Here I'll post some pics, memories and stuff about my easter 2k11 3nodding
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Me with Diedrich! Is he cute or what? whee
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Me and Tsuki hanging out at my house! Our avis look so good together xd
Me, Cheri and Tsuki having fun at my house 3nodding
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Group hug in Barton Town: me, Cheri and Notro! (You can't see Cheri very well, cuz she's hiding behind me and Notro, but she's there xd )
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Me, Tsuki and Robi (three cute little bunnies) hanging out at my guild's mule's house (cuz my house didn't load) xd
And then came Cheri (the fourth cute little bunny). whee We had a looot of fun! blaugh
After Tsuki (the super-sexy pink bunny from the cotton candy land) left, came a friend of Cheri. He's a bunny as well.... 3nodding
I think.... xd
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I got bored and so I decided to celebrate Easter by organizing this little party in zOMG. It was soooo much fun and here are some pics from my zOMG easter party 2011 3nodding
Pics made by roxcerise:
Pics by Tamcsi:
A pic made by iYukimura Sanada:
Pics made by shaphat:
Pics made by Blueberry:
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Ok, here are some GE pics blaugh
GE in Old Aqueduct:
GE in Bill's Ranch
GE in Otami
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And that's it! These are my easter 2011 memories, I hope you all liked them! blaugh
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