarcasm lawl), decorations were okay, music was okay, but the dress was horrible. gonk

didn't like that it was white, didn't like how the straps turned out, still don't like the whole design of it.
maybe its because i wanted to do Dreamers' Dust so freaking bad and never did...
so there is a LOT of regret going on right now.
i liked how the dress felt, but that's about it. just a total bummer, I guess....
alas, that just means that Dreamers' Dust MUST come into creation ASAP. the self-humiliation of prom will only spur me onward now.
but afterprom was amazing. heart won a digital picture frame and $20 to whitney music, pretty awesome ^^ got over $150,000 in fake money by the end of the night... too bad it wasn't real lawl.
hypnotist was awesome, too. xD
so as of now, just chillin' getting my calendars all synced up and ready to go because i really don't want to work on the ooooooooodles of homework i have to do. gonk
accursed trigonometry.
OC tonight in litch, i do believe.